UE4 在C++ 动态生成几何、BSP体、Brush ---- Mesh_Generation






Procedural Mesh Generation

This is a very simple demonstration on how to generate procedural meshes and spawn them in game. It is not to be taken as an example of proper programming technique, but only as an indication to help you generate your own meshes.

You can get this up-to-date demo code in a working UE 4.7 project on GitHub. Please note that this no longer works in 4.8 because Epic added an official component with the same name (UProceduralMeshComponent) and similar functionality.

The following assumes you already have a project created. However, you will need to add RHI, RenderCore and ShaderCore modules in your build file.

PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "RHI", "RenderCore", "ShaderCore" });



Creating a Generated Mesh class

The Unreal Engine 4 sources come with a CustomMeshComponent under Engine\Plugins\Runtime\CustomMeshComponent. I had trouble with using it as a plugin (link error), so I have reimplemented it. Essentially, copy the files to your project and rename them GeneratedMeshComponent (.h/.cpp). Replace all occurences of "Custom" to "Generated". You will need to add your project header to the cpp file. Otherwise, the code as I have use it is untouched.

Here they are as they appear in my test project:


// Copyright 1998-2014 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "GeneratedMeshComponent.generated.h"
struct FGeneratedMeshTriangle
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Triangle)
	FVector Vertex0;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Triangle)
	FVector Vertex1;
	UPROPERTY(EditAnywhere, Category=Triangle)
	FVector Vertex2;
/** Component that allows you to specify custom triangle mesh geometry */
UCLASS(editinlinenew, meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup=Rendering)
class UGeneratedMeshComponent : public UMeshComponent, public IInterface_CollisionDataProvider
	/** Set the geometry to use on this triangle mesh */
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category="Components|GeneratedMesh")
	bool SetGeneratedMeshTriangles(const TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle>& Triangles);
	/** Description of collision */
	UPROPERTY(BlueprintReadOnly, Category="Collision")
	class UBodySetup* ModelBodySetup;
	// Begin UMeshComponent interface.
	virtual int32 GetNumMaterials() const OVERRIDE;
	// End UMeshComponent interface.
	// Begin Interface_CollisionDataProvider Interface
	virtual bool GetPhysicsTriMeshData(struct FTriMeshCollisionData* CollisionData, bool InUseAllTriData) OVERRIDE;
	virtual bool ContainsPhysicsTriMeshData(bool InUseAllTriData) const OVERRIDE;
	virtual bool WantsNegXTriMesh() OVERRIDE { return false; }
	// End Interface_CollisionDataProvider Interface
	// Begin UPrimitiveComponent interface.
	virtual FPrimitiveSceneProxy* CreateSceneProxy() OVERRIDE;
	virtual class UBodySetup* GetBodySetup() OVERRIDE;
	// End UPrimitiveComponent interface.
	void UpdateBodySetup();
	void UpdateCollision();
	// Begin USceneComponent interface.
	virtual FBoxSphereBounds CalcBounds(const FTransform & LocalToWorld) const OVERRIDE;
	// Begin USceneComponent interface.
	/** */
	TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle> GeneratedMeshTris;
	friend class FGeneratedMeshSceneProxy;


