








What is Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes develops when the insulin-producing cells in the body are unable to produce enough insulin, or when the insulin that is produced does not work properly (known as insulin resistance).

Who typically gets Type 2 diabetes?

Type 2 diabetes usually appears in people over the age of 40, though in South Asian people, who are at greater risk, it often appears from the age of 25. It is also increasingly becoming more common in children, adolescents and young people of all ethnicities. Type 2 diabetes accounts for between 85 and 95 per cent of all people with diabetes and is treated with a healthy diet and increased physical activity. In addition to this, medication and/or insulin are often required.

In Type 2 diabetes there is not enough insulin (or the insulin isn’t working properly), so the cells are only partially unlocked  and glucose builds up in the blood.

What is insulin?

Insulin is a hormone. It works as a chemical messenger that helps your body use the glucose in your blood to give you energy. You can think of it as the key that unlocks the door to the body’s cells. Once the door is unlocked glucose can enter the cells where it is used as fuel.

Type 2 diabetes in children

The vast majority of children with diabetes have Type 1 diabetes, but an increasing number are now developing Type 2 diabetes.You can find out more in our children‘s section here. The International Society for Paediatric and Adolescent Diabetes (ISPAD) has produced guidelines for the management of Type 2 diabetes in children; go to www.ispad.org for further


At the moment, there is nothing we can do to prevent Type 1 diabetes. But around 80 per cent of cases of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented or delayed by maintaining a healthy weight, eating well and being active. Find out if you‘re at risk, and how small changes now could make a big difference to your health in the future.

You are more at risk of Type 2 diabetes if:

  • You’re overweight or have a high Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • You have a large waist (more than 80cm/31.5 inches in women, 94 cm/37 inches in men or 90cm/35 inches in South Asian men)
  • You’re from an African-Caribbean, Black African, Chinese or South Asian background and over 25
  • You’re from another ethnic background and over 40
  • You have a parent, brother or sister with diabetes
  • You have ever had high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke
  • You have a history of polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes or have given birth to a baby over 10 pounds/4.5kg
  • You suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar illness or depression, or you are taking anti-psychotic medication
  • You have impaired glucose regulation.
  • 二型糖尿病致病参考数据:
  • Before you take the test, you need to take a few measurements: your waist size, your height and your weight.
  • 测试腰围,体重,身高

Diabetes risk factors

About 90 per cent of people with diabetes have Type 2 diabetes. It can come on slowly, usually over the age of 40. The symptoms may not be obvious, or there may be no symptoms at all, therefore it might be up to 10 years before you learn that you have it. It’s important to understand your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, so you can take action now to reduce your risk and watch out for the symptoms.

You are more at risk of Type 2 diabetes if:

  • You’re overweight or have a high Body Mass Index (BMI)
  • You have a large waist (more than 80cm/31.5 inches in women, 94 cm/37 inches in men or 90cm/35 inches in South Asian men)
  • You’re from an African-Caribbean, Black African, Chinese or South Asian background and over 25
  • You’re from another ethnic background and over 40
  • You have a parent, brother or sister with diabetes
  • You have ever had high blood pressure, a heart attack or a stroke
  • You have a history of polycystic ovaries, gestational diabetes or have given birth to a baby over 10 pounds/4.5kg
  • You suffer from schizophrenia, bipolar illness or depression, or you are taking anti-psychotic medication
  • You have impaired glucose regulation.

Our free online risk test only takes a few minutes to calculate your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. It will help you understand if there are changes you could make to reduce your risk.

Before you take the test, you need to take a few measurements: your waist size, your height and your weight.

Measure your waist size

Your waist size is not necessarily your trouser size. To get an accurate waist measurement, find the bottom of your ribcage and the top of your hip bone. Measure around your middle at a point midway between these (for most people this will be the tummy button).

Watch our video for tips on how to get an accurate waist measurement.


