

本文档试图帮助您使用Blender API时在哪些地方可能会带来麻烦,避免一些不稳定性的操作。

1  Using Operators




  • 不能传递诸如物体、网格或材料等数据来操作(只能操作上下文数据)
  • 操作符的返回是否操作成功(如果它完成了或者被取消了),在某些情况下,从API的角度来返回操作的结果会更符合逻辑。
  • 运营商的投票功能失败的话,API函数会引发一个异常,详细说明原因。

1.1 Why does an operator’s poll fail?



>>> bpy.ops.action.clean(threshold=0.001)
RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.action.clean.poll() failed, context is incorrect

Which raises the question as to what the correct context might be?


Typically operators check for the active area type, a selection or active object they can operate on, but some operators are more picky about when they run.

一般来说,操作员会检查活动区域类型,操作的是选择或活动对象,但是一些operators 在运行时更挑剔。

In most cases you can figure out what context an operator needs simply be seeing how it’s used in Blender and thinking about what it does.


Unfortunately if you’re still stuck - the only way to really know whats going on is to read the source code for the poll function and see what its checking.


For Python operators it’s not so hard to find the source since it’s included with Blender and the source file/line is included in the operator reference docs.


Downloading and searching the C code isn’t so simple, especially if you’re not familiar with the C language but by searching the operator name or description you should be able to find the poll function with no knowledge of C.



Blender does have the functionality for poll functions to describe why they fail, but its currently not used much, if you’re interested to help improve our API feel free to add calls to CTX_wm_operator_poll_msg_set where its not obvious why poll fails.


>>> bpy.ops.gpencil.draw()
RuntimeError: Operator bpy.ops.gpencil.draw.poll() Failed to find Grease Pencil data to draw into

1.2 The operator still doesn’t work!


Certain operators in Blender are only intended for use in a specific context, some operators for example are only called from the properties window where they check the current material, modifier or constraint.



Another possibility is that you are the first person to attempt to use this operator in a script and some modifications need to be made to the operator to run in a different context, if the operator should logically be able to run but fails when accessed from a script it should be reported to the bug tracker.


2  Stale Data


2.1 No updates after setting values


Sometimes you want to modify values from Python and immediately access the updated values, eg:


Once changing the objects bpy.types.Object.location you may want to access its transformation right after from bpy.types.Object.matrix_world, but this doesn’t work as you might expect.

当你修改了bpy.types.Object.location ,你可能想获取它的变换信息bpy.types.Object.matrix_world,但这并不如你所愿。

Consider the calculations that might go into working out the object’s final transformation, this includes:


  • animation function curves.
  • 动画曲线函数。
  • drivers and their Python expressions.
  • 驱动程序及其Python表达式。
  • constraints
  • 约束
  • parent objects and all of their f-curves, constraints etc.
  • 父对象和所有的f曲线,约束等。

To avoid expensive recalculations every time a property is modified, Blender defers making the actual calculations until they are needed.


However, while the script runs you may want to access the updated values. In this case you need to call bpy.types.Scene.update after modifying values, for example:


bpy.context.object.location = 1, 2, 3

Now all dependent data (child objects, modifiers, drivers... etc) has been recalculated and is available to the script.


2.2 Can I redraw during the script?


The official answer to this is no, or... “You don’t want to do that”.

官方给出的答案是 不。因为“你并不想那么做”

To give some background on the topic...


While a script executes Blender waits for it to finish and is effectively locked until its done, while in this state Blender won’t redraw or respond to user input. Normally this is not such a problem because scripts distributed with Blender tend not to run for an extended period of time, nevertheless scripts can take ages to execute and its nice to see whats going on in the view port.


Tools that lock Blender in a loop and redraw are highly discouraged since they conflict with Blenders ability to run multiple operators at once and update different parts of the interface as the tool runs.

在循环和重绘中锁定Blender的工具是非常不受鼓励的,因为它们与Blenders可以同时运行多个操作符 并在工具运行时更新接口的不同部分的能力 发生冲突。

So the solution here is to write a modal operator, that is - an operator which defines a modal() function, See the modal operator template in the text editor.


Modal operators execute on user input or setup their own timers to run frequently, they can handle the events or pass through to be handled by the keymap or other modal operators.


