





我这里找的是一个免费的天气预报API,方便实用,用的人也多: http://apistore.baidu.com/apiworks/servicedetail/112.html


 1 function weather_excu_curl($url){
 2     $ch = curl_init();
 3     $header = array(
 4         ‘apikey:你自己的apikey‘,
 5     );
 6     // 添加apikey到header
 7     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $header);
 8     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
 9     // 执行HTTP请求
10     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
11     $res = curl_exec($ch);
12     return $res;
13 }
15 //根据城市名称-- type == 0 获取城市代码,!=0 获取天气整体信息
16 function get_cityCode($cityname,$type){
17     //获取城市代码
18     $url_city = ‘http://apis.baidu.com/apistore/weatherservice/cityname?cityname=‘.$cityname;
19     $res = weather_excu_curl($url_city);
20     $res = json_decode($res);
21     $errnum = $res->errNum;
22     if($type == 0) {
23         //当地基本天气信息
24         if ($errnum != -1) {
25             return $res->retData->citycode;
26         } else {
27             return null;
28         }
29     }else{
30         return $res;
31     }
32 }
33 //带历史7天和未来4天--天气查询
34 function get_recent_weather($citycode){
35     if($citycode) {
36         $url = ‘http://apis.baidu.com/apistore/weatherservice/recentweathers?cityid=‘ . $citycode;
37         return weather_excu_curl($url);
38     }else{
39         return null;
40     }
41 }
 1 function getWeather(){
 2 //dealid 传递给后台处理的参数
 3     var dealid = $("#dealid").val();
 4     $.ajax({
 5         url:"你的后台处理地址",
 6         dataType: "json",
 7         async:false,
 8         data:{"dealid":dealid},
 9         type:"POST",
10         success:function(msg){
11             var container = $("#weather_info");
12             if(msg[‘status‘]!=0) {
13                 var data = msg[‘data‘][‘retData‘];
14                 console.log(data);
15                 $("#weather_nav .weather_city").html(data[‘city‘]);
16                 if(data.today){
17                     var history = data.history;
18                     var forecast = data.forecast;
19                     //data  today weather
20                     var todayContent = data.today.index;
21                     var todayHtml = "";
22                     var todayLength = todayContent.length;
23                     for (var i=0;i<todayLength;i++){
24                         todayHtml += "<div class=‘"+todayContent[i][‘code‘]+"‘>" +
25                             "<p>"+todayContent[i][‘name‘]+" "+todayContent[i][‘index‘]+"</p>" +
26                             "<p>"+todayContent[i][‘details‘]+"</p>" +
27                             "</div>";
28                     }
29                     container.append("<div class=‘weather_today‘>" +
30                         "<ul>" +
31                         "<li>温度 :"+data.today.curTemp+" / "+data.today.type+"</li>" +
32                         "<li>时间 :"+data.today.date+" / "+data.today.week+"</li>" +
33                         "<li>风力 :"+data.today.fengli+"</li>" +
34                         "<li>风向 :"+data.today.fengxiang+"</li>" +
35                         "<li>最高温 :"+data.today.hightemp+"</li>" +
36                         "<li>最低温 :"+data.today.lowtemp+"</li>" +
37                         "<li>PM值 :"+data.today.aqi+"</li>" +
38                         "<li>"+todayHtml+"</li>" +
39                         "</ul>" +
40                         "</div>");
41                     //history weather
42                     var historyLength = history.length;
43                     var historyHtml = "";
44                     for(var i=0; i < historyLength;i++){
45                         historyHtml +="<li><p>天气 :"+history[i][‘type‘]+"</p>" +
46                             "<p>时间 :"+history[i][‘date‘]+" / "+history[i][‘week‘]+"</p>" +
47                             "<p>风力 :"+history[i][‘fengli‘]+"</p>"+
48                             "<p>风向 :"+history[i][‘fengxiang‘]+"</p>"+
49                             "<p>最高温 :"+history[i][‘hightemp‘]+"</p>"+
50                             "<p>最低温 :"+history[i][‘lowtemp‘]+"</p>"+
51                             "<p>PM值 :"+history[i][‘aqi‘]+"</p></li>";
52                     }
53                     container.append("<div class=‘weather_history‘><ul>"+historyHtml+"</ul></div>");
54                     //forecast weather
55                     var forecastLength = forecast.length;
56                     var forecastHtml = "";
57                     for(var i=0; i < forecastLength;i++){
58                         forecastHtml +="<li><p>天气 :"+forecast[i][‘type‘]+"</p>" +
59                             "<p>时间 :"+forecast[i][‘date‘]+" / "+forecast[i][‘week‘]+"</p>" +
60                             "<p>风力 :"+forecast[i][‘fengli‘]+"</p>"+
61                             "<p>风向 :"+forecast[i][‘fengxiang‘]+"</p>"+
62                             "<p>最高温 :"+forecast[i][‘hightemp‘]+"</p>"+
63                             "<p>最低温 :"+forecast[i][‘lowtemp‘]+"</p></li>";
64                     }
65                     container.append("<div class=‘weather_forecast‘><ul>"+forecastHtml+"</ul></div>");
66                 }
67             }else {
68                 container.append(msg.content);
69                 $("#weather_nav").css("display","none");
70             }
71         },
72         error:function(){
73             console.log("出错");
74         }
75     });
76 }

后台处理代码(要include 之前写的 weather.php):

 1 require ‘/weather.php‘;
 2 class weatherModule extends BaseModule
 3 {
 4     public function weather(){
 5         $dealid = $_POST[‘dealid‘];
 6         $deal = mysql查询到相关的数据;
 7         //city
 8         $cityCode = get_cityCode($deal[‘city‘],0);
 9         if($cityCode) {
10             $res = get_recent_weather($cityCode);
11             echo json_encode(array("status"=>1,"data"=>json_decode($res)));
12         }else{
13             //province
14             $citycode0 = get_cityCode($deal[‘province‘]);
15             if($citycode0){
16                 $res0 = get_recent_weather($citycode0,0);
17                 echo json_encode(array("status"=>2,"data"=>json_decode($res0)));
18             }else{
19                 echo json_encode(array("status"=>0,"content"=>"没有查到该地区天气数据"));
20             }
21         }
22     }
23 }


1 <input id="dealid" type="text" placeholder="输入赛事id 查询最近城市天气" style="width: 400px;">
2 <input type="submit" onclick="getWeather()">
3     <div id="weather_info">
4                 <!--这里是Js异步加载的天气数据-->
5     </div>
6 </body>



时间: 2024-10-12 08:40:34



天气预报API开发 一.        寻觅篇 最近想要跟着视频练习一下利用API开发一个天气预报系统,就在网上找了一下可以用的API,结果好多都已经失效了... 1.       百度车联网天气预报API(失败) 首先是找了视频了的百度开发者平台 – LBS – 车联网 – 天气预报API,结果发现已经在2015年12月停止服务了 2.       中国天气网API(失败) 没办法,既然百度不鸟我了,只能继续找找看有没有别的了.难道就百度一家做生意么? 百度了一下“天气预报API”(^-^),

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> 1. XML接口 http://flash.weather.com.cn/wmaps/xml/china.xml 这个是全国天气的根节点,列出所有的省,其中的pyName字段是各个省XML的文件名,比如北京的是beijing,那就意味着北京的XML地址为 http://flash.weather.com.cn/wmaps/xml/beijing.xml 一个省的天气,其中列出该省各个市的数据,北京就列出各个区. tmp1是最低温低,tmp2是最高温度,url非常重要,我们一会儿再说.stat

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