hdu 5972 Regular Number

Regular Number

Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others)    Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 620    Accepted Submission(s): 134

Problem Description

Using regular expression to define a numeric string is a very common thing. Generally, use the shape as follows:
(0|9|7) (5|6) (2) (4|5)
Above regular expression matches 4 digits:The first is one of 0,9 and 7. The second is one of 5 and 6. The third is 2. And the fourth is one of 4 and 5. The above regular expression can be successfully matched to 0525, but it cannot be matched to 9634.
Now,giving you a regular expression like the above formula,and a long string of numbers,please find out all the substrings of this long string that can be matched to the regular expression.


It contains a set of test data.The first line is a positive integer N (1 ≤ N ≤ 1000),on behalf of the regular representation of the N bit string.In the next N lines,the first integer of the i-th line is ai(1≤ai≤10),representing that the i-th position of regular expression has ai numbers to be selected.Next there are ai numeric characters. In the last line,there is a numeric string.The length of the string is not more than 5 * 10^6.


Output all substrings that can be matched by the regular expression. Each substring occupies one line

Sample Input

3 0 9 7
2 5 7
2 2 5
2 4 5

Sample Output





时间: 2024-12-24 20:26:28

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