
Difficulty: Hard
Topics: game

tic-tac-toe board is represented by a two dimensional vector. X is represented by :x, O is represented by :o, and empty is represented by :e. A player wins by placing three Xs or three Os in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row. Write a function which analyzes a tic-tac-toe board and returns :x if X has won, :o if O has won, and nil if neither player has won.

(= nil (__ [[:e :e :e]

[:e :e :e]

[:e :e :e]]))

(= :x (__ [[:x :e :o]

[:x :e :e]

[:x :e :o]]))

(= :o (__ [[:e :x :e]

[:o :o :o]

[:x :e :x]]))

(= :x (__ [[:x :e :e]

[:o :x :e]

[:o :e :x]]))

(= :o (__ [[:x :e :o]

[:x :o :e]

[:o :e :x]]))

(= nil (__ [[:x :o :x]

[:x :o :x]

[:o :x :o]]))

(fn [m]
  (let [a (concat (apply map vector m) (seq m)
         ((fn [x] (let [g #(get-in x %) d (g [1 1])] 
              (seq [[(g [0 0]) d (g [2 2])] [(g [0 2]) d (g [2 0])]]))) m))       h (fn [k] (some #(every? #{k} %) a))]
    (if (h :x)
         (if (h :o)



(apply map vector m)就是生成3纵; (seq m)就是3横, 
((fn  cro [x] (let [g #(get-in x %) d (g [1 1])] (seq [[(g [0 0]) d (g [2 2])] [(g [0 2]) d (g [2 0])]]))) m)) 就是两个对角线。

user=>(def input[[:x :o :x]                 [:x :o :x]                  [:o :x :o]])user=>(apply map vector input); ([:x :x :o] [:o :o :x] [:x :x :o])user=>(seq input); ([:x :o :x] [:x :o :x] [:o :x :o])user=>(cro input); ([:x :o :o] [:x :o :o])user=>(some  #(every? #{:x} %) ‘([:x :x :o] [:o :o :x] [:x :x :o])); niluser=>(some  #(every? #{:x} %) ‘([:x :x :x] [:o :o :x] [:x :x :o])); trueuser=>(some  #(every? #{:x} %) ‘([:x :x :o] [:o :o :o] [:x :x :o])); nil
时间: 2024-08-10 19:14:17



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