

如果不解决这种RIT情况,那么后续有HBase节点相继重启,这样会导致整个集群的Region验证不均衡,这是很致命的,对集群的性能将会影响很大。经过查询HBase JIRA单,发现这种MERGING_NEW永久RIT的情况是触发了HBASE-17682的BUG,需要打上该Patch来修复这个BUG,其实就是HBase源代码在判断业务逻辑时,没有对MERGING_NEW这种状态进行判断,直接进入到else流程中了。源代码如下:

for (RegionState state : regionsInTransition.values()) {
        HRegionInfo hri = state.getRegion();
        if (assignedRegions.contains(hri)) {
          // Region is open on this region server, but in transition.
          // This region must be moving away from this server, or splitting/merging.
          // SSH will handle it, either skip assigning, or re-assign.
          LOG.info("Transitioning " + state + " will be handled by ServerCrashProcedure for " + sn);
        } else if (sn.equals(state.getServerName())) {
          // Region is in transition on this region server, and this
          // region is not open on this server. So the region must be
          // moving to this server from another one (i.e. opening or
          // pending open on this server, was open on another one.
          // Offline state is also kind of pending open if the region is in
          // transition. The region could be in failed_close state too if we have
          // tried several times to open it while this region server is not reachable)
          if (state.isPendingOpenOrOpening() || state.isFailedClose() || state.isOffline()) {
            LOG.info("Found region in " + state +
              " to be reassigned by ServerCrashProcedure for " + sn);
          } else if(state.isSplittingNew()) {
          } else {
            LOG.warn("THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN: unexpected " + state);


for (RegionState state : regionsInTransition.values()) {
        HRegionInfo hri = state.getRegion();
        if (assignedRegions.contains(hri)) {
          // Region is open on this region server, but in transition.
          // This region must be moving away from this server, or splitting/merging.
          // SSH will handle it, either skip assigning, or re-assign.
          LOG.info("Transitioning " + state + " will be handled by ServerCrashProcedure for " + sn);
        } else if (sn.equals(state.getServerName())) {
          // Region is in transition on this region server, and this
          // region is not open on this server. So the region must be
          // moving to this server from another one (i.e. opening or
          // pending open on this server, was open on another one.
          // Offline state is also kind of pending open if the region is in
          // transition. The region could be in failed_close state too if we have
          // tried several times to open it while this region server is not reachable)
          if (state.isPendingOpenOrOpening() || state.isFailedClose() || state.isOffline()) {
            LOG.info("Found region in " + state +
              " to be reassigned by ServerCrashProcedure for " + sn);
          } else if(state.isSplittingNew()) {
          } else if (isOneOfStates(state, State.SPLITTING_NEW, State.MERGING_NEW)) {
           }else {
            LOG.warn("THIS SHOULD NOT HAPPEN: unexpected " + state);





时间: 2024-08-09 11:34:59



1.HRegionServer启动不正常 在namenode上执行jps,则可看到hbase启动是否正常,进程如下: [[email protected] bin]# jps26341 HMaster26642 Jps7840 ResourceManager7524 NameNode7699 SecondaryNameNode 由上可见,hadoop启动正常.HBase少了一个进程,猜测应该是有个节点regionserver没有启动成功. 进入节点slave1 ,执行jps查看启动进程: [[e

【甘道夫】HBase开发环境搭建过程中可能遇到的异常:No FileSystem for scheme: hdfs

异常: 2014-02-24 12:15:48,507 WARN  [Thread-2] util.DynamicClassLoader (DynamicClassLoader.java:<init>(106)) - Failed to identify the fs of dir hdfs://fulonghadoop/hbase/lib, ignored java.io.IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: hdfs 解决: 在pom文件中加入: &


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1.出现了下面问题 页面显示为 1 Struts Problem Report 2 Struts has detected an unhandled exception: 3 4 Messages: could not initialize proxy - no Session 5 could not initialize proxy - no Session - Class: org.hibernate.proxy.AbstractLazyInitializer File: AbstractL


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