
The complete explanation is that 1.0.x and 1.1.x do not have the same naming conventions for the generated libraries. OpenSSL 1.1.x has moved into what they call the “unified build system” and changed themselves the names of the libraries. This was done on purpose, mainly because these libraries are not binary compatible and should not be intermixed into projects or dlls deployed to replace 1.0.x with 1.1.x, and vice versa. So while previously in 1.0.x there were libeay32 and ssleay32, they are in 1.1.x named libssl and libcrypto. That’s what happened upstream in OpenSSL. Read here also: and there are tons of other discussions online you can tap to.

Beyond that, I also manipulate the suffixes in my builds. Namely, I append the MD[d] and MT[d] suffixes, so that it can be clearer when someone uses a library. This may not be very important when using DLLs, but with static builds chaos ensues if you mix them. So I made my own patches to produce these suffixes to the libraries.

I think that’s a complete answer now. I have also a suggestion for you:

You can download my build scripts if you still like to change the names of the library files in a different way and look at the patch, and modify it accordingly.
You can also skip the application of the patch and then you will get exactly the filenaming conventions of OpenSSL upstream in different builds.

I hope this helps.



Things that Broke in Qt

Here‘s what‘s broken in the dev branch of Qt when building openssl master as of 6 Feb 2015.

  • DH - we were directly accessing p and q to set the DH params to primes embedded in Qt. We can probably replace this with SSL_CTX_set_dh_auto(ctx, 1). Another option suggested by Steve Henson is to save the DHparams we‘re using at the moment then use d2i_DHparams to load them in. This is compatible with openssl versions that don‘t have the dh_auto option.
  • ctx->cert_store - we were directly accessing the cert_store field of SSL_CTX. We can probably replace this with X509_STORE *SSL_CTX_get_cert_store(SSL_CTX *ctx) [Fixed in dev]
  • session->tlsext_tick_lifetime_hint - we were directly accessing the lifetime hint of the session. [A new API to access this field has been added]
  • cipher->valid - we were directly accessing the valid field of SSL_CIPHER. No replacement found. [This turned out not to be needed and so will be removed].


时间: 2024-08-23 22:52:18



卸载旧版本 OpenSSL1. apt-get purge openssl2. rm -rf /etc/ssl #删除配置文件编译与安装 OpenSSLprefix 是安装目录,openssldir 是配置文件目录,另外建议安装两次,shared 作用是生成动态连接库. 第一次: ./config --prefix=/usr/local --openssldir=/usr/local/sslmake depend make && make install 第二次:./config shar

openssl 查看版本和配置文件位置

进入命令行输入openssl version 可查看版本信息,如下图: 输入openssl version -a命令可查看更详细的信息 配置文件就位于OPENSSLDIR目录下. 原文地址:


#include <QDebug> #include <QSslSocket> qDebug()<<QSslSocket::sslLibraryBuildVersionString(); 原文地址:


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1 说明 使用环境为:Windows7 VS2015 QT5.6.0(64位),MYSQL 5.7.13(64位). 网上各种错误.模糊.抽象的资料,配置环境花了半天,痛定思痛,总结出来,方便后来人. 原创,转载请注明出处. 2 方法/步骤 2.1 下载和安装QT和MYSQL QT和MYSQL安装部分先后顺序.(VS2015当然也要安装,此处不做详细描述). 2.1.1 下载安装MYSQL 下载MYSQL 下载地址:

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cocos2dx-游戏apk上传Google Play警告:OpenSSL版本有多个安全漏洞,建议您尽快更新 OpenSSL

最近游戏上传Google play是警告 嘿嘿,经过各种百度,终于找到一个解决方案: Openssl 安全漏洞升级库 Cocos2dx Curl 1.0.1h版本 下载完资源后,把文件夹下面的内容整体替换到工程文件对应的文件下面:cocos2dx/platform/third_party/android/prebuilt/libcurl/libs 注意:我自己在实际操作过程中,发现替换后,每次编