[转] AE之分级颜色专题图渲染

原文 AE之分级颜色专题图渲染


        private void 分级渲染ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            IBasicHistogram pBasicHis = new BasicTableHistogramClass();
            ITableHistogram pTabHis = (ITableHistogram)pBasicHis;
            pTabHis.Field = "w1";

            ITable pTab = (ITable)axMapControl1.get_Layer(0);
            pTabHis.Table = pTab;

            object doubleArrVal, longArrFreq;
            pBasicHis.GetHistogram(out doubleArrVal, out longArrFreq);

            IClassifyGEN pClassify = new EqualIntervalClass();  //NaturalBreaksClass

            int nDes = 5;

            pClassify.Classify(doubleArrVal, longArrFreq, ref nDes);

            object classes = pClassify.ClassBreaks;

            System.Array pArr = (System.Array)classes;


            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAlgoColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();
            pAlgoColorRamp.Size = pArr.Length;
            IRgbColor pFromColor = new RgbColorClass(), pToColor = new RgbColorClass();
            pFromColor.Red = 0;
            pFromColor.Green = 255;
            pFromColor.Blue = 0;
            pToColor.Red = 255;
            pToColor.Green = 0;
            pToColor.Blue = 255;

            pAlgoColorRamp.FromColor = pFromColor;
            pAlgoColorRamp.ToColor = pToColor;
            bool ok = true;
            pAlgoColorRamp.CreateRamp(out ok);


            IClassBreaksRenderer pRender = new ClassBreaksRendererClass();
            pRender.BreakCount = pArr.Length;
            pRender.Field = "w1";
            ISimpleFillSymbol pSym;

            for (int i = 0; i < pArr.Length; i++)

                pRender.set_Break(i, (double)pArr.GetValue(i));

                pSym = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();

                pSym.Color = pAlgoColorRamp.get_Color(i);

                pRender.set_Symbol(i, (ISymbol)pSym);


            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoLyr = (IGeoFeatureLayer)axMapControl1.get_Layer(0);
            pGeoLyr.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pRender;




 private void 分层设色ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //获取当前图层 ,并把它设置成IGeoFeatureLayer的实例
            IMap pMap = axMapControl1.Map;
            ILayer pLayer = pMap.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;
            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = pLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;

            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(null, false);
            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

            IFeatureRenderer PR=pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer;
            //JoinData("县级区域", "DZGB", "sectioncode");   //join外部表
            // int DC ;
            int  desiredClasses = 5;
            string fieldName = "w1";
            int classesCount;
            double[] classes;
            string strOutput = "";
            bool ok;

            object dataFrequency;
            object dataValues;
            ITable pTable ;

            //IClassify pClassify;
            EqualIntervalClass pClassify;

            //IBasicHistogram pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass();
            //IHistogram pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass();
            ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass() as ITableHistogram;
            IBasicHistogram pHistogram;
            IClassBreaksRenderer pClassBreaksRenderer;
            IHsvColor pFromColor;
            IHsvColor pToColor;
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAlgorithmicColorRamp;
            IEnumColors pEnumColors;
            IColor pColor;
            ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleFillSymbol;

            pLayer = (IFeatureLayer)axMapControl1.get_Layer(0);
            pGeoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;
            pTable = (ITable)pGeoFeatureLayer;
            pHistogram = (IBasicHistogram)pTableHistogram;

            // Get values and frequencies for the field
            pTableHistogram.Field = fieldName;
            pTableHistogram.Table = pTable;
            pHistogram.GetHistogram(out dataValues, out dataFrequency);

            // Put values and frequencies into an Equal Interval Classify Object
            pClassify = new EqualIntervalClass();

            //pClassify = new NaturalBreaksClass();
            pClassify.SetHistogramData(dataValues, dataFrequency);
            pClassify.Classify(dataValues, dataFrequency, ref desiredClasses);

            //pClassify.Classify(ref desiredClasses);
            classes = (double[])pClassify.ClassBreaks;
            classesCount = classes.Length;

            // Initialise a new Class Breaks renderer
            // Supply the number of Class Breaks and the field to perform. the class breaks on
            pClassBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRendererClass();
            pClassBreaksRenderer.Field = fieldName;
            pClassBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = classesCount;
            pClassBreaksRenderer.SortClassesAscending = true;

            // Use algorithmic color ramp to generate an range of colors between YELLOW to RED
            // Initial color: YELLOW
            pFromColor = new HsvColorClass();
            pFromColor.Hue = 60;
            pFromColor.Saturation = 100;
            pFromColor.Value = 96;

