Lock-free vs. wait-free concurrency

There are two types of non-blocking thread synchronization algorithms
- lock-free, and wait-free. Their meaning is often confused. In lock-free systems, while any particular computation may be blocked for some period of time, all CPUs are able to continue performing other computations. To put it differently, while a given thread
might be blocked by other threads in a lock-free system, all CPUs can continue doing other useful work without stalls. Lock-free algorithms increase the overall throughput of a system by occassionally increasing the latency of a particular transaction. Most
high-end(多终端) database systems are based on lock-free algorithms, to varying degrees.(一定程度上)

By contrast, wait-free algorithms ensure that in addition to all CPUs continuing to do useful work, no computation can ever be blocked by another computation. Wait-free algorithms have stronger guarantees than
lock-free algorithms, and ensure a high thorughput without sacrificing latency of a particular transaction. They‘re also much harder to implement, test, and debug. The lockless
page cache
 patches to the Linux kernel are an example of a wait-free system.

In a situation where a system handles dozens of concurrent transactions and has soft
latency requirements
, lock-free systems are a good compromise between development complexity and high concurrency requirements. A database server for a website is a good candidate for a lock-free design. While any given transaction might block, there are
always more transactions to process in the meantime, so the CPUs will never stay idle. The challenge is to build a transaction scheduler that maintains a good mean latency, and a well bounded standard deviation.

In a scenario where a system has roughly as many concurrent transactions as CPU cores, or has hard real-time requirements, the developers need to spend the extra time to build wait-free systems. In these cases
blocking a single transaction isn‘t acceptable - either because there are no other transactions for the CPUs to handle, minimizing the throughput, or a given transaction needs to complete with a well defined non-probabilistic time period. Nuclear reactor control
software is a good candidate for wait-free systems.

RethinkDB is a lock-free system. On a machine with N CPU cores, under most common workloads, we can gurantee that no core will stay idle and no IO pipeline capacity is wasted as long as there are roughly N * 4
concurrent transactions. For example, on an eight core system, no piece of hardware will sit idle if RethinkDB is handling roughly 32 concurrent transactions or more. If there are fewer than 32 transactions, you‘ve likely overpaid for some of the cores. (Of
course if you only have 32 concurrent transactions, you don‘t need an eight-core machine).

Wiki Explanation :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-blocking_synchronization;

IBM Blog:http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/l-cn-lockfree/index.html;

STM(MVCC Implementation):http://blog.hongtium.com/software-transactional-memory;

Lock-free vs. wait-free concurrency

时间: 2024-08-12 20:09:55

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