Transform, Painting, Fly-Mode and File-Select are example of a modal operators.


Writing modal operators takes more effort than a simple for loop that happens to redraw but is more flexible and integrates better with Blenders design.


Ok, Ok! I still want to draw from Python


If you insist - yes its possible, but scripts that use this hack wont be considered for inclusion in Blender and any issues with using it wont be considered bugs, this is also not guaranteed to work in future releases.


bpy.ops.wm.redraw_timer(type=‘DRAW_WIN_SWAP‘, iterations=1)

3  Modes and Mesh Access


When working with mesh data you may run into the problem where a script fails to run as expected in edit-mode. This is caused by edit-mode having its own data which is only written back to the mesh when exiting edit-mode.


A common example is that exporters may access a mesh through obj.data (a bpy.types.Mesh) but the user is in edit-mode, where the mesh data is available but out of sync with the edit mesh.

一个常见的例子是,导出时可以通过 obj.data (a bpy.types.Mesh)获取网格数据,但用户处于编辑模式时,网格数据虽然可用,但与编辑网格不同步。

In this situation you can...


  • Exit edit-mode before running the tool.
  • 在使用tool的时候推出编辑模式
  • Explicitly update the mesh by calling bmesh.types.BMesh.to_mesh.
  • 通过调用bmesh.types.BMesh.to_mesh.来明确提出  更新网格
  • Modify the script to support working on the edit-mode data directly, see: bmesh.from_edit_mesh.
  • 修改脚本,使直接支持在编辑模式下获取数据,参见bmesh.from_edit_mesh.
  • Report the context as incorrect and only allow the script to run outside edit-mode.
  • 检查环境是不是在编辑模式下,只让脚本运行在编辑模式外

4  NGons and Tessellation Faces


Tessellation -细分曲面

Since 2.63 NGons are supported, this adds some complexity since in some cases you need to access triangles/quads still (some exporters for example).

由于2.63 NGons支持,这增加了一些复杂性,因为在某些情况下您仍然需要访问三角形/ quad(例如导出的时候)。

There are now 3 ways to access faces:


  • bpy.types.MeshPolygon - this is the data structure which now stores faces in object mode (access as mesh.polygons rather than mesh.faces).
  • bpy.types.MeshPolygon -这是现在在对象模式下存储面片的数据结构(通过 mesh.polygons 获取,而不是 mesh.faces).
  • bpy.types.MeshTessFace - the result of triangulating (tessellated) polygons, the main method of face access in 2.62 or older (access as mesh.tessfaces).
  • bpy.types.MeshTessFace - 用三角形细分曲面的结果,2.62及之前版本获取表面的主要方法(通过 mesh.tessfaces获取).
  • bmesh.types.BMFace - the polygons as used in editmode.
  • bmesh.types.BMFace -在编辑模式中使用的多边形。

For the purpose of the following documentation, these will be referred to as polygons, tessfaces and bmesh-faces respectively.

在下面的文档中,这些将分别称为polygons,tessfaces和bmesh - faces。

5+ sided faces will be referred to as ngons.


4.1 Support Overview


Usage bpy.types.MeshPolygon bpy.types.MeshTessFace bmesh.types.BMFace
Import/Create Poor (inflexible) Good (supported as upgrade path) Best
Manipulate Poor (inflexible) Poor (loses ngons) Best
Export/Output Good (ngon support) Good (When ngons can’t be used) Good (ngons, extra memory overhead)


Using the bmesh api is completely separate api from bpy, typically you would would use one or the other based on the level of editing needed, not simply for a different way to access faces.

使用 bmesh api是完全独立于bpy的api,通常您会根据需要的编辑级别使用一个或另一个api,而不是简单地以不同的方式访问faces。

4.2 Creating

All 3 datatypes can be used for face creation.


