Hacker Rank: Two Strings - thinking in C# 15+ ways

March 18, 2016

Problem statement:


Julia likes to try a new way to train herself to expand C#/ C++ / Java / JavaScript languages, by reading the solutions, followed up with some study about small topics, make learning more fun.

Coding - write code, read code, memorize some classical code, practice it 20 days.

Julia‘s C# implementation:

1. https://gist.github.com/jianminchen/f73e37b764147cd19c7b

Julia reads 10 C# solution, C++, Java, JavaScript solutions, she likes to have this extensive reading on software code, and then, build up her daily routine as a software programmer. Coding is most important skills,
C#    - Read first, then write
C++  - Read more C++ code, prepare to write any time
Java  - Read more
JavaScript - Julia tries to read more JavaScript code, focus on reading for next 2 months

She also likes the following C# solution by other submissions:


Before you read the solution, can you think about using C# Hashset, Dictionary, String.Contains, Hashset.Overlap method, string.indexOf, Hashtable, string.Intersect etc. solve the problem?

Hashset.Overlap method, 
Using two pointer to solve the problem

2. use hashset - more efficient

read hashset constructor:  <- Excellent, Julia is learning to write new C# code



3. using string.intersect method

4. using C#, var, foreach, Any method - interesting to read

5. IEnumerable - interesting to read the code

Read IEnumberable:  C++ analog - duck typing

IEnumberable - Java analog

6.  Two hashsets

7. Hashset - overlaps method - code is readable

read Hashset overlap api - learn some design:

8. Array, Array.BinarySearch method - it is not time efficient solution - but code is reusable.

9. Declare new struct data, use byte type, and code is beautiful, succinct.


10. use two pointers, move forward if need separately - can be reused.


11. Two things Julia likes:
‘z‘-‘a‘ in array declaration,
second one is to use one array int[26], not 2; second one is char array


bool[] founded = new bool[‘z‘ - ‘a‘ + 1];
char[] secondWord = Console.ReadLine().ToCharArray();

12. Use Hashtable

13. Use string.Contains() method

14. Use Dictionary class

Dictionary<int, char>
Dictionary<int,char> dex = new Dictionary<int,char>();
Dictionary method ContainsValue()

15. string.ToCharArray(), Distinct() of Char Array, ToList(), ToArray(), string.IndexOf methods

16. use string.Containstwo dimension array

17. use Dictionary<char, bool>

18. use StringBuilder to concatenate output


Read the discussion StringBuilder vs string to concatenation


More reading: 1

19. use " " to concatenate two input strings and then .Split them

More Julia likes:
IEnumerable - 


More than 3 hours to work on this study, thinking in C# - 

Advice for C# programmers:

Julia enjoyed the study. Very focus, try to understand the solution, how other people think in C#. It is the big world, millions programmers in the world today, you have to go out to reach them, some wisdom out there, teach you to learn C# programming language in very organic way. 

No one person can put together so many ideas for a simple problem. 

Julia is proud of herself, come to some simple idea to train herself in algorithm thinking. Low cost, and easy to access, and good quality code. 

More reading:
18. use StringBuilder to concatenate output

Here are good ideas for Julia to be a better C# developer as the anonymous code writer in 18:
(From webpage: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/306822)
1. the benefits of using the StringBuilder class over traditional concatenation techniques
2. C/C++ strcat() - to allocate a large character array as a buffer and copy string data into the buffer.
3. In .NET framework, a string is immutable; it cannot be modified in place. <- immutable explanation!
4. The C# + concatenation operator builds a new string and causes reduced performance when it concatenates large amounts of text. 
5. .NET framework, a StringBuilder class is optimized for string concatenation. 
same as using a character array in C/C++, as well as automatically growing the buffer size (if needed) and tracking the length for you. 
6. Reuse existing StringBuilder class rather tahn reallocate each time you need one. This limits the growth of the heap and reduces garbage collection. StringBuilder makes more efficient use of the heap than using the + operator. 

时间: 2025-01-02 17:56:15

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