hdu4277USACO ORZ dfs暴力枚举+map

//给N个 问rails用着N个rails能构成几个不同的三角形
using namespace std ;
int ans ;
int a[20] ;
int n ;
int sum  =  0 ;
struct node
    int a , b , c ;
    bool operator == (const node d)const
    {return (d.a==a&&d.b==b&&d.c==c);}
bool operator < (const node d , const node e){
    if(d.a == e.a)
        if(d.b == e.b)
        return d.c < e.c ;
        return d.b < e.b ;
    return d.a < e.a;}
bool operator == (const node d , const node e){return (d.a==e.a&&d.b==e.b&&d.c==e.c);}
map<node , int> ma ;
void dfs(int sum_1 , int sum_2 , int sum_3 ,int pos)
    if(sum_1 > sum/2 || sum_2 > sum/2 || sum_3 > sum/2)
    return ;
    if(pos == n + 1)
        if(sum_1 <= sum_2 && sum_2 <= sum_3)
        if(sum_2 + sum_3 > sum_1 && sum_3)
            struct node  a = {sum_1 , sum_2 , sum_3} ;
            if(ma[a] == 0)
                ans++ ;
                ma[a] = 1;
        return ;
    dfs(sum_1+a[pos] , sum_2 , sum_3 , pos+1) ;
    dfs(sum_1 , sum_2 + a[pos] , sum_3 , pos+ 1) ;
    dfs(sum_1 , sum_2 , sum_3+ a[pos] , pos+1) ;
int main()
   //freopen("in.txt" ,"r" , stdin) ;
    int T ;
    scanf("%d" ,&T) ;
        sum =  0 ;
        scanf("%d" ,&n) ;
        for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)
        scanf("%d" ,&a[i]) ,sum += a[i] ;
        ans = 0 ;ma.clear() ;
        dfs(0 , 0 , 0 ,1) ;
        printf("%d\n" ,ans) ;


时间: 2024-08-05 02:35:20

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