  • polygons are the most efficient way to create faces but the data structure is _very_ rigid and inflexible, you must have all your vertes and faces ready and create them all at once. This is further complicated by the fact that each polygon does not store its own verts (as with tessfaces), rather they reference an index and size in bpy.types.Mesh.loops which are a fixed array too.
  • polygons是创建faces的最有效的方法,但其数据结构非常死板僵硬,你必须把所有的顶点和faces都准备好,并立即创建它们。由于每个多边形都不存储自己的顶点数据(与tessfaces一样),更复杂的是,它们引用了bpy.types.Mesh.loops中的索引和大小,而这是一个固定的数组。
  • tessfaces ideally should not be used for creating faces since they are really only tessellation cache of polygons, however for scripts upgrading from 2.62 this is by far the most straightforward option. This works by creating tessfaces and when finished - they can be converted into polygons by calling bpy.types.Mesh.update. The obvious limitation is ngons can’t be created this way.
  • tessfaces 理论上不用来创建faces,因为它们只是多边形的细分缓存,但在2.62版本之后,这是一种最直接的操作。当细分操作完成后,通过调用 bpy.types.Mesh.update可以将其装换为多边形。一个明显的限制是ngons(多于四个边)不能以这种方法创建。
  • bmesh-faces are most likely the easiest way for new scripts to create faces, since faces can be added one by one and the api has features intended for mesh manipulation. While bmesh.types.BMesh uses more memory it can be managed by only operating on one mesh at a time.
  • bmesh-faces可能是用脚本创建faces最简单的方法了,由于faces可以一个接一个地添加,而api有一个用于网格操作的特性。虽然bmesh.types.BMesh使用更多的内存,它只能一次只在一个网格上运行。

4.3 Editing

Editing is where the 3 data types vary most.


  • Polygons are very limited for editing, changing materials and options like smooth works but for anything else they are too inflexible and are only intended for storage.
  • Polygons编辑起来很有限制,改变材料和选择,比如平滑的作品,但对于其他任何东西,它们太不灵活,只用于存储。
  • Tessfaces should not be used for editing geometry because doing so will cause existing ngons to be tessellated.
  • Tessfaces不应该用于编辑几何,因为这样做会导致现有的ngons被镶嵌。
  • BMesh-Faces are by far the best way to manipulate geometry.
  • 到目前为止,BMesh-Faces 是操纵几何的最好方法。

4.4 Exporting


All 3 data types can be used for exporting, the choice mostly depends on whether the target format supports ngons or not.


  • Polygons are the most direct & efficient way to export providing they convert into the output format easily enough.
  • Polygons是最直接、最有效的导出方式,它们可以很容易地转换成输出格式。
  • Tessfaces work well for exporting to formats which dont support ngons, in fact this is the only place where their use is encouraged.
  • Tessfaces可以很好地导出不支持ngons的格式,事实上,这是唯一鼓励使用它们的地方。
  • BMesh-Faces can work for exporting too but may not be necessary if polygons can be used since using bmesh gives some overhead because its not the native storage format in object mode.
  • BMesh-Faces也可以用于导出,但如果使用polygons它就是没有必要的,因为使用bmesh提供了一些开销,因为它不是对象模式中的原生存储格式。

4.5 Upgrading Importers from 2.62

Importers can be upgraded to work with only minor changes.


The main change to be made is used the tessellation versions of each attribute.

最主要变化是使用每个属性的tessellation 版本。

Once the data is created call bpy.types.Mesh.update to convert the tessfaces into polygons.


4.6 Upgrading Exporters from 2.62


For exporters the most direct way to upgrade is to use tessfaces as with importing however its important to know that tessfaces maynot exist for a mesh, the array will be empty as if there are no faces.


So before accessing tessface data call: bpy.types.Mesh.update (calc_tessface=True).

所以要在访问tessface数据之前调用bpy.types.Mesh.update 。

5  EditBones, PoseBones, Bone... Bones 骨骼绑定

Armature Bones in Blender have three distinct data structures that contain them. If you are accessing the bones through one of them, you may not have access to the properties you really need.


In the following examples bpy.context.object is assumed to be an armature object.

5.1 Edit Bones

bpy.context.object.data.edit_bones contains a editbones; to access them you must set the armature mode to edit mode first (editbones do not exist in object or pose mode). Use these to create new bones, set their head/tail or roll, change their parenting relationships to other bones, etc.

Example using bpy.types.EditBone in armature editmode:

This is only possible in edit mode.

>>> bpy.context.object.data.edit_bones["Bone"].head = Vector((1.0, 2.0, 3.0))

This will be empty outside of editmode.

>>> mybones = bpy.context.selected_editable_bones

Returns an editbone only in edit mode.

