

Real-Time Human Objects Tracking for Smart Surveillance at the Edge
Abstract— Allowing computation to be performed at the edge of a network, edge computing has been recognized as a promising approach to address some challenges in the cloud computing paradigm, particularly to the delay-sensitive and mission-critical applications like real-time surveillance. Prevalence of networked cameras and smart mobile devices enable video analytics at the network edge. However, human objects detection and tracking are still conducted at cloud centers, as real-time, online tracking is computationally expensive. In this paper, we investigated the feasibility of processing surveillance video streaming at the network edge for real-time, uninterrupted moving human objects tracking. Moving human detection based on Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) is illustrated for features extraction, and an efficient multiobject tracking algorithm based on Kernelized Correlation Filters (KCF) is proposed. Implemented and tested on Raspberry Pi 3, our experimental results are very encouraging, which validated the feasibility of the proposed approach toward a real-time surveillance solution at the edge of networks.
摘要-允许在网络边缘执行计算,边缘计算被认为是解决云计算范式中一些挑战的一种有希望的方法,特别是对于延迟敏感和任务关键的应用,如实时监视。网络摄像机和智能移动设备的普及使视频分析在网络边缘得以实现。然而,由于实时、在线的跟踪计算量大,人体目标的检测和跟踪仍然是在云中心进行的。本文研究了在网络边缘处理监控视频流以实现实时、不间断的运动目标跟踪的可行性。提出了一种基于方向梯度直方图(HOG)和线性支持向量机(SVM)的运动人体检测方法,并提出了一种基于核相关滤波器(KCF)的多目标跟踪算法。在覆盆子Pi 3上实现并测试,实验结果令人鼓舞,验证了该方法在网络边缘实时监控解决方案中的可行性。
Cloud computing paradigm(云计算范式)
Histogram of Oriented Gradients(方向梯度直方图)
linear Support Vector Machine(线性支持向量机)
Kernelized Correlation Filters(核相关滤波器)
Raspberry Pi 3(树莓派3代)
Keywords—Edge Computing, Human Detection, Object Tracking, Smart Surveillance.


The concept of Smart Cities becomes feasible thanks to the advanced information and communication technologies (ICT) that link cyber-physical systems and social objects. It provides high-value services that improve the life quality of residents. One of the most actively researched smart city topics is the intelligent surveillance [22]. It enables a broad spectrum of promising applications, including access control in areas of interest, human identity or behavior recognition, crowd flux statistics and congestion analysis, detection of anomalous behaviors, and interactive surveillance using multiple cameras [10]. Due to the onerous computation requirement of big data contextual tasks, many of those smart surveillance applications are design to use a cloud computing framework that possesses abundant computation power, excellent flexibility, and scalability.
However, in practice, the cloud computing based smart surveillance applications face significant challenges. Although they require real-time object detection and tracking by processing of video streams collected from widely distributed data sources, such as networked cameras and smart mobile devices, transferring the massive amount of raw frame data to cloud centers not only incurs uncertainty in timing but also poses extra workload to the communication networks. Also, the remote data transmission may cause the data security and privacy issues by allowing more exploring opportunities to the attackers. Consequently, the surveillance video streams are often considered as a measure for afterward forensics analysis instead of a proactive tool to deter suspicious activities before damages are caused. Hence, the technologies of devolving many time critical and security sensitive tasks to the local processing are actively searched [1].
The recent Internet of Things (IoTs) technology is leading us to the post-cloud era. Thousands of connected smart “things” immersing into our daily life generate a huge amount of data as well as perform data processing on the edge of the network [17]. Hence, edge computing over IoT has been widely considered as a promising solution for addressing the cloud computing challenges [11], [17]. Potential advantages of edge computing over cloud computing are summarized as follows:
? Real-time response: Since applications or services are directly performed at the edge computing devices that are close to data sources. Information extracting and data analyzing are executed “on-site” to meet the requirement of fast response for delay sensitive tasks;
? 实时响应:因为应用程序或服务直接在靠近数据源的边缘计算设备上执行。在现场进行信息提取和数据分析,以满足对延迟敏感任务的快速响应要求;
? Lower network workload: Raw data that is generated by sensors and monitors will be consumed at the edge of the network instead of outsourcing to a remote cloud server for processing and analysis. Since only extracted information will be sent to cloud server, the workload of the communication network is significantly reduced;
? 降低网络工作量:传感器和监视器生成的原始数据将在网络边缘消耗,而不是外包给远程云服务器进行处理和分析。由于只将提取的信息发送到云服务器,大大减少了通信网络的工作量;
? Lower energy consumption: Most of the edge devices are energy constraint system, producing and consuming data locally on the edge will also effectively reduce energy consumed by data transmission;
? 低能耗:大多数边缘设备都是能量约束系统,在边缘本地生成和消耗数据也将有效降低数据传输所消耗的能量;
? Data security and privacy: The less data is sent, the fewer opportunities are available to attackers who have access to the communication networks; on the other hand, it is easier to enforce security and privacy policies at local comparing to requesting collaboration among multiple network domains under different administrations.
? 数据安全和隐私:发送的数据越少,有权访问通信网络的攻击者获得的机会就越少;另一方面,与在不同管理下请求多个网络域之间的协作相比,在本地实施安全和隐私策略更容易
In this paper, we validated the feasibility of conducting real-time, uninterrupted moving human objects tracking task leveraging the edge computing paradigm. Selected algorithms are implemented at the edge of the network to process raw video streams for identifying human objects as well as for automatically tracking the human moving patterns. Our major contribution lies in two folds: 1) a three-layer automatic surveillance system architecture is proposed, which pushes the computing tasks even closer to the data source such that the detection and tracking tasks are executed on the embedded edge devices; and 2) a concept-proof prototype is implemented and tested using Raspberry PI as the edge computing engines. An experimental study has been conducted using real-world surveillance video streams. In our experiments, the edge device can process 12.2 frames per second, which successfully met the requirements of real-time performance. And the obtained accuracy is decent with the detection rate varying from 60% to 83.3% depending on the number of human objects in a single frame and the complexity of the background. It laid a solid foundation to detect suspicious behaviors or activities and generate alerts earlier proactively.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section II discusses some closely related work on video surveillance. Section III introduces the architecture of our proposed smart surveillance system. Section IV briefly describes the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and the linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithms that are adapted for human object detection, along with a multi-object tracking scheme based on Kernelized Correlation Filters (KCF) algorithm. Section V reports the experimental results with discussions. Finally, Section VI wraps up this paper with the conclusions along with a view of our on-going efforts.


