[NodeJS] Use Secrets When Deploying Applications with Now

Applications require a lot of sensitive information. Database passwords, API keys and secrets used for signing JWTs, just to name a few. If you‘re deploying your application using the Now CLI, you can deploy your secret information right through the CLI and give your code access to those secrets without exposing them directly in your source code. In this lesson, we‘ll cover how to add secrets to now, how to use a secret as the value of an environment variable and how to list and remove secrets in now.

// Create a secret
now secrets add super-secret-message "Mr. Bond"

// List Secrets
now secrets ls

// Deploy and Assign Secret to Environment Variable
now -f -e [email protected]message

// Remove Secret
now secrets rm super-secret-message

// Deploy with Standard Environment Variable Value
now -f -e GREETING=Eggheads

// Remove Deployment with Secret
时间: 2024-12-25 22:14:50

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