POJ 2079



#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

struct point{
	int x,y;
int n;

int ans[50050],st[50050],cnt,stop;

bool cmp(point A, point B){
	if(A.y<B.y) return true;
	else if(A.y==B.y){
		if(A.x<B.x) return true;
	return false;

int multi(point a,point b,point c){
	point p1; p1.x=a.x-c.x; p1.y=a.y-c.y;
	point p2; p2.x=b.x-c.x; p2.y=b.y-c.y;
	return p1.x*p2.y-p1.y*p2.x;

void slove(){
	st[stop++]=0; st[stop++]=1;
	for(int i=2;i<n;i++){
		while(stop>1&&multi(p[i],p[st[stop-1]],p[st[stop-2]])>0) stop--;
	for(int i=0;i<stop;i++)
	stop=0; st[stop++]=n-1; st[stop++]=n-2;
	for(int i=n-3;i>=0;i--){
		while(stop>1&&multi(p[i],p[st[stop-1]],p[st[stop-2]])>0) stop--;
	for(int i=1;i<stop;i++)

double Triangle(point a,point b,point c){
	point p1; p1.x=a.x-c.x; p1.y=a.y-c.y;
	point p2; p2.x=b.x-c.x; p2.y=b.y-c.y;
	return fabs((p1.x*p2.y-p1.y*p2.x)*1.0)/2.0;

double Area(){
	int q;
	double anst=0;
	for(int i=0;i<cnt;i++){
		for(int j=i+1;j<cnt;j++){
	return anst;

int main(){
		if(n==-1) break;
		for(int i=0;i<n;i++){
		double anst=0;
	return 0;


POJ 2079,布布扣,bubuko.com

时间: 2024-10-12 09:04:28

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【旋转卡壳】POJ 2079 Triangle

通道:http://poj.org/problem?id=2079 题意:n个点选面积最大的三角形 代码: 1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <vector> 3 #include <algorithm> 4 #include <cmath> 5 using namespace std; 6 7 const int MAX_N = 100007; 8 9 struct Point { 10 double x, y; 11 Po

●POJ 2079 Triangle

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