// Copyright 1998-2014 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "MyProject5.h"
#include "DynamicMeshBuilder.h"
#include "GeneratedMeshComponent.h"
#include "Runtime/Launch/Resources/Version.h" // for ENGINE_xxx_VERSION
/** Vertex Buffer */
class FGeneratedMeshVertexBuffer : public FVertexBuffer
	TArray<FDynamicMeshVertex> Vertices;
	virtual void InitRHI()
                FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo;
		VertexBufferRHI = RHICreateVertexBuffer(Vertices.Num() * sizeof(FDynamicMeshVertex),BUF_Static,CreateInfo);
		VertexBufferRHI = RHICreateVertexBuffer(Vertices.Num() * sizeof(FDynamicMeshVertex),NULL,BUF_Static);
		// Copy the vertex data into the vertex buffer.
		void* VertexBufferData = RHILockVertexBuffer(VertexBufferRHI,0,Vertices.Num() * sizeof(FDynamicMeshVertex), RLM_WriteOnly);
		FMemory::Memcpy(VertexBufferData,Vertices.GetTypedData(),Vertices.Num() * sizeof(FDynamicMeshVertex));
/** Index Buffer */
class FGeneratedMeshIndexBuffer : public FIndexBuffer
	TArray<int32> Indices;
	virtual void InitRHI()
                FRHIResourceCreateInfo CreateInfo;
		IndexBufferRHI = RHICreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(int32),Indices.Num() * sizeof(int32),BUF_Static,CreateInfo);
		IndexBufferRHI = RHICreateIndexBuffer(sizeof(int32),Indices.Num() * sizeof(int32),NULL,BUF_Static);
		// Write the indices to the index buffer.
		void* Buffer = RHILockIndexBuffer(IndexBufferRHI,0,Indices.Num() * sizeof(int32),RLM_WriteOnly);
		FMemory::Memcpy(Buffer,Indices.GetTypedData(),Indices.Num() * sizeof(int32));
/** Vertex Factory */
class FGeneratedMeshVertexFactory : public FLocalVertexFactory
	/** Initialization */
	void Init(const FGeneratedMeshVertexBuffer* VertexBuffer)
			const FGeneratedMeshVertexBuffer*,VertexBuffer,VertexBuffer,
			// Initialize the vertex factory‘s stream components.
			DataType NewData;
			NewData.PositionComponent = STRUCTMEMBER_VERTEXSTREAMCOMPONENT(VertexBuffer,FDynamicMeshVertex,Position,VET_Float3);
			NewData.TangentBasisComponents[0] = STRUCTMEMBER_VERTEXSTREAMCOMPONENT(VertexBuffer,FDynamicMeshVertex,TangentX,VET_PackedNormal);
			NewData.TangentBasisComponents[1] = STRUCTMEMBER_VERTEXSTREAMCOMPONENT(VertexBuffer,FDynamicMeshVertex,TangentZ,VET_PackedNormal);
			NewData.ColorComponent = STRUCTMEMBER_VERTEXSTREAMCOMPONENT(VertexBuffer, FDynamicMeshVertex, Color, VET_Color);
UGeneratedMeshComponent::UGeneratedMeshComponent( const FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP )
	: Super( PCIP )
	PrimaryComponentTick.bCanEverTick = false;
bool UGeneratedMeshComponent::SetGeneratedMeshTriangles(const TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle>& Triangles)
	GeneratedMeshTris = Triangles;
	// Need to recreate scene proxy to send it over
	return true;
FPrimitiveSceneProxy* UGeneratedMeshComponent::CreateSceneProxy()
	/** Scene proxy defined only inside the scope of this one function */
	class FGeneratedMeshSceneProxy : public FPrimitiveSceneProxy
		FGeneratedMeshSceneProxy(UGeneratedMeshComponent* Component)
			: FPrimitiveSceneProxy(Component)
			, MaterialRelevance(Component->GetMaterialRelevance(ERHIFeatureLevel::SM4)) // Feature level defined by the capabilities of DX10 Shader Model 4.
			, MaterialRelevance(Component->GetMaterialRelevance())
			const FColor VertexColor(255,255,255);
			// Add each triangle to the vertex/index buffer
			for(int TriIdx=0; TriIdx<Component->GeneratedMeshTris.Num(); TriIdx++)
				FGeneratedMeshTriangle& Tri = Component->GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx];
				const FVector Edge01 = (Tri.Vertex1 - Tri.Vertex0);
				const FVector Edge02 = (Tri.Vertex2 - Tri.Vertex0);
				const FVector TangentX = Edge01.SafeNormal();
				const FVector TangentZ = (Edge02 ^ Edge01).SafeNormal();
				const FVector TangentY = (TangentX ^ TangentZ).SafeNormal();
				FDynamicMeshVertex Vert0;
				Vert0.Position = Tri.Vertex0;
				Vert0.Color = VertexColor;
				Vert0.SetTangents(TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);
