

select * from tbl a where rowid not in (select max(b.rowid) from tbl b where a.col1=b.col1 and a.col2 = b.col2)

时间: 2024-08-30 09:15:09



oracle查询重复数据 select * from 表 where 条件 and 判重字段 not in (select 判重字段 from 表 where 条件 group by 判重字段 having count(*) > 1) 根据rowid删除重复数据,保留一条 delete from 表 where 条件 and 判重字段 not in (select 判重字段 from 表 where 条件 group by 判重字段 having count(*) >1) and rowid


查找所有重复标题的记录:SELECT *FROM t_info aWHERE ((SELECT COUNT(*)FROM t_infoWHERE Title = a.Title) > 1)ORDER BY Title DESC一.查找重复记录1.查找全部重复记录Select * From 表 Where 重复字段 In (Select 重复字段 From 表 Group By 重复字段 Having Count(*)>1)2.过滤重复记录(只显示一条)Select * From HZT Whe

Oracle 查询出来的数据取第一条

Oracle 查询出来的数据取第一条 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 转载自: select * from (select * from <table> order by <key>) where rownum=1; select * from (select * from &l

Oracle 查询重复数据

如TEST表有3表字段 id  name  address 如下: id  name  address 1   小二    北京 2   小二    东京 3   小二    北京 4   小刘    南京 如要查出 name  和  address 重复的数据. select * from ( select name,address,count(0) as mores from test group by name,address ) as a where a.mores  > 1 此时查出的


我们先准备一张表,结果如图: 现在我们查询一下重复的数据,那就是张三了,我们应该怎么写呢?应该这样写 select * from usertb where name in (select name from usertb group by name having count (name) > 1) 输出结果:.如图: 大家有木有发现,我明明有这些字段和表,为什么还显示无效就是红色的波浪线呢,原因是 原因是SQL Server的intellisense(智能感知功能)需要重新整理一下,用快捷键Ct


查询某个字段有重复的数据: select org_id from oa_food_yy group by org_id having count(*)>1 查询某些字段有重复的数据: select org_id,food_id from oa_food_yy group by org_id,food_id having count(*)>1 select * from oa_food_yy where (org_id,food_id) in (select org_id,food_id fro

ORACLE 删除重复的数据

内容转自: 查询及删除重复记录的SQL语句 1.查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(Id)来判断 select Id from 表 group byId having count(Id) > 1  --(查找表中那个字段是重复的) select * from 表 where Id in (select Id from 表 group byId having count(Id) > 1) 

sql 查询重复行数据

1.查找表中多余的重复记录,重复记录是根据单个字段(peopleId)来判断select * from peoplewhere peopleId in (select  peopleId  from  people  group  by  peopleId  having count(peopleId) > 1) 例二: select * from testtable where numeber in (select number from people group by number havi


比如现在有一人员表 (表名:peosons) drop table PERSONS; create table PERSONS ( PNAME VARCHAR2(50), CARDID VARCHAR2(18), ADDRESS VARCHAR2(100) ); insert into persons ( PNAME, CARDID, ADDRESS) values ( '张三', '430682199002121010', '深圳'); insert into persons ( PNAME,