时间: 2024-08-30 15:35:40



五. 实验结果(★) We have tested the feasibility of the proposed human objects detection and tracking scheme by processing video steam on edge computing devices. The experimental setup and results are discussed in this section. 通过在边缘计算设备上处理视频流,验证了所提出的人体目标检测


形态学滤波理论于上世纪90年代提出,目前被广泛用于分析及处理离散图像.其基本运算有4个: 膨胀.腐蚀.开启和闭合, 它们在二值图像和灰度图像中各有特点.基于这些基本运算还可推导和组合成各种数学形态学实用算法,用它们可以进行图像形状和结构的分析及处理,包括图像分割.特征抽取.边缘检测. 图像滤波.图像增强和恢复等.数学形态学方法利用一个称作结构元素的"探针"收集图像的信息,当探针在图像中不断移动时, 便可考察图像各个部分之间的相互关系,从而了解图像的结构特征.数学形态学基于探测的思想,与


计算机视觉领域中,目标检测一直是工业应用上比较热门且成熟的应用领域,比如人脸识别.行人检测等,国内的旷视科技.商汤科技等公司在该领域占据行业领先地位.相对于图像分类任务而言,目标检测会更加复杂一些,不仅需要知道这是哪一类图像,而且要知道图像中所包含的内容有什么及其在图像中的位置,因此,其工业应用比较广泛.那么,今天将向读者介绍该领域中表现优异的一种算算法--"你只需要看一次"(you only look once,yolo),提出该算法的作者风趣幽默可爱,其个人主页及论文风格显示了其性


转自:http://tsyouaschen.iteye.com/blog/1946957 判断给定的点是否被一个CGRect包含,可以用CGRectContainsPoint函数 BOOL contains = CGRectContainsPoint(CGRect rect, CGPoint point); 判断一个CGRect是否包含再另一个CGRect里面,常用与测试给定的对象之间是否又重叠 BOOL contains = CGRectContainsRect(CGRect rect1, C


img: 待检测的图像. threshold: 阈值,可先项,默认为10 line_length: 检测的最短线条长度,默认为50 line_gap: 线条间的最大间隙.增大这个值可以合并破碎的线条.默认为10 返回: lines: 线条列表, 格式如((x0, y0), (x1, y0)),标明开始点和结束点. 下面,我们用canny算子提取边缘,然后检测哪些边缘是直线? import skimage.transform as st import matplotlib.pyplot as pl

OpenCV DNN之YOLO实时对象检测

OpenCV DNN之YOLO实时对象检测 OpenCV在3.3.1的版本中开始正式支持Darknet网络框架并且支持YOLO1与YOLO2以及YOLO Tiny网络模型的导入与使用.YOLO是一种比SSD还要快的对象检测网络模型,算法作者在其论文中说FPS是Fast R-CNN的100倍,基于COCO数据集跟SSD网络的各项指标对比 在最新的OpenCV3.4上我也测试了YOLO3,发现不支持,因为YOLO3有个新层类型shortcut,OpenCV3.4的Darknet暂时还不支持.这里首先


今天的相机应用可以做的不仅仅是拍完美的照片.无论是添加过滤器到您的图像或让您调整焦点和手动曝光,应用程序可以从根本上把你变成一个专业摄影师.虽然应用商店中的众多应用程序让你用相机做很多事情,还有其他人可以实时地对你的图像进行巧妙的操作,例如在脸上添加自定义掩码,操纵你的脸看起来更老或更年轻,和更多的.今天的社交媒体应用程序有这样的智能,所以你不必打开另一个应用程序让你的自拍看起来平凡的在你与朋友和家人分享. 无论是构建一个提供有趣过滤器的用户应用程序,还是一个识别收入的企业应用程序,添加像这样的

Home Assistant系列 -- 接入手机摄像头做实时监控和人脸识别

准备一部废旧(土豪忽略,主要是穷)的.摄像头还是好的手机做监控设备,(Android 和iPhone都行)当Home Assistant 获得实时的视频流后,可以接入各种图像处理组件完成人脸识别,动作检测等功能. 第一步:手机端安装ip_webcam(IP摄像头)App        1.Android手机 Android手机 打开手机应用市场,搜索ip_webcam或IP摄像头,安装App. 启动App,在出现的设置界面底部点击开启服务器,摄像头进入拍摄传输模式. 记录视频监控界面底部显示的手


一.编译针对iOS平台的ffmpeg库(kxmovie) 最近有一个项目.须要播放各种格式的音频.视频以及网络摄像头实时监控的视频流数据,经过多种折腾之后,最后选择了kxmovie,kxmovie项目已经整合了ffmpeg和简单的播放器,详细能够參考kxmovie主页:https://github.com/kolyvan/kxmovie 编译kxmovie非常easy,已经支持iOS 6.1 和 armv7s,一次成功.编译过程没出现什么问题: git clone git://github.co