AGG 邮件往来翻译


I also fugured out how to implement the alpha-masking

in a simple and very elegant way


Here‘s a picture that explains (I hope) the

construction of the conversion pipelines



I like again the smooth animation when tuning the

dash parameters.




Sorry, I couldn‘t create an example with markers -

too tired after two hours of roller-blading. That‘s

great  to have a couple of beer with good old nostalgic Dschinghis Khan music. :-)



You mean large window?Is it possible to define for

instance an ellipse as a clip region? And is that

flattened into line segments?平滑过渡到线段

a clip region裁剪区域


矢量(vectorial).目前提供两种裁剪。最低级是scanline-clipping ,她由渲染器


另一种是纯矢量(pure vectorial).查看代码agg_conv_clip_polygon.h

Large scaling values, not large windows :-).

For now it‘s only rectangular clipping. Well, I feel I

need to clarify it. Maybe it‘s a confusing term

"polygonal", actually it‘s "vectorial". Now there‘re

two levels of clipping. The low level is the

scanline-clipping and it‘s done in the renderers. It

helps to keep drawing inside the framebuffer only, but

in case where the polygon is completely out of bound

there‘s still a lot of useless work.

Another level is pure vectorial, see


It clips polygons and in general case produces a new

or modified set of vertices. I‘m also thinking about

the third level of clipping, based on bounding boxes

(kind of rough clipping).

s for arbitrary shapes for clipping there‘re also two

different things. One is pixel alpha-masking, I‘ll

work on in soon. It‘s not only a visible/invisible

flag, it‘s an alpha-value. So, the basic technique is.

You render the simple 256 grayscale buffer and then

use it as a mask, so that you can have clipping of any

shape (and yes, including round ones) with perfectly

anti-aliases edges. It‘s a pixel-based mask.

The other is called CSG (Constructive Solid Geometry),

i.e., unions, intersections, etc. It‘s also done in

the vectorial representation before rendering. I‘m

thinking about some simple implementation of the

intersection operation (arbitrary polygonal clipping).

时间: 2024-10-08 20:50:51

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