a introduction to conditional random fields

1.Structured prediction methods are essentially a combination of classification and graphical modeling.

2.They combine the ability of graphical models to compactly model multivariate data with the ability of classification methods to perform prediction using large sets of input features.

3.The input x is divided into feature vectors {x0,x1, . . . ,xT }. Each xs contains various information about the word at position s, such as its identity, orthographic features such as prefixes and suffixes, membership in domain-specific lexicons, and information in semantic databases such as WordNet.

4.CRFs are essentially a way of combining the advantages of discriminative classification and graphical modeling, combining the ability to compactly model multivariate outputs y with the ability to leverage a large number of input features x for prediction.

5.The difference between generative models and CRFs is thus exactly analogous to the difference between the naive Bayes and logistic regression classifiers. Indeed, the multinomial logistic regression model can be seen as the simplest kind of CRF, in which there is only one output variable.

a introduction to conditional random fields

时间: 2024-11-05 22:52:25

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条件随机场介绍(1)—— An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields

条件随机场介绍 原文:An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields 作者: Charles Sutton (School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH8 9AB, UK)Andrew McCallum (Department of Computer Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 01003, USA)

条件随机场介绍(7)—— An Introduction to Conditional Random Fields

参考文献 [1] S.M.AjiandR.J.McEliece,"Thegeneralizeddistributivelaw,"IEEETrans- actions on Information Theory, vol. 46, no. 2, pp. 325–343, 2000. [2] Y.Altun,I.Tsochantaridis,andT.Hofmann,"HiddenMarkovsupportvector machines," in Internation

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条件随机场 Conditional Random Fields

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条件随机场(Conditional Random Fields)入门篇

1.1 引言 关系数据有两个特征: 1 待建模实体概率不独立.2 待建模的实体往往有很多特征可以帮助分类.例如,分类网页时,网页的文字信息可以提供很多信息,但网页间的超链接也可以帮助分类.[Tasker et al., 2012] 图模型是一种利用实体间概率依赖性的自然形式,通常,图模型用来表示联合分布P(x,y), y 表示的是期望的预测,x则表示可见的待待建模实体,类似于mechine learing的 输入x(i)与类标记y,但是对非独立变量的联合分布建模会很困难,因为根据乘法公式P(x,

NLP —— 图模型(二)条件随机场(Conditional random field,CRF)

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条件随机场Conditional Random Field

听说这个词很久了,最近花了几天时间在啃这块东西. 看了李航的统计学习方法,实际不太理解,上面没有实际的案例,只是列举了一些定理和公式. Conditional Random Field 属于 Markov Random Field, which 可以表示为一个无向图模型. 今天早上看了一下这篇blog,针对例子感觉有些清楚了. http://blog.echen.me/2012/01/03/introduction-to-conditional-random-fields/ 稍候我再总结一下 原