Neutron - improve dhcp performance

Neutron - improve dhcp performance的相关文章

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Neutron分析(7)—— neutron-l3-agent HA solutions

1. keepalived vrrp/conntrackd High availability features will be implemented as extensions or drivers.A first extension/driver will be based on VRRP. A new scheduler will be also added in order to be able to spawn multiple instances of a same router


1.创建neutorn数据库 [email protected]:~/ocata# mysql -uroot -p -e "CREATE DATABASE neutron" Enter password: [email protected]:~/ocata# mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON neutron.* TO 'neutron'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'zoomtech'"

基于Neutron的Kubernetes SDN实践经验之谈

首先,向大家科普下Kubernetes所选择的CNI网络接口,简单介绍下网络实现的背景. CNI即Container Network Interface,是一套容器网络的定义规范,包括方法规范.参数规范.响应规范等等.CNI只要求在容器创建时为容器分配网络资源.删除容器时释放网络资源.CNI与调用者之间的整个交互过程如下图所示: CNI实现与外界的交互都通过进程参数和环境变量传递,也只要求输出结果符合CNI规范即可,与实现语言也没什么特殊要求.比如Calico早期版本就使用Python实现了CN

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Java Performance Optimization Tools and Techniques for Turbocharged Apps--reference

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