>>> bpy.context.active_bone

5.2 Bones (Object Mode)

bpy.context.object.data.bones contains bones. These live in object mode, and have various properties you can change, note that the head and tail properties are read-only.

Example using bpy.types.Bone in object or pose mode:

Returns a bone (not an editbone) outside of edit mode

>>> bpy.context.active_bone

This works, as with blender the setting can be edited in any mode

>>> bpy.context.object.data.bones["Bone"].use_deform = True

Accessible but read-only

>>> tail = myobj.data.bones["Bone"].tail

5.3 Pose Bones

bpy.context.object.pose.bones contains pose bones. This is where animation data resides, i.e. animatable transformations are applied to pose bones, as are constraints and ik-settings.

Examples using bpy.types.PoseBone in object or pose mode:

# Gets the name of the first constraint (if it exists)

# Gets the last selected pose bone (pose mode only)


Notice the pose is accessed from the object rather than the object data, this is why blender can have 2 or more objects sharing the same armature in different poses.


Strictly speaking PoseBone’s are not bones, they are just the state of the armature, stored in the bpy.types.Object rather than the bpy.types.Armature, the real bones are however accessible from the pose bones - bpy.types.PoseBone.bone

5.4 Armature Mode Switching

While writing scripts that deal with armatures you may find you have to switch between modes, when doing so take care when switching out of edit-mode not to keep references to the edit-bones or their head/tail vectors. Further access to these will crash blender so its important the script clearly separates sections of the code which operate in different modes.

This is mainly an issue with editmode since pose data can be manipulated without having to be in pose mode, however for operator access you may still need to enter pose mode.

6  Data Names


6.1 Naming Limitations


A common mistake is to assume newly created data is given the requested name.


This can cause bugs when you add some data (normally imported) then reference it later by name.



# normally some code, function calls...

Or with name assignment...


obj.name = objname

# normally some code, function calls...
obj = bpy.data.meshes[objname]

Data names may not match the assigned values if they exceed the maximum length, are already used or an empty string.


Its better practice not to reference objects by names at all, once created you can store the data in a list, dictionary, on a class etc, there is rarely a reason to have to keep searching for the same data by name.


If you do need to use name references, its best to use a dictionary to maintain a mapping between the names of the imported assets and the newly created data, this way you don’t run this risk of referencing existing data from the blend file, or worse modifying it.


# typically declared in the main body of the function.
mesh_name_mapping = {}

mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name=meshid)
mesh_name_mapping[meshid] = mesh

# normally some code, or function calls...

# use own dictionary rather than bpy.data
mesh = mesh_name_mapping[meshid]

6.2 Library Collisions


Blender keeps data names unique - bpy.types.ID.name so you can’t name two objects, meshes, scenes etc the same thing by accident.


However when linking in library data from another blend file naming collisions can occur, so its best to avoid referencing data by name at all.


This can be tricky at times and not even blender handles this correctly in some case (when selecting the modifier object for eg you can’t select between multiple objects with the same name), but its still good to try avoid problems in this area.


If you need to select between local and library data, there is a feature in bpy.data members to allow for this.


# typical name lookup, could be local or library.
obj = bpy.data.objects["my_obj"]

# library object name look up using a pair
# where the second argument is the library path matching bpy.types.Library.filepath
obj = bpy.data.objects["my_obj", "//my_lib.blend"]

# local object name look up using a pair
# where the second argument excludes library data from being returned.
obj = bpy.data.objects["my_obj", None]

# both the examples above also works for ‘get‘
obj = bpy.data.objects.get(("my_obj", None))

7  Relative File Paths


Blenders relative file paths are not compatible with standard Python modules such as sys and os.


Built in Python functions don’t understand blenders // prefix which denotes the blend file path.


A common case where you would run into this problem is when exporting a material with associated image paths.


>>> bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath)

When using blender data from linked libraries there is an unfortunate complication since the path will be relative to the library rather than the open blend file. When the data block may be from an external blend file pass the library argument from the bpy.types.ID.


>>> bpy.path.abspath(image.filepath, library=image.library)

These returns the absolute path which can be used with native Python modules.


8  Unicode Problems


Python supports many different encodings so there is nothing stopping you from writing a script in latin1 or iso-8859-15.

