What is the field engineer Gig economy?Literally, it is “the economy of small jobs,” or how the Internet isrevolutionizing the labor market. When we speak of this economy, also known asthe experience economy, the examples are many: everyone knows the stories ofthe creation of companies like Airbnb and Uber. You don’t need to be amulti-national to sell products and services to any part of the globe. Thiseconomy favors entrepreneurship and peer to peer services.
This is similar to the kind of stuff you used to do as a summer student to try toimprove your daily life for the rest of the academic year, hoping that one dayyou’ll find a real job with a fixed monthly salary that allows you to pay therent, buy food and some well-deserved holidays. The English word “gig” was,until a few years ago, primarily used for musicians.

For the people saying, “it will never work,” it rather presagesa nightmarish world in which workers are transformed into job hunters, ready todo anything to acquire their small share of work. For optimists, this representsan unlimited future for innovation and entrepreneurship.

This new economy, which appeared a few years ago in the UnitedStates, has become so important that it has entered the speeches of thecandidates for the White House. But today, this field engineer economy is muchmore than a new channel of connection for freelance work. The experience economy generates a multitude ofnew economic activities.

If we jump back and analyze the economy in the eighteenthcentury, as Adam Smith does in his book “Research on the Nature and Causes ofthe Wealth of Nations”, we realize that much of this trade was betweenindividuals. The digital revolution is largely responsible for this return topeer to peer.

This aspect is supported by the social networks on the one hand.It is necessary to take care of one’s e-reputation, and by the applicationsthemselves which guarantee the service. It remains crucial to deal with thequestion of trust. Otherwise, who would go on a ride with a perfect unknown,who would rent his apartment to a group of people living thousands of milesaway? is an app powered freelance employment marketplace for telecomfield engineers that has enabled telecom field engineers to accomplish morethan 4,500 projects from forty-five assorted clients from the time when it wasunveiled in April 2017. It is possible to take care of your family or yourleisure at some point of the day and then turn into an entrepreneur the nexthour.

The specter of social inequality is becoming even more sneakywith the risk of meeting tomorrow with a society divided into two parts: thevast majority offering on-demand services to a handful of privileged people.But you have to be careful that this does not have this effect.

Are we on the verge of a revolution in the market economy?Almost everyone, with a little talent, can become a hotelier, a craftsman, adriver. It seems indeed that we are in the process of inventing a newinstitutional form, a hybrid, based on a market model on one hand and on theother hand a 1 to 1 relationship.

In many countries, governments have hastened to pass laws, toamend regulations to try to adapt to this revolution, but also to temporizethese developments, which are in direct opposition to institutional enterprises.It is up to each one to tell his anecdote on the subject.

If one believes the current conversations around the coffeemachine, it seems that this is a real subject of the present society. Or, moresimply, the absence of a framework and other rules makes it complicated tocollect reliable data. is the most convenientlocation for field engineers to secure exceptional employment opportunities aswell as get in touch with employers. Register and download the App today, as it happens to be totally free of any charges.

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时间: 2024-11-10 15:08:37


What is the field engineer Gig economy?

What is the field engineer Gig economy?Literally, it is "the economy of small jobs," or how the Internet isrevolutionizing the labor market. When we speak of this economy, also known asthe experience economy, the examples are many: everyone know


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