				int32 VIndex = VertexBuffer.Vertices.Add(Vert0);
				FDynamicMeshVertex Vert1;
				Vert1.Position = Tri.Vertex1;
				Vert1.Color = VertexColor;
				Vert1.SetTangents(TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);
				VIndex = VertexBuffer.Vertices.Add(Vert1);
				FDynamicMeshVertex Vert2;
				Vert2.Position = Tri.Vertex2;
				Vert2.Color = VertexColor;
				Vert2.SetTangents(TangentX, TangentY, TangentZ);
				VIndex = VertexBuffer.Vertices.Add(Vert2);
			// Init vertex factory
			// Enqueue initialization of render resource
			// Grab material
			Material = Component->GetMaterial(0);
			if(Material == NULL)
				Material = UMaterial::GetDefaultMaterial(MD_Surface);
		virtual ~FGeneratedMeshSceneProxy()
		virtual void DrawDynamicElements(FPrimitiveDrawInterface* PDI,const FSceneView* View)
			QUICK_SCOPE_CYCLE_COUNTER( STAT_GeneratedMeshSceneProxy_DrawDynamicElements );
			const bool bWireframe = View->Family->EngineShowFlags.Wireframe;
			auto WireframeMaterialInstance = new FColoredMaterialRenderProxy(
				GEngine->WireframeMaterial ? GEngine->WireframeMaterial->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected()) : NULL,
				FLinearColor(0, 0.5f, 1.f)
			FMaterialRenderProxy* MaterialProxy = NULL;
				MaterialProxy = &WireframeMaterialInstance;
				MaterialProxy = Material->GetRenderProxy(IsSelected());
			// Draw the mesh.
			FMeshBatch Mesh;
			FMeshBatchElement& BatchElement = Mesh.Elements[0];
			BatchElement.IndexBuffer = &IndexBuffer;
			Mesh.bWireframe = bWireframe;
			Mesh.VertexFactory = &VertexFactory;
			Mesh.MaterialRenderProxy = MaterialProxy;
			BatchElement.PrimitiveUniformBuffer = CreatePrimitiveUniformBufferImmediate(GetLocalToWorld(), GetBounds(), GetLocalBounds(), true, UseEditorDepthTest());
			BatchElement.PrimitiveUniformBuffer = CreatePrimitiveUniformBufferImmediate(GetLocalToWorld(), GetBounds(), GetLocalBounds(), true);
			BatchElement.FirstIndex = 0;
			BatchElement.NumPrimitives = IndexBuffer.Indices.Num() / 3;
			BatchElement.MinVertexIndex = 0;
			BatchElement.MaxVertexIndex = VertexBuffer.Vertices.Num() - 1;
			Mesh.ReverseCulling = IsLocalToWorldDeterminantNegative();
			Mesh.Type = PT_TriangleList;
			Mesh.DepthPriorityGroup = SDPG_World;
		virtual FPrimitiveViewRelevance GetViewRelevance(const FSceneView* View)
			FPrimitiveViewRelevance Result;
			Result.bDrawRelevance = IsShown(View);
			Result.bShadowRelevance = IsShadowCast(View);
			Result.bDynamicRelevance = true;
			return Result;
		virtual bool CanBeOccluded() const OVERRIDE
			return !MaterialRelevance.bDisableDepthTest;
		virtual uint32 GetMemoryFootprint( void ) const { return( sizeof( *this ) + GetAllocatedSize() ); }
		uint32 GetAllocatedSize( void ) const { return( FPrimitiveSceneProxy::GetAllocatedSize() ); }
		UMaterialInterface* Material;
		FGeneratedMeshVertexBuffer VertexBuffer;
		FGeneratedMeshIndexBuffer IndexBuffer;
		FGeneratedMeshVertexFactory VertexFactory;
		FMaterialRelevance MaterialRelevance;
	//Only create if have enough tris
	if(GeneratedMeshTris.Num() > 0)
		return new FGeneratedMeshSceneProxy(this);
		return nullptr;
int32 UGeneratedMeshComponent::GetNumMaterials() const
	return 1;
FBoxSphereBounds UGeneratedMeshComponent::CalcBounds(const FTransform & LocalToWorld) const
	// Minimum Vector: It‘s set to the first vertex‘s position initially (NULL == FVector::ZeroVector might be required and a known vertex vector has intrinsically valid values)
	FVector vecMin = GeneratedMeshTris[0].Vertex0;
	// Maximum Vector: It‘s set to the first vertex‘s position initially (NULL == FVector::ZeroVector might be required and a known vertex vector has intrinsically valid values)
	FVector vecMax = GeneratedMeshTris[0].Vertex0;
	// Get maximum and minimum X, Y and Z positions of vectors
	for (int32 TriIdx = 0; TriIdx < GeneratedMeshTris.Num(); TriIdx++)
		vecMin.X = (vecMin.X > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.X) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.X : vecMin.X;