Python支持许多不同的编码,因此没有什么可以阻止您在latin1或iso -8859- 15中编写脚本。

See pep-0263

However this complicates matters for Blender’s Python API because .blend files don’t have an explicit encoding.

然而,这使得Blender的Python API变得更加复杂。blend文件没有明确的编码。

To avoid the problem for Python integration and script authors we have decided all strings in blend files must be UTF-8ASCIIcompatible.

所有的脚本都应该兼容 UTF-8ASCII

This means assigning strings with different encodings to an object names for instance will raise an error.


Paths are an exception to this rule since we cannot ignore the existence of non UTF-8 paths on users file-system.

路径是这个规则的一个例外,因为我们不能忽略用户文件系统上的非utf - 8路径的存在。

This means seemingly harmless expressions can raise errors, eg.


>>> print(bpy.data.filepath)
UnicodeEncodeError: ‘ascii‘ codec can‘t encode characters in position 10-21: ordinal not in range(128)
>>> bpy.context.object.name = bpy.data.filepath
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<blender_console>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr= val: Object.name expected a string type, not str

Here are 2 ways around filesystem encoding issues:


>>> print(repr(bpy.data.filepath))
>>> import os
>>> filepath_bytes = os.fsencode(bpy.data.filepath)
>>> filepath_utf8 = filepath_bytes.decode(‘utf-8‘, "replace")
>>> bpy.context.object.name = filepath_utf8

Unicode encoding/decoding is a big topic with comprehensive Python documentation, to avoid getting stuck too deep in encoding problems - here are some suggestions:


  • Always use utf-8 encoding or convert to utf-8 where the input is unknown.
  • 总是使用utf - 8编码或当不知道输入的编码类型时转换到utf - 8。
  • Avoid manipulating filepaths as strings directly, use os.path functions instead.
  • 避免以字符串直接操作文件路径,使用os.path这个函数。
  • Use os.fsencode() / os.fsdecode() instead of built in string decoding functions when operating on paths.
  • 当操作路径串时,使用 os.fsencode() / os.fsdecode()来编解码,而不要用字符串编解码器
  • To print paths or to include them in the user interface use repr(path) first or "%r" % path with string formatting.
  • 想要打印路径或是将他们显示在用户界面时,使用repr(path) first 或"%r" % path格式化字符串


Sometimes it’s preferrable to avoid string encoding issues by using bytes instead of Python strings, when reading some input its less trouble to read it as binary data though you will still need to decide how to treat any strings you want to use with Blender, some importers do this.


9  Strange errors using ‘threading’ module


Python threading with Blender only works properly when the threads finish up before the script does. By using threading.join() for example.

当线程在脚本执行之前完成时,使用Blender的Python线程才能正常工作。例如,通过使用threading . join()。

Heres an example of threading supported by Blender:


import threading
import time

def prod():
    print(threading.current_thread().name, "Starting")

    # do something vaguely useful
    import bpy
    from mathutils import Vector
    from random import random

    prod_vec = Vector((random() - 0.5, random() - 0.5, random() - 0.5))
    print("Prodding", prod_vec)
    bpy.data.objects["Cube"].location += prod_vec
    time.sleep(random() + 1.0)
    # finish

    print(threading.current_thread().name, "Exiting")

threads = [threading.Thread(name="Prod %d" % i, target=prod) for i in range(10)]

print("Starting threads...")

for t in threads:

print("Waiting for threads to finish...")

for t in threads:

This an example of a timer which runs many times a second and moves the default cube continuously while Blender runs (Unsupported).


def func():
    import bpy
    bpy.data.objects[‘Cube‘].location.x += 0.05

def my_timer():
    from threading import Timer
    t = Timer(0.1, my_timer)


Use cases like the one above which leave the thread running once the script finishes may seem to work for a while but end up causing random crashes or errors in Blender’s own drawing code.


So far, no work has gone into making Blender’s Python integration thread safe, so until its properly supported, best not make use of this.



Pythons threads only allow co-currency and won’t speed up your scripts on multi-processor systems, the subprocess andmultiprocess modules can be used with Blender and make use of multiple CPU’s too.


10  Help! My script crashes Blender


Ideally it would be impossible to crash Blender from Python however there are some problems with the API where it can be made to crash.


