Specified 'postgresql' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded.

Specified 'postgresql' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded.的相关文章

Gem::LoadError: Specified 'sqlite3' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded

解决办法: 指定sqlite3的版本为1.3.13: gem 'sqlite3', '~> 1.3.13' 然后运行bundle update Gem::LoadError: Specified 'sqlite3' for database adapter, but the gem is not loaded 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/wtyqer/p/10792159.html

Setting up a database adapter

Setting up a database adapter zend-db provides a general purpose database abstraction layer. At its heart is the Adapter, which abstracts common database operations across the variety of drivers we support. In this guide, we will document how to conf


vim /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-rails/.bundle/config将BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "development:test:mysql" 修改为BUNDLE_WITHOUT: "development:test:postgres" yum -y install ruby-devel cd /opt/gitlab/embedded/bin./gem install mysql2 1.创建数据库#创建数据

incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5286117/incompatible-character-encodings-ascii-8bit-and-utf-8 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22932282/gemloaderror-specified-mysql2-for-database-adapter-but-the-gem-is-not-loade 这个是因为在Gemfile和database.yml里写的都是my

rails db:create错误

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Rails安装好 Rails 在ubuntu上安装rails(rvm ruby gem Bootstrap bootswatch) rails 4.1.4 ruby 2.2.0 sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client 安装mysql(安装过程中设置mysql用户root密码) sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev (https://github.com/brianmario/mysql2 看这段说明L


PostgreSQLサーバの立ち上げに少しハマりましたので.メモしておきます. OS: Ubuntu14.04 LTS インストール 最初はPostgreSQLをインストールします.普通にapt-getコマンドを使えばインストールできますので.特筆すべきことはありません. $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install -y postgresql-9.3 インストールが出来ましたら./etc/init.d/に起動用のスクリプトが作成されるはずです.sta

PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Tools

PostgreSQL Performance Monitoring Tools https://github.com/CloudServer/postgresql-perf-tools This package includes three useful scripts aimed to help to pinpoint performance issues on systems with PostgreSQL as database backend. All scritps are writt

BizTalk 2013R2 WCF-LOB Oracle Adapter安装配置/问题&解决方法

BizTalk 2013R2 WCF-LOB Oracle Adapter安装配置/问题&解决方法 安装Oracle Adapter 安装Oracle客户端 BizTalk 2013R2 安装包自带的WCF LOB Adapter Pack for Oracle 需要Oracle客户端组件 ODP.NET或ODAC组件.这里很容易出现问题,版本的不兼容,因为Oracle Adapter默认需要安装这个版本 The Oracle Database adapter uses the