		vecMin.X = (vecMin.X > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.X) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.X : vecMin.X;
		vecMin.X = (vecMin.X > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.X) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.X : vecMin.X;
		vecMin.Y = (vecMin.Y > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Y) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Y : vecMin.Y;
		vecMin.Y = (vecMin.Y > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Y) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Y : vecMin.Y;
		vecMin.Y = (vecMin.Y > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Y) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Y : vecMin.Y;
		vecMin.Z = (vecMin.Z > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Z) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Z : vecMin.Z;
		vecMin.Z = (vecMin.Z > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Z) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Z : vecMin.Z;
		vecMin.Z = (vecMin.Z > GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Z) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Z : vecMin.Z;
		vecMax.X = (vecMax.X < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.X) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.X : vecMax.X;
		vecMax.X = (vecMax.X < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.X) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.X : vecMax.X;
		vecMax.X = (vecMax.X < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.X) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.X : vecMax.X;
		vecMax.Y = (vecMax.Y < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Y) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Y : vecMax.Y;
		vecMax.Y = (vecMax.Y < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Y) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Y : vecMax.Y;
		vecMax.Y = (vecMax.Y < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Y) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Y : vecMax.Y;
		vecMax.Z = (vecMax.Z < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Z) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex0.Z : vecMax.Z;
		vecMax.Z = (vecMax.Z < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Z) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex1.Z : vecMax.Z;
		vecMax.Z = (vecMax.Z < GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Z) ? GeneratedMeshTris[TriIdx].Vertex2.Z : vecMax.Z;
	FVector vecOrigin = ((vecMax - vecMin) / 2) + vecMin;	/* Origin = ((Max Vertex‘s Vector - Min Vertex‘s Vector) / 2 ) + Min Vertex‘s Vector */
	FVector BoxPoint = vecMax - vecMin;			/* The difference between the "Maximum Vertex" and the "Minimum Vertex" is our actual Bounds Box */
	return FBoxSphereBounds(vecOrigin, BoxPoint, BoxPoint.Size()).TransformBy(LocalToWorld);
bool UGeneratedMeshComponent::GetPhysicsTriMeshData(struct FTriMeshCollisionData* CollisionData, bool InUseAllTriData)
	FTriIndices Triangle;
	for(int32 i=0;i<GeneratedMeshTris.Num();i++) {
		const FGeneratedMeshTriangle& tri = GeneratedMeshTris[i];
		Triangle.v0 = CollisionData->Vertices.Add(tri.Vertex0);
		Triangle.v1 = CollisionData->Vertices.Add(tri.Vertex1);
		Triangle.v2 = CollisionData->Vertices.Add(tri.Vertex2);
	CollisionData->bFlipNormals = true;
	return true;
bool UGeneratedMeshComponent::ContainsPhysicsTriMeshData(bool InUseAllTriData) const
	return (GeneratedMeshTris.Num() > 0);
void UGeneratedMeshComponent::UpdateBodySetup() {
	if (ModelBodySetup == NULL)	{
		ModelBodySetup = ConstructObject<UBodySetup>(UBodySetup::StaticClass(), this);
		ModelBodySetup->CollisionTraceFlag = CTF_UseComplexAsSimple;
		ModelBodySetup->bMeshCollideAll = true;
void UGeneratedMeshComponent::UpdateCollision() {
	if (bPhysicsStateCreated) {
                ModelBodySetup->InvalidatePhysicsData(); //Will not work in Packaged build
                                                         //Epic needs to add support for this
UBodySetup* UGeneratedMeshComponent::GetBodySetup() {
	return ModelBodySetup;

