English trip V2 - 4. Really Wild Teacher:Maple Key:Adjectives of feeling

In this lesson you will learn how to recognize animals and describe feeling.


词汇(Key Word )


Face to Face with a Gorilla

I work in Africa, protecting animals. Six weeks ago I found a baby gorilla, and it was very sick.  I cared for the baby gorilla for six weeks, and now it is better again.

When I took the gorilla back to its mother I was worried she might not recognize the baby, or take it back.

When I got to the forest the family was there. I put the baby gorilla down on the ground and walked a few meters away. Then I stopped and watched.  # 这里 -ed后缀发音为/t/

I could see the mother looking at the baby, and I thought, "Will she come closer? What will she do?"

Suddenly the father was there, in front of me. He was the biggest gorilla of the family. It was frightening because he was only a meter away.

I was frightened, but I knew what to do. People think gorillas often attack people, but they don‘t ——they only attack when you show you‘re scared.

If I had turned and run away, the gorilla would  have attacked me , so I didn‘t move.

Suddenly, the male gorilla lifted his hand. I was terrified. But he wanted to  frighten me , not hit me.

After a few seconds, he dropped his hand and turned. He went over to the baby, picked it up and moved away into the trees.

I sat down on the ground. I was shaking.

Africa  n. 非洲

protecting   v. 保护;防护(protect的ing形式)

gorilla  n. 大猩猩

sick  adj. 厌恶的;病态的;不舒服;渴望的;恶心的 ;生病的

recognize  vt. 认出,识别;承认

forest n. 森林

closer  adj. 靠近的

scared  adj. 害怕的

terrified  adj. 感到恐惧的;受惊吓的

frighten  adj. 感到恐惧的;受惊吓的

frightening   adj. 令人恐惧的;引起突然惊恐的      PS: 形容词加-ing,一般用于指物体、事(something)

frightened  adj. 害怕的;受惊的;受恐吓的  v. 害怕;使吃惊;吓走(frighten的过去分词)

dropped  v. 下降,减少;掉下,滴下(drop的过去式和过去分词形式)

shaking  n. 震动,震惊;挥动,摇动;发抖



时间: 2024-08-29 19:39:28

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