[leedcode 139] Word Break

Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words.

For example, given
s = "leetcode",
dict = ["leet", "code"].

Return true because "leetcode" can be segmented as "leet code".

public class Solution {
    //如果一个字符串 s[0,i) 能被拆分,则一定能找到一个j使得:s[0,j) 能被拆分 且 s[j,i) 在字典中
    public boolean wordBreak(String s, Set<String> wordDict) {
        boolean dp[]=new boolean[s.length()+1];
        for(int i=1;i<=s.length();i++){
            for(int j=0;j<i;j++){

        return dp[s.length()];
时间: 2024-10-10 18:11:47

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Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words. For example, givens = "leetcode",dict = ["leet", "code"]. Return true because &

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题目链接:https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/word-break/ 参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/c_flybird/article/details/80703494 http://www.cnblogs.com/springfor/p/3874731.html 这种题目一般出现字符串.子数组都需要使用动态规划 dp[i],前i个字符串是否在字典中. dp[0]=true;空字符肯定是在字典中. public boolean wordBre

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139. Word Break

题目: Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words. For example, givens = "leetcode",dict = ["leet", "code"]. Return true becau

【LeetCode】139 - Word Break

Given a string s and a dictionary of words dict, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence of one or more dictionary words. For example, givens = "leetcode",dict = ["leet", "code"]. Return true because &