Creating a Generated Actor Class

Next you need to create an Actor-derived class so you can attach the UGeneratedMeshComponent to it and spawn it. Also, to make it accessible to blueprints. Note that this example class should have a TArray<FVector>& input parameter to describe the polyline we are going to rotate, but for our purposes the polyline has been hardcoded.

Create a new class called GameGeneratedActor (i.e. AGameGeneratedActor). There is also a Lathe function that I am including which is very simple, just for the purposes of this exercise. Here‘s the source for it:


// Copyright 1998-2014 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "GeneratedMeshComponent.h"
#include "GameGeneratedActor.generated.h"
class AGameGeneratedActor : public AActor
	void Lathe(const TArray<FVector>& points, TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle>& triangles, int segments = 64);


// Copyright 1998-2014 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "MyProject5.h"
#include "GameGeneratedActor.h"
AGameGeneratedActor::AGameGeneratedActor(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
	UGeneratedMeshComponent* mesh = PCIP.CreateDefaultSubobject<UGeneratedMeshComponent>(this, TEXT("GeneratedMesh"));
	//Contains the points describing the polyline we are going to rotate
	TArray<FVector> points;
	points.Add(FVector(20, 5, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(15, 6, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(12, 7, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(11, 8, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(8, 7, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(7, 6, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(4, 5, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(3, 4, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(2, 3, 0));
	points.Add(FVector(1, 4, 0));
	TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle> triangles;
	Lathe(points, triangles,128);
	RootComponent = mesh;
void AGameGeneratedActor::Lathe(const TArray<FVector>& points, TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle>& triangles, int segments) {
	UE_LOG(LogClass, Log, TEXT("AGameGeneratedActor::Lathe POINTS %d"), points.Num());
	TArray<FVector> verts;
	// precompute some trig
	float angle = FMath::DegreesToRadians(360.0f / segments);
	float sinA = FMath::Sin(angle);
	float cosA = FMath::Cos(angle);
	This implementation is rotation around the X Axis, other formulas below
	Z Axis Rotation
	x‘ = x*cos q - y*sin q
	y‘ = x*sin q + y*cos q
	z‘ = z
	X Axis Rotation
	y‘ = y*cos q - z*sin q
	z‘ = y*sin q + z*cos q
	x‘ = x
	Y Axis Rotation
	z‘ = z*cos q - x*sin q
	x‘ = z*sin q + x*cos q
	y‘ = y
	//Working point array, in which we keep the rotated line we draw with
	TArray<FVector> wp;
	for (int i = 0; i < points.Num(); i++) {
	// Add a first and last point on the axis to complete the triangles
	FVector p0(wp[0].X, 0, 0);
	FVector pLast(wp[wp.Num() - 1].X, 0, 0);
	FGeneratedMeshTriangle tri;
	//for each segment draw the triangles clockwise for normals pointing out or counterclockwise for the opposite (this here does CW)
	for (int segment = 0; segment<segments; segment++) {
		for (int i = 0; i<points.Num() - 1; i++) {
			FVector p1 = wp[i];
			FVector p2 = wp[i + 1];
			FVector p1r(p1.X, p1.Y*cosA - p1.Z*sinA, p1.Y*sinA + p1.Z*cosA);
			FVector p2r(p2.X, p2.Y*cosA - p2.Z*sinA, p2.Y*sinA + p2.Z*cosA);
			if (i == 0) {
				tri.Vertex0 = p1;
				tri.Vertex1 = p0;
				tri.Vertex2 = p1r;
			tri.Vertex0 = p1;
			tri.Vertex1 = p1r;
			tri.Vertex2 = p2;
			tri.Vertex0 = p2;
			tri.Vertex1 = p1r;
			tri.Vertex2 = p2r;
			if (i == points.Num() - 2) {
				tri.Vertex0 = p2;
				tri.Vertex1 = p2r;
				tri.Vertex2 = pLast;
				wp[i + 1] = p2r;
			wp[i] = p1r;

Spawning the Actor

Once the project has been compiled, the new classes are accessible by Blueprints. So you will need to hook up a SpawnActor in some blueprint and set its class to GameGeneratedActor(I used a PlayerController, and its hooked to a HUD event), and it should look like this (note: I use the transform before and after as it seems to not consider scale on the spawn. In this example I suggest a scale of 10, otherwise the object will be too small)

Once you run the game and trigger the spawn, it should look like this:

