[英] 推荐 15 个 jQuery 选择框插件

jQuery Selectbox Plugins let you create beautiful and eye catching select box for your websites instead of the orthodox html select box which looks old and boring. This gallery includes 15 jQuery SelectBox Plugins which can be used to enhance any website layout. Following plugins are easy to use and you can integrate them into your web applications with less or no endeavours, I hope you will find the list handy and useful for your next web projects. Enjoy !!

1. FancySelect

FancySelect is a better select for discerning web developers everywhere and it is easy to use.

2. Bootstrap Select

Bootstrap Select is a custom select / multiselect for Bootstrapusing button dropdown, designed to behave like regular Bootstrap selects.

3. Chosen

Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.

4. Select 2

Select2 is a jQuery based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, remote data sets, and infinite scrolling of results. Select2 provides the ability to add results from the search term entered by the user, which allows it to be used for tagging.

5. SelectBoxit

SelectBoxIt allows you to replace ugly and hard to use HTML select boxes with gorgeous and feature rich drop downs. Twitter Bootstrap, jQueryUI and jQuery Mobile themes are supported right out of the box. SelectBoxIt also provides first-class support for mobile, tablet, and desktop browsers, triggering the native “wheel” interface for mobile and tablet devices.

6. GentleSelect

gentleSelect is a jQuery plugin for transforming select boxes into a skinnable alternative. The selection list can be rendered with multiple columns/rows to present larger datasets in a more manageable format. It recognizes the multiple attribute on select boxes and does the right thing automatically.

7. HeapBox

HeapBox is plugin for jQuery that replace native HTML selectboxes in your webpages. HeapBox supports themes, events, callbacks, ajax and much more.

8. Selectify

Selectify is a jQuery plugin that turns select element into a stylable and customizable element. The element can receive focus and blur. When focussed, all key strokes for selecting elements will work including browsing by pressing the up and down keys.

9. SumoSelect

SumoSelect is a jQuery single/multi select plugin which can be used on almost any device. It can be fully customizable using simple css properties.

10. jQuery Select Plugin

jQuery Select is a simple jQuery plugin to allow for custom styling of select elements. This plugin takes a look at select boxes that match the selector you provide, and will add in a label after matching select boxes. It will also add some classes to these elements for the purposes of styling.

11. Selectric

Selectric is a jQuery plugin designed to help at stylizing and manipulating HTML selects.

12. Selectator

Selectator is a jQuery-based replacement for select boxes. It supports searching, and affects the original select box directly, which is used as the data container.

13. Flexselect

Flexselect is a jQuery plugin that turns regular select boxes into Quicksilver-like, flex-matching, incremental-finding controls.

14. Bselect

bselect is the select decorator component that was missing for Bootstrap.

15. Zelect

Zelect is a jQuery plugin to create custom select elements.

时间: 2024-08-01 13:04:46

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