Codeforces Round #168 (Div. 1)B 树形dp





//最大为up[u] ,需要减的操作最大为down[u]








using namespace std ;

const int maxn = 100010 ;

typedef __int64 ll;

ll dp[maxn] ;

int vis[maxn] ;

ll up[maxn] , down[maxn] ;

struct Edge


int  v;

int next ;

}edge[maxn*2] ;

int head[maxn] ;

int nedge ;

void addedge(int u , int v)


edge[nedge].v = v;

edge[nedge].next = head[u] ;

head[u] = nedge++;

edge[nedge].v = u ;

edge[nedge].next = head[v] ;

head[v] = nedge++ ;


void dfs(int u)


vis[u] = 1;

for(int i = head[u];i != -1 ;i = edge[i].next)


int v = edge[i].v;

if(vis[v]) continue ;

dfs(v) ;

up[u] = max(up[v] , up[u]) ;

down[u] = max(down[u] , down[v]) ;


ll t = dp[u] + up[u] - down[u] ;

if(t > 0) down[u] += t ;

else up[u] -= t;


void init()


memset(up , 0 , sizeof(up)) ;

memset(down , 0 , sizeof(down));

memset(vis , 0 ,sizeof(vis)) ;

memset(head , -1 , sizeof(head)) ;

nedge = 0 ;


int main()


//freopen("input.txt" ,"r" ,stdin) ;

int n ;

while(~scanf("%d" ,&n))


int u , v;

init() ;

for(int i = 1;i < n;i++)


scanf("%d%d" ,&u , &v) ;

addedge(u , v) ;


for(int i = 1;i <= n;i++)

scanf("%I64d" ,&dp[i]) ;

dfs(1) ;

printf("%I64d\n" ,up[1] + down[1]) ;


return 0;


时间: 2024-12-16 12:05:40

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