Bug搬运工-Forerunner CRC error on 54SG/53SG3 triggers watchdog timeout crash

这个bug,一般是设备4948 Crash的情况:

标志1:Error Message C4K_SUPERVISOR-2-SOFTERROR: memory inconsistency detected

标志2:Tatooine CRC Error


Forerunner CRC error on 54SG/53SG3 triggers watchdog timeout crash



Switch can crash with an Watchdog NMI Vector 000 and CRC error.


1) Applies to Sup6-E, 4900M, Sup6L-E, 4948-E
2) IOS 12.2(50)SG OR 12.2(53)SG3 OR 12.2(54)SG only
3) "%C4K_SUPERVISOR-2-FPGASOFTERROR: Memory inconsistency detected" have
appeared on the switch followed by link flaps and pluggable insertion/removal on uplinks
4) On 4900M affected ports are baseboard ports
5) On 4948-E affected ports are all ports

1) Reload the switch as soon as "%C4K_SUPERVISOR-2-FPGASOFTERROR: Memory
inconsistency detected" messages appear.

2) Upgrade to 12.2(54)SG1 OR 12.2(53)SG4 (and higher) OR 15.0(02)SG (and

Further Problem Description:
"%C4K_SUPERVISOR-2-FPGASOFTERROR: Memory inconsistency detected" is due to a
legitimate parity error occurring on a device on the supervisor. The switch
should be reloaded at the next available maintenance window.


时间: 2025-01-13 08:48:33

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