JQuery -> 超级简单的下拉菜单

1. create a new accout, create orginazation, create repo

2. install git in your local pc

Note: you can create ssh key to avoid username/password input for github operation



3. git clone https://github.com/elulian/CustomerSecurityManagementSystem.git

Note: failed to connect to github 443 windows/ Failed to connect to gitHub - No Error

check your git proxy setting:

git config --global http.proxy

Reset git proxy setting:

git config --global --unset http.proxy

set git proxy:

git config --global http.proxy eluilan:[email protected]:8080

git config --global https.proxy eluilan:[email protected]:8080

#git config --global http.sslverify false

4.git branch -a to list all the branches, normally we are working in the origin/master branch, so direclty add/change files

5. git add command to track your changes in local repo

warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml.

In Unix systems the end of a line is represented with a line feed (LF). In windows a line is represented with a carriage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) thus (CRLF). when you get code from git that was uploaded from a unix system they will only have a LF.

6. git status/gitk to check your changes, git commit to local repo

Note: create mode 100644

The following flags are defined for the st_mode field:

S_IFMT     0170000   bit mask for the file type bit fields

S_IFSOCK   0140000   socket

S_IFLNK    0120000   symbolic link

S_IFREG    0100000   regular file

S_IFBLK    0060000   block device

S_IFDIR    0040000   directory

S_IFCHR    0020000   character device

S_IFIFO    0010000   FIFO

S_ISUID    0004000   set UID bit

S_ISGID    0002000   set-group-ID bit (see below)

S_ISVTX    0001000   sticky bit (see below)

S_IRWXU    00700     mask for file owner permissions

S_IRUSR    00400     owner has read permission

S_IWUSR    00200     owner has write permission

S_IXUSR    00100     owner has execute permission

S_IRWXG    00070     mask for group permissions

S_IRGRP    00040     group has read permission

S_IWGRP    00020     group has write permission

S_IXGRP    00010     group has execute permission

S_IRWXO    00007     mask for permissions for others (not in group)

S_IROTH    00004     others have read permission

S_IWOTH    00002     others have write permission

S_IXOTH    00001     others have execute permission

7. git pull origin master to merge changes if require (git stash/stash pop, git reset --hard)

8. git push origin master to remote repo

Note: username/password: your github username/password

git config --global user.name [your github username]

git config --global user.password [your github password]

JQuery -> 超级简单的下拉菜单,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-08-19 12:18:31

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先看效果: 效果不错吧! 进入主题之前,先了解ImageView的scaleType的center_crop,网络上说的已经很清楚了 : 以下抄自网络: android:scaleType="centerCrop" 以填满整个ImageView为目的,将原图的中心对准ImageView的中心,等比例放大原图,直到填满ImageView为止(指的是ImageView的宽和高都要填满),原图超过ImageView的部分作裁剪处理. 均衡的缩放图像(保持图像原始比例),使图片的两个坐标(宽.


大体流程: 1使用$(function(){...})获取到想要作用的HTML元素.       2通过使用children()方法寻找子元素.       3通过使用show()方法来显示HTML元素.       4通过使用hide()方法来隐藏HTML元素.       5jQuery库引用方法: 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/qq1312583369/p/9893373.html


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