LeetCode 5258. 得分最高的单词集合 Maximum Score Words Formed by Letters

地址 https://leetcode-cn.com/problems/maximum-score-words-formed-by-letters/

你将会得到一份单词表 words,一个字母表 letters (可能会有重复字母),以及每个字母对应的得分情况表 score。

请你帮忙计算玩家在单词拼写游戏中所能获得的「最高得分」:能够由 letters 里的字母拼写出的 任意 属于 words 单词子集中,分数最高的单词集合的得分。


玩家需要用字母表 letters 里的字母来拼写单词表 words 中的单词。
可以只使用字母表 letters 中的部分字母,但是每个字母最多被使用一次。
单词表 words 中每个单词只能计分(使用)一次。
根据字母得分情况表score,字母 ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’, … , ‘z’ 对应的得分分别为 score[0], score[1], …, score[25]。


示例 1:

输入:words = ["dog","cat","dad","good"], letters = ["a","a","c","d","d","d","g","o","o"],
score = [1,0,9,5,0,0,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
字母得分为  a=1, c=9, d=5, g=3, o=2
使用给定的字母表 letters,我们可以拼写单词 "dad" (5+1+5)和 "good" (3+2+2+5),得分为 23 。
而单词 "dad" 和 "dog" 只能得到 21 分。
示例 2:

输入:words = ["xxxz","ax","bx","cx"], letters = ["z","a","b","c","x","x","x"],
score = [4,4,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,5,0,10]
字母得分为  a=4, b=4, c=4, x=5, z=10
使用给定的字母表 letters,我们可以组成单词 "ax" (4+5), "bx" (4+5) 和 "cx" (4+5) ,总得分为 27 。
单词 "xxxz" 的得分仅为 25 。
示例 3:

输入:words = ["leetcode"], letters = ["l","e","t","c","o","d"],
score = [0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0]
字母 "e" 在字母表 letters 中只出现了一次,所以无法组成单词表 words 中的单词。


1 <= words.length <= 14
1 <= words[i].length <= 15
1 <= letters.length <= 100
letters[i].length == 1
score.length == 26
0 <= score[i] <= 10
words[i] 和 letters[i] 只包含小写的英文字母。

DFS 暴力枚举 是的 就是暴力
也许出题人是想做动态规划?? 然后降低了数据量么?

 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 4 int ret = 0;
 5 void transferToArr(const vector<string>& words, vector<vector<int>>& wordsArr,
 6     const  vector<char>& letters, vector<int>& lettersArr)
 7 {
 8     for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
 9         vector<int> tmp(26);
10         for (int j = 0; j < words[i].size(); j++) {
11             int idx = words[i][j] - ‘a‘;
12             tmp[idx]++;
13         }
14         wordsArr.push_back(tmp);
15     }
17     for (int i = 0; i < letters.size(); i++) {
18         int idx = letters[i] - ‘a‘;
19         lettersArr[idx]++;
20     }
21 }
23 int SelectWord(vector<int> wordCount, vector<int>& lettersArr, vector<int>& score)
24 {
25     int retScore = 0;
26     for (int i = 0; i < wordCount.size(); i++) {
27         if (wordCount[i] != 0) {
28             if (wordCount[i] > lettersArr[i])
29                 return 0;
30             lettersArr[i] -= wordCount[i];
31             retScore += score[i] * wordCount[i];
32         }
33     }
35     return retScore;
36 }
38 void DFS(vector<vector<int>>& wordsArr, int idx, vector<int> lettersArr, int currScore, vector<int>& score)
39 {
40     if (idx >= wordsArr.size()) {
41         ret = max(ret, currScore);
42         return;
43     }
45     vector<int> copyLettersArr = lettersArr;
46     int addscore = SelectWord(wordsArr[idx], lettersArr, score);
47     if (addscore != 0)
48         DFS(wordsArr, idx+1, lettersArr, currScore + addscore, score);
49     //这里尝试的是不放入该单词的组合
50     DFS(wordsArr, idx + 1, copyLettersArr, currScore, score);
51 }
53 int maxScoreWords(vector<string>& words, vector<char>& letters, vector<int>& score) {
55     vector<vector<int>> wordsArr;
56     vector<int> lettersArr(26);
57     //将提出给出的变量 转化成字符索引 多少个字符为值得数组
58     transferToArr(words, wordsArr, letters, lettersArr);
59     DFS(wordsArr, 0, lettersArr, 0, score);
60     return ret;
61 }
63 };


时间: 2024-08-01 21:38:08

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