For more info, see this thread: Generate Procedural Mesh


Connecting standard UCustomMeshComponent

If you want to avoid code duplication and standard functionality of UCustomMeshComponent is more than enough for you, you can try to connect CustomMeshPlugin. To avoid link error you should use import/export macro for class:

// Copyright 1998-2014 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#pragma once
/** Component that allows you to specify custom triangle mesh geometry */
UCLASS(hidecategories=(Object,LOD, Physics, Collision), editinlinenew, meta=(BlueprintSpawnableComponent), ClassGroup=Rendering)
class CUSTOMMESHCOMPONENT_API UCustomMeshComponent : public UMeshComponent

Blueprint implementation

If you want to be able to generate a mesh from blueprints you can do this:

#include "GameFramework/Actor.h"
#include "ProceduralMeshComponent.h"
#include "CustomMeshBridge.generated.h"
 *  code by Frederic Artus Nieto
class SSS2_API ACustomMeshBridge : public AActor
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintPure, meta = (FriendlyName = "Make Triangle", Keywords = "New Triangle"), Category = ProceduralMesh)
		static FGeneratedMeshTriangle CreateTriangle(FVector vertex0, FVector vertex1, FVector vertex2);
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (FriendlyName = "Set Mesh Material", Keywords = "Set Mesh Material"), Category = ProceduralMesh)
		static void SetMeshMaterial(UProceduralMeshComponent* component, UMaterialInterface* Material);
	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, meta = (FriendlyName = "Set Mesh Triangles", Keywords = "Set Mesh Triangles"), Category = ProceduralMesh)
		static void SetMeshTriangles(UProceduralMeshComponent* component, TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle> Triangles);
// code by Frederic Artus Nieto
#include "SSS2.h"
#include "DynamicMeshBuilder.h"
#include "CustomMeshBridge.h"
#include "ConstructorHelpers.h"
ACustomMeshBridge::ACustomMeshBridge(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
	: Super(PCIP)
FGeneratedMeshTriangle ACustomMeshBridge::CreateTriangle(FVector vertex0, FVector vertex1, FVector vertex2)
	FGeneratedMeshTriangle tri;
	tri.Vertex0 = vertex0;
	tri.Vertex1 = vertex1;
	tri.Vertex2 = vertex2;
	return tri;
void ACustomMeshBridge::SetMeshMaterial(GameGeneratedActor * component, UMaterialInterface* Material)
	component->SetMaterial(0, Material);
void ACustomMeshBridge::SetMeshTriangles(GameGeneratedActor * component, TArray<FGeneratedMeshTriangle> Triangles)

Once you made this class, you will see some new nodes in the ProceduralMesh tab when you select a new node in the blueprint editor (you have to untick "Context Sensitive"). Note that you do need to have a GameGeneratedActor component in your actor to do that.

You then have to use the SetMeshTriangles node to apply the new triangles to the GameGeneratedActor. You can do it during runtime to make animated meshes (I had some laggy experience when updating too many vertices). You can apply a material to the mesh with the SetMeshMaterial node if you want. Note that there are no UVs.


Update 1

The UGeneratedMeshComponent class has been updated to include collisions. However, this is currently only available within the Editor, as it is related to cooking physics at runtime (which is not supported outside the Editor at this time). Epic will include the capability for version 4.2 or 4.3. See this thread and this thread. Thanks to all who participated in those threads for pointers, credit goes to them. Remember to set SetActorCollisionsEnabled(true) in your Actor! Dmacesic (talk) 18:04, 11 April 2014 (UTC)

Update 2

Added vertex color fix from Ryvar as per this post.

Update 3

RHICreateXXXBuffer function signature changed for 4.3. Put in macro code to make code work both for 4.2 and 4.3

Update 4

Code updated for UE4.5 : #include Version.h for ENGINE_MINOR_VERSION macro, GetMaterialRelevance(::SM5) , CreatePrimitiveUniformBufferImmediate() with UseEditorDepthTest() and comments on mesh collision in cooked game.

Update 5

Add information about solving link problem.

Update 6

Added an example of blueprint implementation. If you made a little build please post a screen of the bluprint if none is there.

