CodeForces 57C Array 组合计数+逆元








那么相当于求将2*n分成n个部分,且每个部分的值大于等于1,则易得非降序列总数为:C(n,2*n-1)(2*n-1 选 n)



 1 #include<iostream>
 2 #include<cstring>
 3 #include<cstdio>
 4 using namespace std;
 6 const int mod = 1000000007;
 7 typedef long long LL;
 8 int n;
 9 //扩展欧几里得
10 void gcd(int a, int b, int &d, int &x, int &y) {
11     if (!b) { d = a; x = 1; y = 0; }
12     else { gcd(b, a%b, d, y, x); y -= x*(a / b); }
13 }
14 //求逆元
15 int inv(int a) {
16     int d, x, y;
17     gcd(a, mod, d, x, y);
18     return x;
19 }
20 //求阶乘
21 int solve(int _n,int x) {
22     LL ret = 1;
23     while (_n--) {
24         ret *= x;
25         ret %= mod;
26         x--;
27     }
28     return ret;
29 }
31 int main() {
32     while (scanf("%d", &n) == 1 && n) {
33         int ans = (LL)solve(n, 2 * n - 1)*inv(solve(n,n))%mod;
34         ans = ans * 2 - n;
35         ans = (ans%mod + mod) % mod;
36         printf("%d\n", ans);
37     }
38     return 0;
39 }
时间: 2024-12-05 15:30:55

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