Strictly speaking this is a bug in the API but fixing it would mean adding memory verification on every access since most crashes are caused by the Python objects referencing Blenders memory directly, whenever the memory is freed, further Python access to it can crash the script. But fixing this would make the scripts run very slow, or writing a very different kind of API which doesn’t reference the memory directly.

准确的说这是一个API BUG,但是修复它就意味着要增加内存访问验证,这将降低脚本速度。

Here are some general hints to avoid running into these problems.


  • Be aware of memory limits, especially when working with large lists since Blender can crash simply by running out of memory.
  • 要注意内存限制,特别是在使用大列表时,因为Blender可以简单地用内存耗尽而崩溃。
  • Many hard to fix crashes end up being because of referencing freed data, when removing data be sure not to hold any references to it.
  • 许多难以修复的崩溃最终都是因为引用了自由数据,所以当删除数据时,要确保不再有对象引用。
  • Modules or classes that remain active while Blender is used, should not hold references to data the user may remove, instead, fetch data from the context each time the script is activated.
  • 在使用Blender时保持活跃的模块或类,不应该保存对用户可能删除的数据的引用,而是每次激活脚本时从上下文获取数据。
  • Crashes may not happen every time, they may happen more on some configurations/operating-systems.
  • 崩溃可能不会每次都发生,它们可能在某些配置/操作系统上发生更多


To find the line of your script that crashes you can use the faulthandler module. See faulthandler docs.

使用faulthandler 模块来查看你的脚本在哪一行崩溃了 See faulthandler docs.

While the crash may be in Blenders C/C++ code, this can help a lot to track down the area of the script that causes the crash.

虽然崩溃可能在Blenders C/ c++代码中,但这有助于跟踪导致崩溃的脚本的区域。

10.1 Undo/Redo

Undo invalidates all bpy.types.ID instances (Object, Scene, Mesh, Lamp... etc).


This example shows how you can tell undo changes the memory locations.


>>> hash(bpy.context.object)
>>> hash(bpy.context.object)
# ... move the active object, then undo

>>> hash(bpy.context.object)

As suggested above, simply not holding references to data when Blender is used interactively by the user is the only way to ensure the script doesn’t become unstable.


10.1.1 Undo & Library Data

One of the advantages with Blenders library linking system that undo can skip checking changes in library data since it is assumed to be static.

Blenders library链接系统的优点之一,它可以跳过检查库数据的变化,因为它被认为是静态的。

Tools in Blender are not allowed to modify library data.


Python however does not enforce this restriction.


This can be useful in some cases, using a script to adjust material values for example. But its also possible to use a script to make library data point to newly created local data, which is not supported since a call to undo will remove the local data but leave the library referencing it and likely crash.

这在某些情况下是有用的,例如使用脚本调整材料值。但是,使用脚本将库数据指向新创建的本地数据也是可能的,因为调用撤销会删除本地数据,但会让库引用它并可能崩溃 所以这一操作并不建议。

So it’s best to consider modifying library data an advanced usage of the API and only to use it when you know what you’re doing.


10.2 Edit Mode / Memory Access


Switching edit-mode bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=‘EDIT‘) / bpy.ops.object.mode_set(mode=‘OBJECT‘) will re-allocate objects data, any references to a meshes vertices/polygons/uvs, armatures bones, curves points etc cannot be accessed after switching edit-mode.


Only the reference to the data its self can be re-accessed, the following example will crash.


mesh = bpy.context.active_object.data
polygons = mesh.polygons

# this will crash

So after switching edit-mode you need to re-access any object data variables, the following example shows how to avoid the crash above.


mesh = bpy.context.active_object.data
polygons = mesh.polygons

# polygons have been re-allocated
polygons = mesh.polygons

These kinds of problems can happen for any functions which re-allocate the object data but are most common when switching edit-mode.


10.3 Array Re-Allocation


When adding new points to a curve or vertices’s/edges/polygons to a mesh, internally the array which stores this data is re-allocated.


point = bpy.context.object.data.splines[0].bezier_points[0]

# this will crash!
point.co = 1.0, 2.0, 3.0

This can be avoided by re-assigning the point variables after adding the new one or by storing indices’s to the points rather than the points themselves.


