leetcode 576. Out of Boundary Paths




 1 class Solution {
 2 public:
 3     int findPaths(int m, int n, int N, int i, int j) {
 4         int dp[51][50][50];
 5         for(int Ni=0;Ni<=N;Ni++)
 6           for(int mi=0;mi<m;mi++)
 7             for(int ni=0;ni<n;ni++){
 8                 if(!Ni) {dp[Ni][mi][ni]==0; continue;}
 9                 dp[Ni][mi][ni]=((long long) (!mi?1:dp[Ni-1][mi-1][ni])+(mi==m-1?1:dp[Ni-1][mi+1][ni])+
10                                             (!ni?1:dp[Ni-1][mi][ni-1])+(ni==n-1?1:dp[Ni-1][mi][ni+1]))%1000000007;
11             }
12         return dp[N][i][j];
13     }
14 };



 int dp[51][50][50]={};



时间: 2024-08-30 01:09:35

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