【leetcode刷题笔记】Longest Valid Parentheses

Given a string containing just the characters ‘(‘ and ‘)‘, find the length of the longest valid (well-formed) parentheses substring.

For "(()", the longest valid parentheses substring is "()", which has length = 2.

Another example is ")()())", where the longest valid parentheses substring is "()()", which has length = 4.



用currentMax记录当前最长的匹配串,它可以由多个有效的匹配累加而成,比如"()(())",currentMax = 2 + 4 = 6;或者等于当前最大的匹配,比如"()((())",currentMax = 4;

leftLen表示匹配当前")"时,得到的最长匹配是多少,比如"()(())",leftLen = 4;




  • 类似"())"或者")"的情况,即这个右括号是多余的,判断的条件是此时栈为空,说明重新开始了,把currentMax置零;
  • 类似"()()"或者"()(())"的情况,即这个右括号是匹配的,并且它匹配以后栈空了,说明前面搜索到的"()"可以和当前搜索完的串"()"或者"(())"合并起来,把currentMax += i - leftLen;
  • 类似"(()"或者"()(()",即这个右括号是匹配的,但是匹配后栈里面还有左括号,需要继续匹配,此时说明前面搜索到的"()"还不能和当前的"()"合并(二者中间有未匹配的左括号)。所以leftLen就是此时能得到的最大匹配长度了。


 1 public class Solution {
 2     public int longestValidParentheses(String s) {
 3         if(s==null || s.length() == 0)
 4             return 0;
 6         Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack <Integer>();
 7         int totalMax = 0;
 8         int currentMax = 0;
10         for(int i = 0;i < s.length();i++){
11             if(s.charAt(i) == ‘(‘){
12                 stack.push(i);
13             }
14             else{
15                 //situations like ")" or "())"
16                 if(stack.isEmpty()){
17                     currentMax = 0;
18                 }
19                 else{
20                     int leftPos = stack.pop();
21                     int leftLen = i - leftPos + 1;
23                    //situations like "()" or "()()",then we can accumulate with parathesis before
24                     if(stack.isEmpty()){
25                         currentMax += leftLen;
26                         leftLen = currentMax;
27                     }
28                    //situations like "(()" or "(()()",there is still left parathesis, so we can‘t accumulate
29                     else {
30                         leftLen = i - stack.peek();
31                     }
32                     totalMax = Math.max(totalMax, leftLen);
34                 }
35             }
37         }
39         return totalMax;
40     }
41 }

【leetcode刷题笔记】Longest Valid Parentheses

时间: 2025-01-11 01:37:00

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