The best way is to sidestep the problem altogether add all the points to the curve at once. This means you don’t have to worry about array re-allocation and its faster too since reallocating the entire array for every point added is inefficient.


10.4 Removing Data


Any data that you remove shouldn’t be modified or accessed afterwards, this includes f-curves, drivers, render layers, timeline markers, modifiers, constraints along with objects, scenes, groups, bones.. etc.


The remove() api calls will invalidate the data they free to prevent common mistakes.


The following example shows how this precortion works.


mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name="MyMesh")
# normally the script would use the mesh here...
print(mesh.name)  # <- give an exception rather than crashing:

# ReferenceError: StructRNA of type Mesh has been removed

But take care because this is limited to scripts accessing the variable which is removed, the next example will still crash.


mesh = bpy.data.meshes.new(name="MyMesh")
vertices = mesh.vertices
print(vertices)  # <- this may crash

11  sys.exit

Some Python modules will call sys.exit() themselves when an error occurs, while not common behavior this is something to watch out for because it may seem as if Blender is crashing since sys.exit() will close Blender immediately.

当出现错误时,一些Python模块将调用sys . exit()本身,当不是常规的行为,这是值得注意的,因为sys.exit()可以立即关闭Blender就像Blender崩溃了一样。

For example, the argparse module will print an error and exit if the arguments are invalid.

例如argparse 模块将会打印错误信息,如果参数无效的话就会推出。

An ugly way of troubleshooting this is to set sys.exit = None and see what line of Python code is quitting, you could of course replacesys.exit with your own function but manipulating Python in this way is bad practice.

一种不优雅的解决方法是使sys.exit = None并看看是Python哪行代码出错了,你也可以用你自己的函数替换sys.exit 但这真是很糟的。

时间: 2024-10-10 18:59:19


接口和抽象类的区别 --相信你看完不会再混淆了

我想,对于各位使用面向对象编程语言的程序员来说,“接口”这个名词一定不陌生,但是不知各位有没有这样的疑惑:接口有什么用途?它和抽象类有什么区别?能不能用抽象类代替接口呢?而且,作为程序员,一定经常听到“面向接口编程”这个短语,那么它是什么意思?有什么思想内涵?和面向对象编程是什么关系?本文将一一解答这些疑问. 1.面向接口编程和面向对象编程是什么关系 首先,面向接口编程和面向对象编程并不是平级的,它并不是比面向对象编程更先进的一种独立的编程思想,而是附属于面向对象思想体系,属于其一部分.或者说,


原文网址:http://bbs.elecfans.com/jishu_354666_1_1.html 再过1个月又是一年应届毕业生应聘的高峰期了,为了方便应届毕业生应聘,笔者将大学四年C语言知识及去年本人C语言笔试难点进行梳理,希望能对今年应届毕业生的应聘有所帮助. 2013年10月18日更新-->    攻破C语言这个帖子更新到这里,我不仅仅是为了补充大学学生遗漏的知识,我更重要的是希望通过我的经验,你们实际项目中的C语言写得漂亮,写出属于你的风格.“朱兆祺STM32手记”(http://bb


一.学习内容      本次课我们重点学习了怎样向函数传递数组,鉴于大家对函数和数组的理解和运用还存在一些问题,下面通过一些实例加以说明,希望同学们能够认真阅读和理解.      例1:火柴棍拼数字     要用火柴棍拼出0-9之间的数字,输入任意一个数字,输出需要多少根火柴棍.用火柴棍拼数字0-9的拼法如图所示:  对于这道题,我们学过分支结构后,就可以编程实现.代码如下:      #include <stdio.h> int main() { int digit,count; print


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本文将讲述(Linux)服务器后台开发岗位的要求,包含了大部分会遇到的面试题目.掌握文中提到的技术,也算少许入门水平了,此文既是面经,也是后台开发的入门手册.无论社招还是校招,都可作为一个参考. 本文内容收集自知乎和其他博客,在此整理成章. 校招:以C++基础为主,数据结构和常见算法(ACM经典题目)是必须掌握的. 技术类面试跟学校的经验 / 社团经验 / 学习成绩 挂钩不太高,当然不是说两者没关系.成绩好面试官可喜欢了,但成绩一般的同学不用灰心,入选初面的条件是简历上突出你的技术水平,不需要写