use Authen::SASL;
sub sendmail ($$$){
my $from = shift ;
my $to = shift ;
$to = $1 if $to =~ /<(.*?)>/;
my $body = shift ;
if ( $cfg ->;{General}{mailhost} and
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new([ split /\s*,\s*/, $cfg ->{General}{mailhost}], Timeout =>5) ){
$smtp ->auth( split (/\s*,\s*/, $cfg ->{General}{mailusr}), split (/\s*,\s*/, $cfg ->{General}{mailpwd}));
$smtp ->mail( $from );
$smtp ->to( split (/\s*,\s*/, $to ));
$smtp ->data();
$smtp ->datasend( $body );
$smtp ->dataend();
$smtp ->quit;
} elsif ( $cfg ->{General}{sendmail} or -x "/usr/lib/sendmail" ){
open (M, "|-" ) || exec (( $cfg ->{General}{sendmail} || "/usr/lib/sendmail" ), "-f" , $from , $to );
print M $body ;
close M;
} else {
warn "ERROR: not sending mail to $to, as all methodes failed\n" ;
#找到 ‘_vars =>‘ ,把 mailusr mailpwd 加进去。不然不能启动哦!General configuration values valid for the whole SmokePing setup.
_vars =>
[ qw(owner imgcache imgurl datadir dyndir pagedir piddir sendmail offset
smokemail cgiurl mailhost mailusr mailpwd snpphost contact display_name
syslogfacility syslogpriority concurrentprobes changeprocessnames tmail
changecgiprogramname linkstyle precreateperms ) ],