1.Download Opennms latest source code
2.Download latest Java JDK and install it. Set JAVA_HOME path
3.Download Postgres and install it. Set the path in environment variable
4.Download Perl and install it. Set path in environment variable
5.Unzip the opennms source code and put it your local server
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms)
6.Set the mavan bin path in environment variable
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms\maven\bin)
7.Enter into D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms> path
8.Clean your project
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms>perl clean.pl)
9.Compile your opennms project
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms>perl compile.pl)
10.Assemple your or build your project
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms>perl assemple.pl -Dopennms.home=D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Build)
11.Copy your build file opennms-1.13.0-SNAPSHOT.tar.gz from D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Source\opennms\target folder
12.Put it your build opennms home location and unzip it
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Build)
13.Now your folder structure in build path should be the folllowing hira
- bin
- etc
- ...
14.Create install.bat file with the following content
SET OPENNMS_HOME=D:/Workspace/OpenNMS/Build
SET DBNAME=opennms
SET DBURL=jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\java" -Xmx512m "-Dopennms.home=%OPENNMS_HOME%" "-Dinstall.dir=%OPENNMS_HOME%" "-Dinstall.database.name=%DBNAME%" "-Dinstall.database.url=%DBURL%" "-Dinstall.etc.dir=%ETCDIR%" "-Dinstall.servlet.dir=%SERVLETDIR%" -classpath
"%OPENNMS_HOME%/lib/opennms_bootstrap.jar;%OPENNMS_HOME%/lib/opennms_install.jar" org.opennms.install.Installer %*
15.Download jicmp.dll and jicmp6.dll file and put it in your java bin folder
(Ex : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin)
16.Change your postgres password in D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Build\etc\opennms-datasources.xml file
<jdbc-data-source name="opennms-admin"
password="postgres" />
17.Create the opennms database for opennms source with help of install.bat file
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Build\bin>install.bat -d)
18.Create opennms.bat file with the following content to start opennms bulid
"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin\java" -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Dopennms.home="D:/Workspace/OpenNMS/Build" -Djava.endorsed.dirs="$OPENNMS_HOME/lib/endorsed" -jar "D:/Workspace/OpenNMS/Build/lib/opennms_bootstrap.jar" %*
19.To run the opennms server, Open cmd prompt in admin mode and run opennms.bat file
(Ex : D:\Workspace\OpenNMS\Build\bin>opennms.bat start)