C#实验——Supplementary Specifications

Revision History






Windows Phone8.1 APP

Have some ideas, then developing Windows Phone app

 魏     潇


Windows8.1 APP

Transform the phone app to the Windows  Store 8.1 platform



Transform the phone app to the WPF app

Table of Contents

1.  Objectives              4

2.  Scope                    4

3.  References             4

4.  Functionality           4

5.  Usability                 4

6.  Reliability               4

7.  Performance            4

8.  Supportability          4

9.  Security                     4

10.  Design Constraints       4

My instalment plan

1.  Objectives  

This is for the people who want to buy something but don‘t know which is the cheaper way. And with the rate of inflation, they can know about what it really cost clearly.

2.  Scope

This Supplementary Specification applies to the users of my instalment plan.

This specification defines the non-functional requirements of the system; such as reliability, usability, performance, and supportability as well as functional requirements that are common across a number of use cases. (The functional requirements are defined in the Use Case Specifications.).

3.  References


4.  Functionality 

With the rate of inflation, we can know about the kind of payment by instalments really cost clearly.

5.  Usability   

Windows Phone 8.1.

6.  Reliability 

You can use it whenever you want.

7.  Performance 

The application can figure out what you will cost quickly.

8.  Supportability 


9.  Security 


10.  Design Constraints  

时间: 2024-08-07 12:30:28

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