def square[T : Numeric](n: T) = implicitly[Numeric[T]].times(n, n)
1. 总括
The more you know about Scala’s type system, the more information you can give the compiler
When using a type system, it’s best to think of it as an overprotective father. It
will constantly warn you of problems or prevent you from doing things altogether.
The better you communicate with the type system, the less restrictive it becomes.
But if you attempt to do something deemed inappropriate, the compiler will warn
2. 什么是类型?
3. 创建类型的方法
(1) 定义 class, trait, object
(2) 使用type关键字
4. 类型的名字
package ch6 object TestType { println("Welcome to the Scala worksheet") //> Welcome to the Scala worksheet object T T.getClass //> res0: Class[?0] = class ch6.TestType$$anonfun$main$1$T$2$ }
5. 那么object最为函数的参数时如何声明类型呢? object名字.type
object Obj { val ss = 22 } def f(obj: Obj.type ):Unit = println(obj.ss) f(Obj)
6. 对内部类的引用有两种方式 , hash(#)和dot(.),且看下面的例子
package ch6 object Test2 { println("Welcome to the Scala worksheet") //> Welcome to the Scala worksheet class Outer { trait Inner def y = new Inner {} def foo(x: this.Inner) = null def bar(x: Outer#Inner) = null } val x = new Outer //> x : ch6.Test2.Outer = [email protected] val y = new Outer //> y : ch6.Test2.Outer = [email protected] x.y //> res0: ch6.Test2.x.Inner = [email protected] //| x.foo(x.y) //> res1: Null = null x.foo(y.y) //type mismatch; found : ch6.Test2.y.Inner required: ch6.Test2.x.Inner x.bar(y.y) //> res2: Null = null }
对象.类型 把类型绑定到了一个特殊的对象上
type AbstractType //定义一个抽象类型(不是抽象类)
type ConcreteType = SomeFooType //定义一个具体类型
type ConcreteType2 = SomeFooType with SomeBarType // 定义一个组合型的具体类型
8.type关键字用法2: 定义带结构的type
方法f的参数是一个带有方法g的类型。 要表达这样的含义就要用到structural type。
package ch6 object Test3 extends App{ object Resources { type Resource = { def close(): Unit } def closeResource(r: Resource) = { r.close() println("resource closed") } } Resources.closeResource(System.in) }