codevs 1269 匈牙利游戏

        codevs 1269 匈牙利游戏

题目描述 Description

Welcome to the Hungary Games! The streets of Budapest form a twisted network of one-way streets.


You have been forced to join a race as part of a “Reality TV” show where you race through these streets, starting at the Sz′echenyi thermal bath (s for short) and ending at the Tomb of G¨ ul Baba (t for short).


Naturally, you want to complete the race as quickly as possible, because you will get more promo- tional contracts the better you perform.


However, there is a catch: any person who is smart enough to take a shortest s-t route will be thrown into the P′alv¨olgyi cave system and kept as a national treasure. You would like to avoid this fate, but still be as fast as possible. Write a program that computes a strictly-second-shortest s-t route.


Sometimes the strictly-second-shortest route visits some nodes more than once; see Sample Input 2 for an example.


输入描述 Input Description

The ?rst line will have the format N M, where N is the number of nodes in Budapest and M is the number of edges. The nodes are 1,2,...,N; node 1 represents s; node N represents t. Then there are M lines of the form A B L, indicating a one-way street from A to B of length L. You can assume that A != B on these lines, and that the ordered pairs (A,B) are distinct.

第一行包含两个整数N和M,N代表布达佩斯的节点个数,M代表边的个数。节点编号从1到N。1代表出发点s,N代表终点t。接下来的M行每行三个整数A B L,代表有一条从A到B的长度为L的单向同路。你可以认为A不等于B,也不会有重复的(A,B)对。

输出描述 Output Description

Output the length of a strictly-second-shortest route from s to t. If there are less than two possible lengths for routes from s to t, output ?1.


样例输入 Sample Input


4 6

1 2 5

1 3 5

2 3 1

2 4 5

3 4 5

1 4 13


2 2

1 2 1

2 1 1

样例输出 Sample Output





数据范围及提示 Data Size & Hint


There are two shortest routes of length 10 (1 → 2 → 4,1 → 3 → 4) and the strictly-second- shortest route is 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 with length 11.


The shortest route is 1 → 2 of length 1, and the strictly-second route is 1 → 2 → 1 → 2 of length 3.

思路:次短路模板  注意要判断该图中是否有最短路

#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;

#define LOOP(i, n) for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
const int MAX_NODE = 50005;
const int MAX_EDGE = 100005 << 1;
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;

struct Node;
struct Edge;

struct Node {
    int Id, Dist, Dist2;
    bool Inq;
    Edge *Head;
} _nodes[MAX_NODE], *Start, *Target;
int _vCount;

struct Edge {
    int Weight;
    Node *From, *To;
    Edge *Next;
    Edge() {}
    Edge(Node *from, Node *to, Edge *next, int weight) :
        From(from), To(to), Next(next), Weight(weight) {}
} *_edges[MAX_EDGE];
int _eCount;

void Init(int vCount) {
    memset(_nodes, 0, sizeof _nodes);
    _vCount = vCount;
    _eCount = 0;
    Start = 1 + _nodes;
    Target = vCount + _nodes;

void AddEdge(Node *from, Node *to, int weight) {
    Edge *e = _edges[++_eCount] = new Edge(from, to, from->Head, weight);
    e->From->Head = e;

void Build(int uId, int vId, int weight) {
    Node *u = uId + _nodes, *v = vId + _nodes;
    u->Id = uId;
    v->Id = vId;
    AddEdge(u, v, weight);

void SPFA() {
    LOOP(i, _vCount)
    _nodes[i].Dist = _nodes[i].Dist2 = INF;
    static queue<Node*> q;
    Start->Dist = 0;
    Start->Dist2 = INF;
    Start->Inq = true;
    while (!q.empty()) {
        Node *u = q.front();
        u->Inq = false;
        for (Edge *e = u->Head; e; e = e->Next) {
            bool relaxOk = false;
            if (u->Dist + e->Weight < e->To->Dist) {
                e->To->Dist2 = e->To->Dist;
                e->To->Dist = u->Dist + e->Weight;
                relaxOk = true;
            else if (u->Dist + e->Weight > e->To->Dist && u->Dist + e->Weight < e->To->Dist2) {
                e->To->Dist2 = u->Dist + e->Weight;
                relaxOk = true;
            if (u->Dist2 + e->Weight < e->To->Dist2) {
                e->To->Dist2 = u->Dist2 + e->Weight;
                relaxOk = true;
            if (relaxOk && !e->To->Inq) {
                e->To->Inq = true;

int main() {
    int totNode, totEdge;
    int uId, vId, weight;
    scanf("%d%d", &totNode, &totEdge);
    LOOP(i, totEdge) {
        scanf("%d%d%d", &uId, &vId, &weight);
        Build(uId, vId, weight);
    if (Target->Dist2 == INF) printf("-1\n");
    else printf("%d\n", Target->Dist2);
    return 0;


时间: 2024-08-05 08:19:32

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