Ultra-Thin LED Downlight Selection: 6 Things

LED Decorative Light Manufacturer    description: ultra-thin LED downlight features can maintain the overall unity and perfection of the building decoration, without damaging the setting of the lamp, the light source hides the interior of the building decoration, no exposure, no glare, and the human visual effect is soft and even. The same brightness power consumption is 1/2 of the ordinary energy-saving lamps. It also contains no harmful substances such as mercury and has no pollution to the environment. Power saving can reduce electricity costs, and the cost of lamps can be recovered in one and a half years. A family can save electricity costs by tens of dollars a month. Saving electricity is equivalent to reducing carbon emissions. The life of LED lamps is 100,000 hours. According to the calculation of six hours per day, one LED lamp can be used for 40 years.

1. Energy saving: The energy consumption of white LED is only 1/10 of incandescent lamp, 2/5 of energy saving lamp, longevity: LED theoretical life can exceed 100,000 hours, which can be described as “one time and for all” for ordinary household lighting.

2, can work in the high-speed state: energy-saving lamps if the frequent start or turn off the filament will be black and quickly damaged.

3, solid state packaging: belongs to the type of cold light source. Therefore, it is very convenient to transport and install. It can be installed in any miniature and closed equipment. It is not afraid of vibration. The main consideration is heat dissipation.

4, LED lighting technology is advancing with each passing day, its luminous efficiency is making amazing breakthroughs, and prices are constantly decreasing. The era of a white LED lamp entering the home is coming quickly.

5. Environmental protection: It does not contain substances harmful to the environment such as mercury (Hg) and will not cause damage to the environment. The assembly parts of the LED lamp can be easily disassembled and assembled, and can be recycled by others without recycling by the manufacturer. The LED does not contain infrared or ultraviolet light, so it does not attract insects.

6, fast response: LED response speed is fast, completely eliminating the shortcomings of the traditional high-pressure sodium lamp startup process.

Ninghai Yuhua Company is a manufacturer that designs and designs various LED decorative lights. We have a strong R&D team to develop and produce products based on drawings or samples provided by our customers; we have our own factory, factory direct sales, good quality and low price; we have our own quality inspection system and testing equipment to ensure product quality. . Our LED decorative lights are a good choice for you!



时间: 2024-12-10 15:43:28

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