Alex and Number

Alex and Number

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提交: 69  解决: 12


Alex love Number theory. Today he think a easy problem, Give you number N and L, To calculate N^1 + N^2 + N^3 + ... + N^L, And ans will mod 1e9+7


Many test of input(about 10W case), each input contains number N and L, 1 <= N, L <= 2147483647


Contains a number with your answer


2 5
3 5
10 10




using namespace std;

const int MOD = 1000000007;  // 宏定义也行

typedef long long ll;  // __int64也行

ll pow_mod(ll x, ll k)   // 快速幂函数
    ll ans = 1;

    if(k == 1)
        return x;
            ans = (ans * x) % MOD;
        x = (x * x) % MOD;
        k >>= 1;     // k  /= 2
    return ans; //     (n*n*n*n*n)%Mod = (( ((n*n)%Mod) *((n*n)%Mod) ) % Mod) * (n % Mod)  ,记住就行了~至于为什么,目前我还不知道

ll magic(ll n, ll l)
    if(l == 1)
        return n; 

    ll tmp = magic(n, l/2);  // 递归,二分,先求l部分的前一半项

    ll ste = (tmp + (pow_mod(n, l/2) * tmp )% MOD) % MOD;  // n+n*n+n*n*n+n*n*n*n = n+n*n + (n+n*n) * n * n(L个

        ste = (ste + (pow_mod(n, l) % MOD)) % MOD;  // 如果l是奇数,加上最后一项,即n的l次方
    return ste;  // 返回当前l项的结果

int main()
    ll n, l;

    while(~scanf("%lld%lld", &n, &l))
        printf("%lld\n", magic(n, l));
    return 0;
时间: 2025-01-04 09:50:34

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