

An object that supports Cocoa’s reference-counted memory management system.


  • iOS 2.0+
  • macOS 10.0+
  • tvOS 9.0+
  • watchOS 2.0+


  • Foundation

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An autorelease pool stores objects that are sent a release message when the pool itself is drained.


If you use Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), you cannot use autorelease pools directly. Instead, you use @autoreleasepool blocks. For example, in place of:

NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
// Code benefitting from a local autorelease pool.
[pool release];

you would write:

@autoreleasepool {
    // Code benefitting from a local autorelease pool.

@autoreleasepool blocks are more efficient than using an instance of NSAutoreleasePool directly; you can also use them even if you do not use ARC.

In a reference-counted environment (as opposed to one which uses garbage collection), an NSAutoreleasePool object contains objects that have received an autorelease message and when drained it sends a release message to each of those objects. Thus, sending autorelease instead of release to an object extends the lifetime of that object at least until the pool itself is drained (it may be longer if the object is subsequently retained). An object can be put into the same pool several times, in which case it receives a release message for each time it was put into the pool.

In a reference counted environment, Cocoa expects there to be an autorelease pool always available. If a pool is not available, autoreleased objects do not get released and you leak memory. In this situation, your program will typically log suitable warning messages.

The Application Kit creates an autorelease pool on the main thread at the beginning of every cycle of the event loop, and drains it at the end, thereby releasing any autoreleased objects generated while processing an event. If you use the Application Kit, you therefore typically don’t have to create your own pools. If your application creates a lot of temporary autoreleased objects within the event loop, however, it may be beneficial to create “local” autorelease pools to help to minimize the peak memory footprint.

You create an NSAutoreleasePool object with the usual alloc and init messages and dispose of it with drain (or release—to understand the difference, see Garbage Collection). Since you cannot retain an autorelease pool (or autorelease it—see retain and autorelease), draining a pool ultimately has the effect of deallocating it. You should always drain an autorelease pool in the same context (invocation of a method or function, or body of a loop) that it was created. See Using Autorelease Pool Blocks for more details.

Each thread (including the main thread) maintains its own stack of NSAutoreleasePoolobjects (see Threads). As new pools are created, they get added to the top of the stack. When pools are deallocated, they are removed from the stack. Autoreleased objects are placed into the top autorelease pool for the current thread. When a thread terminates, it automatically drains all of the autorelease pools associated with itself.


If you are making Cocoa calls outside of the Application Kit’s main thread—for example if you create a Foundation-only application or if you detach a thread—you need to create your own autorelease pool.

If your application or thread is long-lived and potentially generates a lot of autoreleased objects, you should periodically drain and create autorelease pools (like the Application Kit does on the main thread); otherwise, autoreleased objects accumulate and your memory footprint grows. If, however, your detached thread does not make Cocoa calls, you do not need to create an autorelease pool.


If you are creating secondary threads using the POSIX thread APIs instead of NSThreadobjects, you cannot use Cocoa, including NSAutoreleasePool, unless Cocoa is in multithreading mode. Cocoa enters multithreading mode only after detaching its first NSThread object. To use Cocoa on secondary POSIX threads, your application must first detach at least one NSThread object, which can immediately exit. You can test whether Cocoa is in multithreading mode with the NSThread class method isMultiThreaded.

Garbage Collection

In a garbage-collected environment, there is no need for autorelease pools. You may, however, write a framework that is designed to work in both a garbage-collected and reference-counted environment. In this case, you can use autorelease pools to hint to the collector that collection may be appropriate. In a garbage-collected environment, sending a drain message to a pool triggers garbage collection if necessary; release, however, is a no-op. In a reference-counted environment, drain has the same effect as release. Typically, therefore, you should use drain instead of release.

