2017中国大学生程序设计竞赛 - 网络选拔赛 1005

CaoHaha‘s staff

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 32768/32768 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 0    Accepted Submission(s): 0

Problem Description

"You shall not pass!"
After shouted out that,the Force Staff appered in CaoHaha‘s hand.
we all know,the Force Staff is a staff with infinity power.If you can
use it skillful,it may help you to do whatever you want.
But now,his new owner,CaoHaha,is a sorcerers apprentice.He can only use that staff to send things to other place.
come to CaoHaha.Requesting him send a toy to his new girl friend.It was
so far that Dreamwyy can only resort to CaoHaha.
The first step to
send something is draw a Magic array on a Magic place.The magic place
looks like a coordinate system,and each time you can draw a segments
either on cell sides or on cell diagonals.In additional,you need 1
minutes to draw a segments.
If you want to send something ,you need
to draw a Magic array which is not smaller than the that.You can make it
any deformation,so what really matters is the size of the object.
want to help dreamwyy but his time is valuable(to learn to be just like
you),so he want to draw least segments.However,because of his bad
math,he needs your help.


The first line contains one integer T(T<=300).The number of toys.
Then T lines each contains one intetger S.The size of the toy(N<=1e9).


Out put T integer in each line ,the least time CaoHaha can send the toy.

Sample Input


Sample Output

4 4 6 6 7



1、s = 4*n 这种情况是构成一个正方形,都是在对角线上的:


2、s = 4*n + 1:


3、s = 4*n + 2:


4、s = 4*n + 3:



 1 #include <iostream>
 2 #include <stdio.h>
 3 #include <string.h>
 4 #include <vector>
 5 #include <map>
 6 #include <set>
 7 #define ll long long
 8 using namespace std;
 9 ll solve(ll y) {
10     ll n = y / 4, ans = y % 4, x;
11     if(ans == 0) {
12         x = 2*n*n;
13     }else if(ans == 1) {
14         x = 2*n*n+n-1;
15     }else if(ans == 2) {
16         x = 2*n*n+2*n;
17     }else if(ans == 3) {
18         x = 2*n*n+3*n;
19     }
20     return x;
21 }
22 int main() {
23     ll t, x;
24     scanf("%lld", &t);
25     while(t--) {
26         scanf("%lld", &x);
27         for(ll i = 4; ; i ++) {
28             if(solve(i) >= x) {
29                 printf("%lld\n",i);
30                 break;
31             }
32         }
33     }
34     return 0;
35 }
时间: 2024-12-10 18:36:56

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