时间: 2024-10-12 23:26:37



What is Type 1 diabetes? Type 1 diabetes develops when the insulin-producing cells in the body have been destroyed and the body is unable to produce any insulin. Who typically gets Type 1 diabetes? Type 1 diabetes accounts for about 10 per cent of al

基因疗法 中国科学家利用基因疗法成功逆转1型糖尿病进程

基因疗法中国科学家利用基因疗法成功逆转1型糖尿病进程 中国研究人员4日报告说,他们运用基因治疗技术,让1型糖尿病小鼠体内产生大量欧米茄-3脂肪酸,成功逆转疾病进程.这为治愈饱受1型糖尿病折磨的患者带来了新希望.这项由广东工业大学赵子建及李芳红两名教授领军完成的研究发表在新一期美国<临床检查杂志>上. 1型糖尿病是一种自身免疫疾病,其患者自身免疫系统会错误攻击并摧毁分泌胰岛素的胰岛细胞,从而导致胰岛功能丧失并最终发展为1型糖尿病.1型糖尿病多发于青少年,因此也曾被称为青少年糖尿病. 据赵子建介绍


http://riskscore.diabetes.org.uk/start 参数: 身高 体重 腰围 Hi Toby. Your results show that you have a 1 in 10 chance of developing Type 2 diabetes in the next 10 years. You can't change your genes - but if your score is related to lifestyle, a few small cha


http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E7%B3%96%E5%B0%BF%E7%97%85 糖尿病(英语:Diabetes mellitus )是一类代谢性疾病,它的特征是血糖长时间高于标准值[2].高血糖会造成三多一少的症状:吃多.喝多.尿多.以及体重下降.如果未经治疗,糖尿病可能引发许多并发症[3] .急性并发症包括糖尿病酮酸血症与高渗透压高血糖非酮酸性昏迷[4]:严重的长程并发症则包括心血管疾病.中风.慢性肾脏病.糖尿病足.以及视网膜病变等[3]. 糖尿病的成因有二:


来自惠州的杨阿姨,患糖尿病17年了,这些年来因为糖尿病的影响,她的体重逐年递增,从苗条美丽的120斤上升到189斤,逐渐变成了一个"糖胖"人. 10年控糖不佳,并发症缠一身 查出糖尿病时,杨阿姨并未在意,她说:"刚患上糖尿病,不痛不痒的,能吃能动,加上当时比较忙,就没放在心上".直到出现糖尿病并发症后,她开始接受治疗.从2007年开始口服降糖药治疗,经过多重内科治疗近10年,血糖控制很不理想,导致并发症缠一身.现在已出现:糖尿病视网膜病变.糖尿病肾病.心血管病变.糖


糖尿病相关资源 网罗糖尿病及糖尿病卫教知识的层面可分成书籍.网络以及多媒体三大方面,其中多媒体教学最为薄弱,实在有待以后积极加强,而在糖尿病卫教专书方面,目前也是相当欠缺的,事实上过去糖尿病卫教学会对糖尿病卫教之议题加以讨论者已甚多,如能由糖尿病卫教学会或糖尿病学会,编辑出一套指引的书,是大家最盼望的事了. [网站]国内糖尿病网站 [中文]中华民国糖尿病卫教学会  http://www.tade.org.tw/台北荣民总医院          http://www.vghtpe.gov.tw/ 


▃▅▆▇南 昌 宏 昌 医 院▇▆▅▃医院地址:南昌市象山南路68号(与船山路交叉口) 据最新统计,我国目前约有5000万人正面临着糖尿病的威胁.可是,很多糖尿病患者对尿蛋白没有概念,若肾脏的机能正常,在尿液中出现的蛋白量只有一点 点,人体排出的尿蛋白量明显增多,属于异常尿蛋白,尿蛋白持续阳性,往往代表肾脏发生了病变,故临床可依据尿蛋白阳性的多少来判定肾病损伤的程度以及肾病 治疗的效果. 有大约10-25%的2型糖尿病患者在确诊时就已经有微量蛋白尿,还有少数已经有临床蛋白尿存在了. 如何早期诊断


▃▅▆▇南 昌 宏 昌 医 院▇▆▅▃医院地址:南昌市象山南路68号(与船山路交叉口) 众所周知,糖尿病的治疗主要是血糖的控制,医生跟我们常说的也是控制血糖过高.可是你知道吗,对于老年糖尿病患者来说,低血糖的危害其实比高血糖危害大. 大家会奇怪,糖尿病的危害是因高血糖,怎么会因低血糖呢?其实高血糖的确应降下来,但降到什么程度为好,要看各人情况而有所不同.1993年的研究认为严 格控制血糖接近正常,可以预防三分之二的微血管并发症.这是对的,但这是儿童1型糖尿病.近年一些大型研究,发现对有些病人严格

