BZOJ1452 count (树状数组)


 1 Program BZOJ1452;
 2 const maxn=308;
 3       maxc=108;
 4 var a:array[0..maxn,0..maxn,0..maxc] of longint;
 5     f:array[0..maxn,0..maxn] of longint;
 6     m,n,i,j,x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,z,Q,ch,sum:longint;
 7 procedure add(i,j,c,k:longint);
 8 var x,y:longint;
 9 begin
10     x:=i;
11     while x<=m do
12     begin
13         y:=j;
14         while y<=n do
15         begin
16             inc(a[x,y,c],k);
17             y:=y+y and -y;
18         end;
19         x:=x+x and -x;
20     end;
21 end;
22 function sigma(i,j,c:longint):longint;
23 var x,y,sum:longint;
24 begin
25     sum:=0;    x:=i;
26     while x>0 do
27     begin
28         y:=j;
29         while y>0 do
30         begin
31             inc(sum,a[x,y,c]);
32             y:=y-y and -y;
33         end;
34         x:=x-x and -x;
35     end;
36     exit(sum);
37 end;
38 begin
39     readln(m,n);
40     for i:=1 to m do
41         for j:=1 to n do
42         begin
43             read(x);
44             add(i,j,x,1);
45             f[i,j]:=x;
46         end;
47     readln(Q);
48     while Q>0 do
49     begin
50         read(ch);
51         if ch=1 then
52         begin
53             readln(x,y,z);
54             add(x,y,f[x,y],-1);
55             f[x,y]:=z;
56             add(x,y,z,1);
57         end else
58         begin
59             readln(x1,x2,y1,y2,z);
60             sum:=sigma(x2,y2,z)-sigma(x1-1,y2,z)-sigma(x2,y1-1,z)+sigma(x1-1,y1-1,z);
61             writeln(sum);
62         end;
63         dec(Q);
64     end;
65 end.
时间: 2024-12-10 00:03:00

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