首先你需要在所调试程序的开头中:import pdb 并在你的代码行设置断点:pdb.set_trace()
def get_input(Data, SuiteID, CaseID, caseinfolist):
global sArge
args = []
if reqmethod.upper()==’GET’:
for j in range(0, caseinfolist[1]):
if Data.read_data(SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, Data.argbegin+j) != "None":
ArgValue = Data.read_data(SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, Data.argbegin+j)
if ’$$’ in ArgValue:#走关联分支
args = ArgValue.split(’$$’)
#print args
corvalue = Correl(args[0], args[1], args[2])
pdb.set_trace() #######这儿设置断点,程序运行到此处就开始了单步调试###########
if corvalue == []:
sArge = ’correlerr’
#return sArge
#ret1 = ’NG’
#Data.write_data(SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, 15,infolog,NG_COLOR)
#write_result(Date, SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, 16, ret1)
#print sArge
if sArge[-1:]==’&’:
sArge = sArge[0:-1]
#sInput=caseinfolist[0]+sArge #为了post和get分开方便,不在这里组合接口名,在调用的地方组合接口名。
return sArge
sArge=Data.read_data(SuiteID, Data.casebegin+CaseID, 3)
if ’$$’ in sArge:#走关联分支
args = sArge.split(’$$’)
#print args
corvalue = Correl(args[0], args[1], args[2])
if corvalue == []:
sArge = ’correlerr’
return sArge
return sArge
> c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py(253)HTTPInvoke()
-> if reqmethod.upper()=="GET":
(Pdb) l #执行命令l,会显示出当前代码的上下文,下面的‘->’就是当前即将执行的代码
248 def HTTPInvoke(url,requestUri):
249 proto,rest=urllib.splittype(url)
250 host,rest =urllib.splithost(rest)
251 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
252 pdb.set_trace()
253 -> if reqmethod.upper()=="GET":
254 print url
255 conn.request(reqmethod.upper(), url,headers=reqHeaders)
256 rsps = conn.getresponse()
257 if rsps.status==200:
258 data = rsps.read()
(Pdb) reqmethod.upper() #可以直接输入相关变量名称来查看当前变量的值
(Pdb) n #n就是next的意思就是执行下一行
> c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py(254)HTTPInvoke()
-> print url
(Pdb) b 260 #设置断点
Breakpoint 1 at c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py:260
(Pdb) n
> c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py(254)HTTPInvoke()
-> print url
> c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py(255)HTTPInvoke()
-> conn.request(reqmethod.upper(), url,headers=reqHeaders)
(Pdb) s #上面通过执行n程序运行到调用函数的地方,使用s可以进入函数内部
> c:\\\\python27\\\\lib\\\\httplib.py(1040)request()
-> def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers={}):
(Pdb) a #显示当前所有栈变量的值
self = <httplib.HTTPConnection instance at 0x03A8CE68>
method = GET
url = http://yue.sogou.com/api/h5/v1/history/recharge/list?pageNo=1&pageSize=1
body = None
headers = {’Connection’: ’keep-alive’, ’Cookie’: ’SUV=004C0C0F6FCA67CB585CD8F53FC5D135; CXID=647977743F187E018526B8ECA587A052; IPLOC=CN1100; OPENID=6D4569C5D00A35876E60A94E34D685AD; pgv_pvi=2641157120; _ga=GA1.2.2141014782.1484890447; ssuid=5496173722; SMYUV=1485154923097202; sgsa_id=sogou.com|1486180882291442; GOTO=Af99046; clientId=291C8B8E05B2647F206981AD04136539; JSESSIONID=aaa_iPLt7BVjahJ1G5GOv; SNUID=FB57E5402F2A672762F7CB303085C13A; [email protected]@@@@@@@@@; LSTMV=316%2C266; LCLKINT=3486; sct=61; [email protected]@@@@@@@@@@@; SUID=7BC6CA017F430E0A0000000052256039; YYID=AA6E39EBC7D6CC4AA0839B4929E7511C; usid=pp63hL5QOQSxi2gw; sgid=AViadNOrPzjYb8SzAw5wsq5g’, ’Accept’: ’text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8’, ’User-Agent’: ’Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0’}
(Pdb) l
1035 self.__state = _CS_REQ_SENT
1036 else:
1037 raise CannotSendHeader()
1038 self._send_output(message_body)
1040 -> def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers={}):
1041 """Send a complete request to the server."""
1042 self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
1044 def _set_content_length(self, body, method):
1045 # Set the content-length based on the body. If the body is "empty", we
(Pdb) r #命令r返回到前面所进入函数的末尾
> c:\\\\python27\\\\lib\\\\httplib.py(1042)request()->None
-> self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
(Pdb) l #可以通过l验证一下当前程序执行的位置
1037 raise CannotSendHeader()
1038 self._send_output(message_body)
1040 def request(self, method, url, body=None, headers={}):
1041 """Send a complete request to the server."""
1042 -> self._send_request(method, url, body, headers)
1044 def _set_content_length(self, body, method):
1045 # Set the content-length based on the body. If the body is "empty", we
1046 # set Content-Length: 0 for methods that expect a body (RFC 7230,
1047 # Section 3.3.2). If the body is set for other methods, we set the
(Pdb) r #再执行r返回到调用该函数的地方
> c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py(256)HTTPInvoke()
-> rsps = conn.getresponse()
(Pdb) l
251 conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(host)
252 pdb.set_trace()
253 if reqmethod.upper()=="GET":
254 print url
255 conn.request(reqmethod.upper(), url,headers=reqHeaders)
256 -> rsps = conn.getresponse()
257 if rsps.status==200:
258 data = rsps.read()
259 data = str(data)
260 B conn.close()
261 return data
(Pdb) c #执行命令c继续运行程序,直到断点就停留在此位置,上面设置断点的命令“b 260”260表示第多少行
> c:\\\\users\\\\wangchao\\\\workspace\\\\interface_test\\\\testframe.py(260)HTTPInvoke()
-> conn.close()
(Pdb) l
255 conn.request(reqmethod.upper(), url,headers=reqHeaders)
256 rsps = conn.getresponse()
257 if rsps.status==200:
258 data = rsps.read()
259 data = str(data)
260 B-> conn.close()
261 return data
262 elif rsps.status==301 or rsps.status==302:
263 headerstr=rsps.getheaders()
264 for i in headerstr:
265 if i[0].lower()==’location’:
(Pdb) pp data # pp 打印某个变量的值