poj 2431 优先队列,贪心



代码实现就是每经过一个加油站将这个加油站的油量存下来, 等到不得不下车加油的时候,就选择储存的这些数据中最大的那个(不一定是在油刚刚消耗完的时候,在那之前也行),并且选择完了以后将这个数据移出。直到到达目的地。


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
struct Node
    int num;
    Node* next;
struct Point
    int dist;
    int fuel;
Node *root;
int n;
int L, res;
void input(Node *a)
    Node *beg = root;
    while(beg->next != NULL && beg->next->num >= a->num) beg = beg->next;
    a->next = beg->next;
    beg->next = a;
bool cmp(const Point a, const Point b)
    if(L - a.dist != L - b.dist) return L - a.dist < L - b.dist;
    return a.fuel < b.fuel;
Node *newnode(){return (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node*));}
int main()
    while(scanf("%d", &n) != EOF)
        root = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node *));
        root->num = 0xffffff;
        root->next = NULL;
        Point p[10005];
        for(int i = 0; i < n; i++)
            scanf("%d%d", &p[i].dist, &p[i].fuel);

        scanf("%d%d", &L, &res);
        sort(p, p + n, cmp);
        Node *n0 = newnode();
        n0->num = res;
        int ii = 0;
        int cango = 0;
        int ans = -1;
        while(root->next != NULL)
            Node *n1 = root->next;
            root->next = n1->next;
            cango += n1->num;
            //printf("cango = %d\n", cango);
            ans++;if(cango >= L)break;

            for(; L - p[ii].dist <= cango; ii++)
                Node *n0 = newnode();
                n0->num = p[ii].fuel;
        if(cango < L) cout << "-1" << endl;
        else printf("%d\n", ans);



时间: 2024-08-26 09:16:20

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