            // Final color: RED
            pToColor = new HsvColorClass();
            pToColor.Hue = 0;
            pToColor.Saturation = 100;
            pToColor.Value = 96;
            // Set up HSV Color ramp to span from YELLOW to RED
            pAlgorithmicColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();
            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriHSVAlgorithm;
            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.FromColor = pFromColor;
            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.ToColor = pToColor;
            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.Size = classesCount;
            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.CreateRamp(out ok);

            pEnumColors = pAlgorithmicColorRamp.Colors;
            for (int index = 0; index < classesCount - 1; index++)

                pColor = pEnumColors.Next();
                pSimpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                pSimpleFillSymbol.Color = pColor;
                pSimpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(index, (ISymbol)pSimpleFillSymbol);
                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Break(index, classes[index + 1]);
                // Store each break value for user output
                strOutput += "-" + classes[index + 1] + "\n";


            pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pClassBreaksRenderer;

            //get the custom property from which is supposed to be the layer to be saved
            object customProperty = null;
            //IMapControl3 mapControl = null;
            customProperty = axMapControl1.CustomProperty;

            //ask the user to set a name for the new layer file
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog();
            saveFileDialog.Filter = "Layer File|*.lyr|All Files|*.*";
            saveFileDialog.Title = "生成专题图";
            saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true;
            saveFileDialog.FileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(saveFileDialog.InitialDirectory, pGeoFeatureLayer.Name + ".lyr");

            //get the layer name from the user
            DialogResult dr = saveFileDialog.ShowDialog();
            if (saveFileDialog.FileName != "" && dr == DialogResult.OK)

                if (System.IO.File.Exists(saveFileDialog.FileName))

                    //try to delete the existing file


                //create a new LayerFile instance
                ILayerFile layerFile = new LayerFileClass();
                //create a new layer file
                //attach the layer file with the actual layer
                //save the layer file

                //ask the user whether he‘d like to add the layer to the map
                if (DialogResult.Yes == MessageBox.Show("Would you like to add the layer to the map?", "Message", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo,MessageBoxIcon.Question))
                    axMapControl1.AddLayerFromFile(saveFileDialog.FileName, 0);

            IActiveView pActiveView = axMapControl1.Map as IActiveView;


private void 等级专题图ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            // 获取当前图层,并把它设置成IGeoFeatureLayer的实例

            ILayer pLayer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(0);

            IFeatureLayer pFeatLayer = (IFeatureLayer)pLayer;

            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer)pLayer;

            IFeatureClass pFeatClass = pFeatLayer.FeatureClass;

            // We‘re going to retrieve frequency data from a population

            // field and then clasify this data

            ITable pTable = (ITable)pFeatClass;

            IBasicHistogram pBasicHistogram = new BasicTableHistogramClass();

            ITableHistogram pTableHistogram = (ITableHistogram)pBasicHistogram;

            // Get values and frequencies for the population field into a table histogram object

            string fieldName = "w1";

            pTableHistogram.Field = fieldName;

            pTableHistogram.Table = pTable;

            object dataValues;

            object dataFrequency;

            pBasicHistogram.GetHistogram(out dataValues, out dataFrequency);

            IClassifyGEN pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass();

            int numClass = 3;

            pClassifyGEN.Classify(dataValues, dataFrequency, ref numClass);

            double[] classes = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks;

            long classesCount = long.Parse(classes.GetUpperBound(0).ToString());

            // Initialize a new class breaks renderer and supply the number of class breaks

            // and the field to perform the class breaks on

            IClassBreaksRenderer pClassBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRendererClass();

            pClassBreaksRenderer.Field = fieldName;

            pClassBreaksRenderer.MinimumBreak = classes[0];

            pClassBreaksRenderer.SortClassesAscending = true;

            // 设置着色对象的分级数目

            pClassBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = int.Parse(classesCount.ToString());

            // 创建并设置随机色谱

            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pAlgorithmicColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();

            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm;

            IEnumColors pEnumColors;

            IRgbColor pColor1 = new RgbColorClass();

            IRgbColor pColor2 = new RgbColorClass();

            pColor1.Red = 255;

            pColor1.Green = 210;

            pColor1.Blue = 210;

            pColor2.Red = 190;

            pColor2.Green = 0;

            pColor2.Blue = 170;

            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.FromColor = pColor1;

            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.ToColor = pColor2;

            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.Size = numClass;

            bool ok = true;

            pAlgorithmicColorRamp.CreateRamp(out ok);

            pEnumColors = pAlgorithmicColorRamp.Colors;


            IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties = (IClassBreaksUIProperties)pClassBreaksRenderer;

            pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom";

            ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();

