042 Trapping Rain Water

这道题有一个直观的想法, 就是分别记录每个点的左侧和右侧最大值 对于height[i] 这一点能装的水等于 min(leftMax[i], rightMax[i]) - height[i]. 这个解法需要扫描2次序列。


class Solution:
    # @param {integer[]} height
    # @return {integer}
    def trap(self, height):
        stack = []
        ans = 0
        i, length = 0, len(height)
        while i < length:
            if stack == []:
                stack.append([height[i], 1])
                if height[i] < stack[-1][0]:
                    stack.append([height[i], 1])
                    if height[i] >= stack[0][0]:
                        hh = stack[0][0]
                        while stack != []:
                            col = stack.pop()
                            h = col[0]
                            l = col[1]
                            ans += (hh - h) * l
                        stack.append([height[i], 1])
                        tmp = 1
                        hh = height[i]
                        while hh >= stack[-1][0]:
                            col = stack.pop()
                            h = col[0]
                            l = col[1]
                            ans += (hh - h) * l
                            tmp += l
                        stack.append([hh, tmp])
            i += 1
        return ans
时间: 2025-01-04 06:49:38

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