时间: 2024-08-09 21:46:34



本文的目的是来了解Objective-C中NSAutoreleasePool使用方法,Objective-C的Foundation库实际上是种运行级对象系统,与一般的对象语言,例如C++,Java不一样,而与COM或者Corba一样,对象,不一定创建在用户应用程序的地址空间中,有可能是创建在另一个地址空间中,甚至创建在别的机器上! 所以,Objective-C的对象(全部继承自NSObject),就是使用引用计数的方法来管理对象的存活,众所周知,当引用计数为0时,对象就被销毁了.操作非常简单,当

[转]关于NSAutoreleasePool' is unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode的解决方法

转载地址:http://blog.csdn.net/xbl1986/article/details/7216668 Xcode是Version 4.2 Build 4D151a 根据Objective-c 2.0程序设计上的旧版本的代码会发生NSAutoreleasePool' is unavailable: not available in automatic reference counting mode的错误 需要手动关闭工程中ARC 工程中 Build Settings--->Apple


第一.NSAutoreleasePool自动释放池解析 1.自动释放池的物理实现 自动释放池用栈来实现,当你创建一个新的自动释放池是,会压栈到栈顶,接受autorelease消息的对象也会被压入到栈顶 NSAutoreleasePool实现延时释放,内部包含一个数组(NSMutableArray),用来保存声名为autorelease的所有对象.如果一个对象声明为autorelease,系统所做的工作就是把这个对象加入到这个数组中去.NSAutoreleasePool自身在销毁的时候,会遍历一遍


OC内存管理 一.基本原理 (一)为什么要进行内存管理. 由于移动设备的内存极其有限,所以每个APP所占的内存也是有限制的,当app所占用的内存较多时,系统就会发出内存警告,这时需要回收一些不需要再继续使用的内存空间,比如回收一些不再使用的对象和变量等. 管理范围:任何继承NSObject的对象,对其他的基本数据类型无效. 本质原因是因为对象和其他数据类型在系统中的存储空间不一样,其它局部变量主要存放于栈中,而对象存储于堆中,当代码块结束时这个代码块中涉及的所有局部变量会被回收,指向对象的指针也


ARC是什么 ARC是iOS 5推出的新功能,全称叫 ARC(Automatic Reference Counting).简单地说,就是代码中自动加入了retain/release,原先需要手动添加的用来处理内存管理的引用计数的代码可以自动地由编译器完成了. 该机能在 iOS 5/ Mac OS X 10.7 开始导入,利用 Xcode4.2 可以使用该机能.简单地理解ARC,就是通过指定的语法,让编译器(LLVM 3.0)在编译代码时,自动生成实例的引用计数管理部分代码.有一点,ARC并不是G


客户端:导入头文件:#import <sys/socket.h>#import <netinet/in.h>#import <arpa/inet.h>#import <unistd.h> 1. 创建连接CFSocketContext sockContext = {0, // 结构体的版本,必须为0self,  // 一个任意指针的数据,可以用在创建时CFSocket对象相关联.这个指针被传递给所有的上下文中定义的回调.NULL, // 一个定义在上面指针中的


目录 我要给出的建议将分为三个不同的等级: 入门级. 中级和进阶级: 入门级(这是些你一定会经常用在你app开发中的建议) 1. 用ARC管理内存 2. 在正确的地方使用reuseIdentifier 3. 尽可能使Views透明 4. 避免庞大的XIB 5. 不要block主线程 6. 在Image Views中调整图片大小 7. 选择正确的Collection 8. 打开gzip压缩 中级(这些是你可能在一些相对复杂情况下可能用到的) 9. 重用和延迟加载Views 10. Cache, C

iOS基础 ----- 内存管理

Objective-C 的内存管理方式有引用计数机制,垃圾回收机制,自动释放池.有alloc,就有释放.iOS应?程序出现Crash(闪退),90%的原因是因为内存问 题.在?个拥有数?个甚?是上百个类的?程?,查找内存问 题极其困难,学会内存管理,能帮我们减少出错的?率.内存问题体现在两个??:内存溢出.野指针异常. 引用计数器 在Xcode4.2及之后的版本中由于引入了ARC(Automatic Reference Counting)机制,程序编译时Xcode可以自动给你的代码添加内存释放代

魏兆辉的IOS基础学习笔记之十二 OC语言基础-07 Foundation内存管理

本篇博文,将给大家介绍下再Objective-C中如何使用内存管理.一个程序运行的时候,如果不及时的释放没有用的空间内存.那么,程序会越来 越臃肿,内存占用量会不断升高.我们在使用的时候,就会感觉很卡,最终使得程序运行奔溃.因此,将无效的内存及时清理释放,是非常有必要的. 一个对象在最初创建使用,到最后的回收释放,经历的是怎样一个过程呢?包括:诞生(通过alloc或new方法实现).生存(接收消息并执行操作).交友(通过复合以及向方法传递参数).最终死去(被释放掉). 一.引用计数 在对象创建的