effective c++ 条款3 use const whereever you can

1 const 传达的意思应该是这个变量是常量不能更改

2 const 在 * 左边表示数据是const,在右边表示指针是const

   char greeting[] = "hello";

   char* p = greeting;

   //const *: const data
   //* const: const pointer
   char const *p1 = greeting;    // const data
   char * const p2 = greeting;   // const pointer
   const char * const p3 = greeting; // const data and pointer

   //not correct p1 is const data

   //correct p1 is const data

   //correct p2 is const pointer

   //not correct p2 is const pointer

   //not correct p3 is  const data and pointer

   //not correct p3 is  const data and pointer


//1 const return value avoid the error like this
// if( a+b = c) {...}
//2 const parameter
// it can avoid unintentioned change of parameter inside the function
const Rational operator+ (const Rational& lhs, const Rational& rhs)
   Rational tmp;
   tmp.real = lhs.real + rhs.real;
   tmp.img = lhs.img + rhs.img;

   return tmp;

class Rational
      float real;
      float img;



  4 const 成员函数





#ifndef ConstMemberFuncH
#define ConstMemberFuncH

#include <cstddef>    //for std::size_t

//1 const member function is used to operate const object
// eg. we have a class Textblock and it has a operator[] which is const
// when we have a const Textblock, the operator[] const will be used

// a  const member function can change static class member
// b  const member function can not change non-static class member
// c  use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function

//3 const member function can only call const member function
//                        can not call non-const member function

//4 const object can only call const member function
//  const object can not call non const member function
class TextBlock

     static int TextBlockStaticNum;

      char* text;

       //1 const member function is used to operate const object
       //  eg. we have a class Textblock and it has a operator[] which is const
       //  when we have a const Textblock, the operator[] const will be used
      const char& operator[](std::size_t position) const
         return text[position];

        //validate 3
        //not correct
        //3 const member function can only call const function
        //                        can not call non-const  function
       // print(); is the non-const function of vector


      char& operator[](std::size_t position)
         //return text[position];

        //call const operator[] and remove constness for return
        //not recommended
         return const_cast<char&>(                                      // remove the const from the return of const []
                                   static_cast<const TextBlock&>(*this) // add const to *this
                                                             [position] // call const []

      // a  const member function can change static class member
      // b  const member function can not change non-static class member
      // c  use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function
      int nonStaticOrMutable;
      mutable int textLen;
      const void constMemberFunctionTest(int Num) const
         //a change static member
         TextBlockStaticNum = 1;

         //not correct
         //can not change non-static class member
         //nonStaticOrMutable = 1;

         //c  use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function
         textLen = 2;


      //3 const member function can only call const member function
      //                        can not call non-const member function
       void print()

      TextBlock( char charArray[])
          text = charArray;
          TextBlockStaticNum = 0;
          textLen = 0;
} ;

//1 const member function is used to operate const object
// eg. we have a class Textblock and it has a operator[] which is const
// when we have a const Textblock, the operator[] const will be used
//Test function
extern void ConstAndNonConstObjCallConstMemberFunction();

// a  const member function can change static class member
// b  const member function can not change non-static class member
// c  use mutable decleared variable can be changed in const member function
extern void ConstMemFunctionChangeClassMember();

//4 const object can only call const member function
//  const object can not call non const member function
extern void ConstObjCanNotCallNonConstMember(const TextBlock & ctb)
    //not correct
    //print is not a const member function

    const char t = ctb[0];





#pragma hdrstop

#include "ConstMemberFunc.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)

#include "ConstMemberFunc.h"

void ConstAndNonConstObjCallConstMemberFunction()
   TextBlock tb("test");
   const TextBlock ctb("test");

   //call non const operator[]
   tb[0] = ‘1‘;

   //call const operator[]
   //not correct, since ctb is const operator
   //ctb[0] = ‘1‘;
   //normally this is used as a function call
   //e.g. void print(const TextBlock ctb) //we do not change ctb in this function

void ConstMemFunctionChangeClassMember()
   TextBlock tb("test");

   const TextBlock ctb("test");


effective c++ 条款3 use const whereever you can,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-08-07 16:59:43

effective c++ 条款3 use const whereever you can的相关文章

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参考资料:http://blog.csdn.net/bizhu12/article/details/6672723      const的常用用法小结 1.用于定义常量变量,这样这个变量在后面就不可以再被修改     const int val = 90;      val = 100;   错误 2. 保护传参时参数不被修改,如果使用引用传递参数或按地址传递参数给一个函数,在这个函数里这个参数的值若被修改, 则函数外部传进来的变量的值也发生改变,若想保护传进来的变量不被修改,可以使用const

More Effective C++ 条款35 让自己习惯于标准C++ 语言

(由于本书出版于1996年,因此当时的新特性现在来说可能已经习以为常,但现在重新了解反而会起到了解C++变迁的作用) 1. 1990年后C++的重要改变 1). 增加了新的语言特性:RTTI,namespaces,bool,关键词mutable和explicit,enums作为重载函数之自变量所引发的类型晋升转换,以及"在class 定义区内直接为整数型(intergral) const static class members设定初值"的能力. 2). 扩充了Templates的特性

effective c++ 条款4 make sure that objects are initialized before they are used

1 c++ 类的数据成员的初始化发生在构造函数前 class InitialData { public: int data1; int data2; InitialData(int a, int b) { data1 = a: //this is assignment data2 = b; //this is assignment } /* InitialData(int a, int b):data1(a),data2(b) //this is initial {} */ } 2 不同cpp文

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1.潜在的自我赋值     a[i] = a[j];     *px = *py; 当两个对象来自同一个继承体系时,他们甚至不需要声明为相同类型就可能造成别名. 现在担心的问题是:假如指向同一个对象,当其中一个对象被删,另一个也被删,这会造成不想要的结果. 该怎么办? 比如:   widget& widget:: operator+ (const widget& rhs) {    delete pd;    pd = new bitmap(*rhs.pb);    return *thi

Effective C++ 条款六 若不想使用编译器自动生成的函数,就该明确拒绝

class HomeForSale //防止别人拷贝方法一:将相应的成员函数声明为private并且不予实现 { public: private: HomeForSale(const HomeForSale&); HomeForSale& operator = (const HomeForSale&);//只有申明,此函数很少被使用   };   //方法二,设计一个专门用来阻止copying动作的基类,然后让其他类继承这个类即可   class Uncopyable { prot

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1.在资源管理类中提供对原始资源的访问     前几个条款很棒,它们是对抗资源泄露的壁垒,但很多APIs直接指向 资源,这个时候,我们需要直接访问原始资源.     这里,有两种方法解决上述问题,我们可将RAII对象转换为原始资源.通过 显式转换与隐式转换.     通常,tr1:: shared_ptr 和 auto_ptr 都提供一个get成员函数,用来执行显式转换,也就是返回智能指针内部的原始指针的复件.因为它也重载了指针取值操作符* –>.当然也可以通过隐式转换为底部原始指针.     

Effective C++ 条款四 确定对象被使用前已被初始化

1.对于某些array不保证其内容被初始化,而vector(来自STL)却有此保证. 2.永远在使用对象前初始化.对于无任何成员的内置类型,必须手工完成.      int x = 0;      const int * p = &x; 3.不要混淆赋值与初始化的区别.一般初始化在定义的时候一起进行.而赋值是在定义之后的动作.      比如说在某一个类中的构造函数中,函数的行为都是赋值操作,而非初始化操作.      一般来说,对象的成员变量的初始化动作发生在进入构造函数本体之前.所以,我们一