192-0070 Final project proposal

Final project proposal
1 – Summary of your project.
It is based on an existing game which is called “league of dodging”.
And the main idea of the game is controlling a champion to dodge all the skills come
from different direction randomly.
This is how the game looks like.
The more skills you dodge, the higher mark you get.
2 – Specific features you want to implement
Character controls : mouse right click.
Game mode: This will be a single player game.
AI: no.
UI: score only
Art assets: a picture of summer’s rift, a picture of yasuo(may can have some pictures of other
champions) picture of rank levels and picture of Morgana’s q skill.
Summer’s rift:
Picture of yasuo:
Picture of rank level:
Picture of Morgana’s q skill:
Input: mouse input.
3 – Systems.
I need to write a player controller system,UIManager.
4 – Timeline
week 1: Find all the elements that would be used in game.
all game art assets loaded.
week 2: Build the frame of the game.
week 3:UI finished.
week 4:player controls done.
week 5:debugs.
week 6: Done!
and do the presentation

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时间: 2024-08-29 16:11:25

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