            IColor pColor;

            int[] colors = new int[numClass];

            // be careful, indices are different for the different lists

            for (int breakIndex = 0; breakIndex < classesCount; breakIndex++)


                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Label(breakIndex, classes[breakIndex] + "-" + classes[breakIndex + 1]);

                pUIProperties.set_LowBreak(breakIndex, classes[breakIndex]);

                ISimpleFillSymbol pFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();

                pColor = pEnumColors.Next();

                pFillSymbol.Color = pColor;

                colors[breakIndex] = pColor.RGB;

                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(breakIndex, (ISymbol)pFillSymbol);

                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Break(breakIndex, classes[breakIndex + 1]);


            // 将等级图渲染对象与渲染图层挂钩

            pGeoFeatLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pClassBreaksRenderer;





 private void 等级图ToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            //获取当前图层 ,并把它设置成IGeoFeatureLayer的实例

            IMap pMap = axMapControl1.Map;

            ILayer pLayer = pMap.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer;

            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = pLayer as IFeatureLayer;

            IGeoFeatureLayer pGeoFeatureLayer = pLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;


            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;

            IFeatureCursor pFeatureCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(null, false);

            IFeature pFeature = pFeatureCursor.NextFeature();



            IClassBreaksUIProperties pUIProperties;

            object dataValues;

            object dataFrequency;

            //double[] cb;

            int breakIndex;

            long ClassesCount;

            int numClass;

            numClass = 10;

            double[] Classes;


            ITable pTable;

            pTable = pFeatureClass as ITable;

            IBasicHistogram pBasicHist = new BasicTableHistogramClass();

            ITableHistogram pTableHist;

            pTableHist = (ITableHistogram)pBasicHist;

            //Get values and frequencies for the population field into a table histogram object

            pTableHist.Field = "w1";

            pTableHist.Table = pTable;

            pBasicHist.GetHistogram(out dataValues, out dataFrequency);

            IClassifyGEN pClassifyGEN = new QuantileClass();

            pClassifyGEN.Classify(dataValues, dataFrequency, ref numClass);

            Classes = (double[])pClassifyGEN.ClassBreaks;

            ClassesCount = long.Parse(Classes.GetUpperBound(0).ToString());

            //Initialise a new class breaks renderer and supply the number of class breaks and the field to perform. the class breaks on.

            IClassBreaksRenderer pClassBreaksRenderer = new ClassBreaksRendererClass();

            pClassBreaksRenderer.Field = "w1";

            //pClassBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = ClassesCount;

            pClassBreaksRenderer.MinimumBreak = Classes[0];

            pClassBreaksRenderer.SortClassesAscending = true;


            pClassBreaksRenderer.BreakCount = int.Parse(ClassesCount.ToString());


            IAlgorithmicColorRamp pColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();

            pColorRamp.Algorithm = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriCIELabAlgorithm;

            IEnumColors pEnumColors;

            IRgbColor pColor1 = new RgbColorClass();

            IRgbColor pColor2 = new RgbColorClass();

            pColor1.Red = 255;

            pColor1.Green = 210;

            pColor1.Blue = 210;

            pColor2.Red = 190;

            pColor2.Green = 0;

            pColor2.Blue = 170;

            pColorRamp.FromColor = pColor1;

            pColorRamp.ToColor = pColor2;

            pColorRamp.Size = numClass;

            bool ok = true;

            //pColorRamp.CreateRamp(out ok);

             pColorRamp.CreateRamp(out ok);

            pEnumColors = pColorRamp.Colors;

            pEnumColors.Reset();// use this interface to set dialog properties

            pUIProperties = pClassBreaksRenderer as IClassBreaksUIProperties;

            pUIProperties.ColorRamp = "Custom";

            ISimpleFillSymbol pSimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();

            IColor pColor;

            int[] colors = new int[numClass];

            // be careful, indices are different for the diff lists   

            for (breakIndex = 0; breakIndex < ClassesCount; breakIndex++)


                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Label(breakIndex, Classes[breakIndex] + " - " + Classes[breakIndex + 1]);

                pUIProperties.set_LowBreak(breakIndex, Classes[breakIndex]);

                pSimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();

                pColor = pEnumColors.Next();

                pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Color = pColor;

                colors[breakIndex] = pColor.RGB;

                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Symbol(breakIndex, (ISymbol)pSimpleMarkerSymbol);

                pClassBreaksRenderer.set_Break(breakIndex, Classes[breakIndex + 1]);



            pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer)pClassBreaksRenderer;


            IActiveView pActiveView = axMapControl1.Map as IActiveView;




时间: 2024-10-21 20:51:24

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