第二部分 : 简单句的核心变化(主语/宾语/表语的变化)


1. 名词/代词

Most graduates always want a big-firm job.

She is the leader of the organization.

They gave us a good impression.

2. doing/to do

Laughing probably has great influence on health.

To laugh probably has great influence on health.

It probably has great influence on health to laugh.

Having only a foggy view of the future is of little good.

It is no use to talk about dreams without trying.

We enjoy reading books in the library.

The members of the board decide to vote against the new plan.

Our main goal is to finish the task on time.

3. 多个并列

Science and technology will develop the process of society.

Social science disciplines include geography, economics, political science, and psychology.

That doesn‘t mean sitting down and doing nothing at all.

??n. + v.

名词/代词????   动词的时态

doing??????  动词的语态

to do??????  动词的情态

多个并列????    动词的否态


时间: 2024-08-30 16:25:37

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