Xcode Warning: “no rule to process file


warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/Kingdev/Desktop/Git/finance_iOS/finance/Library/MBprogressHUD/MBProgressHUD+Add.h‘ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/Kingdev/Desktop/Git/finance_iOS/finance/Classes/Login(登录)/FillPhoneVC.h‘ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture armv7
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/Kingdev/Desktop/Git/finance_iOS/finance/Library/MBprogressHUD/MBProgressHUD+Add.h‘ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture arm64
warning: no rule to process file ‘/Users/Kingdev/Desktop/Git/finance_iOS/finance/Classes/Login(登录)/FillPhoneVC.h‘ of type sourcecode.c.h for architecture arm64


文件 ‘MBProgreddHUD+Add.h头文件’ 出现在了Xcode中的:TARGES → Build Phases → Compile Sources中,移除即可解决问题。



时间: 2024-09-29 22:06:08

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