Linear Algebra lecture4 note

Inverse of AB,A^(A的转置)

Product of elimination matrices  A=LU (no row exchanges)


Inverse of AB,A^(A的转置):


Product of elimination matrices  A=LU (no row exchanges)

E32E31E21A=U (no row exchanges)    EA=U


L表示下三角矩阵,lower triangle

D表示对角矩阵,diagonal triangle



对比EA=U  &   A=LU,哪种形式更好一些?



A=LU的形式更加简洁一些,if no row exchanges,  multipliers go directly into L

思考:How many operations on n * n Matrix(A)? 也就是多少数字改变了?


row1 不改变,后续行消元,99*100次运算,约看作100*100次;












时间: 2024-10-10 18:08:39

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