External link


时间: 2024-12-30 19:47:01

UE4 在C++ 动态生成几何、BSP体、Brush ---- Mesh_Generation的相关文章


利用几何画板的动画效果可演示动态生态圆锥的过程,通过演示,让学生更加理解圆锥的形成过程,体会到动手实践在解决数学问题中的重要性. 利用几何画板动态生成圆锥的制作过程如下: 一.作一个虚线椭圆 二.作一个实线半椭圆 三.作圆锥的中截面 过A点作BF的垂线,在垂线上任取一个点I,连接BI和FI,得到圆锥的中截面:选中B1,调节椭圆,使其有较好的视觉效果. 四.动态生成圆锥 用鼠标选中椭圆轨迹,在其上任取一点J,连接IJ,即为动态母线:选中IJ,单击[度量]|[长度]|,得到IJ的长度:选中IJ和IJ


C#也能动态生成Word文档并填充数据 http://www.cnblogs.com/qyfan82/archive/2007/09/14/893293.html 引用http://blog.csdn.net/mengyao/archive/2007/09/13/1784079.aspx using System;using System.Collections.Generic;using System.ComponentModel;using System.Data;using System.


做自动化测试刚入门的时候,我们一般用Jemter配置请求url/port,请求方式,然后编写一条条case, 将对应的case中创建符合的请求body_sample 一般的后台接口,需要考虑的无非是如下: 正确的请求,验证数据库中对应的数据被创建/更新,验证Response中返回码匹配 异常的请求,对应下面的图 必传字段,一一验证,请求传入的必传字段1未传请求传入的必传字段2未传... 必传字段传空,一一验证,请求传入的必传字段1传空,验证返回xxx请求传入的必传字段2传空,验证返回xxx 请求

C# 动态生成WebService,无需添加引用

C#项目调用WebService是很常见的现象,但一旦修改链接地址就需要重新更新引用很是麻烦,这里跟大家分享一个通过地址,无需添加引用动态生成Webservice的小方法 方法类: 1 using System; 2 using System.Collections.Generic; 3 using System.Linq; 4 using System.Text; 5 using System.ServiceModel; 6 using System.ServiceModel.Channels


在开发后台服务的过程中,我们常常需要从数据库中取数据,并将数据缓存在本地中,另外,我们的服务还需要有更新数据的能力:包括定时的主动更新以及数据库数据更新时服务收到通知的被动更新. 之前在需要用到以上功能的时候,模仿着组内通用的数据Cache部分的代码来写,十分方便,基本上只需要自己写两个类:一个是取数据并缓存数据的类XXXData,一个是扇出数据的类XXXFetcher. 在需要使用数据的时候,通过: FetcherFactory::getFetcher<XXXFetcher>() 即可获取一

[搬运自我的CSDN博客] python抓取javascript动态生成HTML内容的实践

<注:CSDN博客在美国访问特别卡,所以转移到cnblogs来发文章> 本实验在Ubuntu14.04上完成.使用的浏览器是火狐(Firefox 33.0),python版本是2.7.6. 大家都知道用urllib配合正则表达式抓取静态HTML的内容很方便,但是如果网页中有javascript动态生成的内容,urllib就无能为力了. 此时我们要借助一个额外的工具:selenium.它的工作原理是操纵(火狐)浏览器浏览目标网页,等待网页中的javascript全部执行完毕后再对HTML源码进行


现在越来越多的用到二级甚至多级菜单,前台菜单的显示,手动指定也越来越不能满足要求,所以,动态生成菜单是必须的 思路 + 示例代码(以二级菜单为例) 先取出一级菜单内容值,接下来遍历一级菜单,将其id当做本次检索的parentid,将与之对应的二级菜单值获取到, 并加入到当前数组中(后台) 二层循环,当获取一个值时,检查其对于的二级菜单项是否有数据,有的话,则输出来,没有则跳过(前台) 以PHP后台为例 $res = mysql_query('*** where parentid = 0');  


原文:http://www.open-open.com/lib/view/open1416193847945.html "我现在是有些图片需要生成缩略图,这个现在加了image_filter这个已经实现了,但我不知道怎么样才能访问我上传的原图" 刚开始觉得也不太好弄,让他用程序区处理,实际上稍微动脑筋分析一下也可以不修改程序实现动态生成缩略图且能够访问原图. 前提是需要定好图片的访问规则. 先来看一下什么是nginx的image filter模块. HttpImageFilterMod


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